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Overview of Job Site/Facility/Plant.

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AGCR Best Safety Practices, Progress on Past Observation and Documentation.

  • Has the last safety inspection of this job site/plant/facility been reviewed and all previous recommendations completed?

  • Are safety inspections completed at least once a week?

  • Are safety tailgate meetings completed at least once a week?

  • Are JSA/JHA/ HSA's being completed for all job hazards?

  • Are storm water and waste water plans (SWWP) in place where required?

  • Where the members safety professionals involved in the pre-construction meetings with all subcontractors and foremen?

On Site Administrative Procedures

  • Are all personnel on job site properly trained? (workers, contractors, visitors)

  • Is there a completed Site Safety Plan?

  • Are all necessary posters and permits (Council, EPA, building and water permits, Hot Works, Confined Space permits, OSHA posted or electronic, etc) in place?

  • Is there proper supervision for work force on site?

  • Has there been proper training, licenses, skills, experience before starting work on site for all members employees/subcontractors?

  • Will someone be assigned to follow-up on outstanding issues?

  • Is there adequate procedures in place for incident/accident/near miss notifications?

  • Are the silica practices being properly implemented?

  • Do all subcontractors (first and lower) tier provide safety talks and inspections to their employees on a weekly basis?

  • Are “Danger and Caution” Tape being used correctly throughout the job site?

  • Are portable emergency eye wash stations located throughout the job site and out of the direct sunlight?

  • Are all COVID-19 safety protocols being followed?

Harness and Equipment

  • Are all harnesses inspected prior to each use to insure there is no damage?

  • Are lanyards and harnesses inspected prior to each use for non compliance issues?

  • Has there been formal training on how and when to wear harnesses?

  • Does all fall protection have labels that meet OSHA (Cal-OSHA) Standards?

  • Are all "D" rings, hooks/equipment compatible?

  • Are anchor points certified for weight and type of work being completed?

  • Are rope grabs being used correctly with limited slack in the lines?

  • Are elevation changes greater than 19" property protected?

Trenching and Excavation Safety

  • Are all excavations adequately barricaded?

  • Are spill piles set back at least 2' or more?

  • Are there adequate exits and enters leading into and out of the trench or excavation?

  • Are all Class "C" soils sloped at a 1 to 1-1/2 ratio with no benching?

  • Does shoring or piling meet the 18" clearance with proper set backs and barricading?

  • Are all workers in the trenches located away from equipment and materials?

  • Are all excavations properly protected during breaks or when left unattended?

Fall Protection/Prevention

  • Are all potential fall risks of 5’ or more properly protected? (Best Practices)

  • Is there proper leading edge protection and warning lines?

  • Was there a fall protection plan submitted prior to any elevated work being completed?

  • Are each line flagged or otherwise clearly marked at not more than 6-foot intervals with high-visibility material?

  • If roofing is being completed and are roofers following the 6' set back standard or do they have a designated competent person with different colored safety vest ?

  • Are roofing workers properly tied off after 20’ ?

  • Are roofers using fall protection equipment ( rope grabs, tie offs, anchor points and lanyards) properly?

  • Are non-roofing subcontractors following the 15' set back standard and/or fall protection equipment properly?


  • Are all scaffold components compatible and does the labeling meet or exceed OSHA (Cal-OSHA) Standards?

  • Is the manufactures Safe Work Load (SWL) under standard limits? (tools, stored materials, number of persons)?

  • Is there a formal inspection protocol for scaffolding?

  • Are specific scaffolding planks being used and do they have the proper overlap?

  • Was scaffolding installed by a licensed erector?

  • Are proper kick plates, mid rails, top rails and end rails in place?

  • Are scaffold footings level and secured?

  • Are all mobile scaffolds (bakers scaffolding) wheels locked when in use and guarded properly?

  • Is mobile scaffolding being used properly especially near leading edges?

  • Is scaffolding being used above 6’ have the proper handrail system installed including outriggers?

Tools, Equipment and Machinery

  • Is all equipment/machinery properly guarded?

  • Are all tools and equipment being used for there intended purpose?(ex. grinding discs for grinding not cutting)

  • Are all tools and equipment in compliance with silica standard ?

  • Are attachments compatible for tools and equipment and have vacuum and hepta filters?

  • Is all equipment and machinery being used by qualified and competent persons?

  • Are all powder activated tools being used properly and have the proper signage posted?

  • Are proper signs installed when Lasers are being used on job site?

  • Are there proper LOTO procedures for cleaning, servicing and maintenance of equipment/machinery?

Lifting Equipment

  • Are safety hasps in proper condition were loads are being lifted over persons, close proximity to obstacles incl. overhead power lines?

  • Are operators within 25' unobstructed to the running equipment?

  • Is SWL information displayed?

  • Is there a record of daily inspections for seat belts, fire extinguishers and back up alarms?

  • Is lifting equipment, including ropes, slings, chains, hooks monitored on a daily basis?

  • Have operators been trained by a competent person?

  • Are air horns are other signals used during overhead lifts?

  • During lifts are tag lines being used properly?

  • Are riggers and crane operators properly certified and have proper licenses?

  • Are lifting plans reviewed prior to lifts occurring?

  • Is there a protection plan in place for possible contact with overhead electrical lines?

  • Is danger tape used around the swing radius of crane to keep unauthorized personnel from entering the area?


  • Are all ladders on the job site being used properly?

  • Are all ladders properly secured, labeled and in good structural condition?

  • Are ladders extended over 3'1/2" of the landing area?

  • Is the ladder suitable for the job being completed? (ex. metal ladder used for electrical work, proper height for the job task being completed)

  • Are stored properly when not in use? (This includes whenever the ladder is unattended)

Hazardous Chemical Safety

  • Are material safety data sheets (SDS) provided and available for all chemicals found on site?

  • Are all containers properly labelled?

  • Is there adequate ventilation, PPE (safety glasses, face shield, gloves) and emergency eye wash station and showers on site?

  • Are all hazardous materials being properly stored and disposed of?

  • Are chemicals stored in proper areas? (ex. flammables near ignition sources, spills could enter stormwater drains, etc)

  • Are incapable chemicals stored away from each other?

  • Is there adequate spill containment equipment on site?

  • Are there emergency procedures for injury/spills/fire etc posted on site?

  • Are chemicals/flammables/combustibles stored on site or in vehicles of proper quantiles?

  • Are adequate secondary storage containers being used ? (Ex. Labeled and stored in food containers)

Emergency Response

  • Are emergency plans posted on site?

  • Are first aid kits and aid equipment on site up to date?

  • Are there formally trained First Aiders on site for all shifts?

Traffic Management

  • Is there an adequate Traffic Management Plan (TMP) in place?

  • Are there certified flaggers being used for traffic control?

  • Are there adequate traffic controls for TMP? (physical barriers, bollards, speed limits, flashing lights, spotters, etc)

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

  • Is there adequate PPE being used on site, including sun protection?

  • Is there a system to issue, inspect, replace and monitor PPE?

  • Is there adequate training in safe use, clean-up and inspection of PPE?

  • Are respiratory's appropriate for job tasks, fit tested, and well maintained?

  • Have employees had physical examinations to insure they are able to wear a respirator if required by hours of use or job description?

  • Are heat illness procedures (water & shade) in place when temperatures exceed 85 degrees?

Electrical Safety

  • Are all portable power tools monitored for frayed or damaged cords?

  • Is there GFCI Protection in place or are electrical cords properly color coded using the (CalOSHA and OSHA) quarterly codes?

  • Are electrical cords in good working condition with proper grounding plugs?

  • Is there GFCI protection for outlets located within 6' of a water source or supply?

  • Are all electrical outlets, panels, etc.properly labeled and secured?

  • Are all temporary electrical panels off the ground at least 3’ and properly secured?

  • Are electrical panels and outlets properly protected against overloading?

  • Are extension cords the proper gauge for industrial work and being used properly?

  • Are proper LO/TO procedures being followed and enforced?

  • Is electrical equipment located away from chemicals that could cause damage?

  • Are electrical cords located away from high traffic areas were they could be damaged from contact with moving machinery?

Job Site Hazards

  • Are "hot work" safety procedures being followed? ( spotter, fire extinguisher, etc.)

  • Is general lighting throughout the job site 5 footcandles or more?

  • Are all walkways, stairwells, stairs and staging areas free of all slip, trip and fall hazards?

  • Are all floor openings greater then 2” properly marked and covered at all times?

  • Are noise levels properly controlled on site?

  • Are all protrusions properly protected? (Rebar Caps, etc.)

  • Are all compressed gas cylinders properly secured and stored?

  • Are all oxygen and acetylene tanks on a portable cart separated by metal plate that has a fire rating of 1-1/2 hours?

  • Are welding cords free of strained leads?

  • Are all welding grounding the lines as close to welds as possible?

  • Are all welding areas using protective screens and proper ventilation when welding?

  • Are all welders using shading of at least 12 or greater and wearing safety glasses under their welding hoods?

  • Are all confine spaces properly identified and monitored with appropriate controls in place?

  • Are all caught in and between hazards properly identified and controlled?

  • Are all walking and working surfaces free of clutter?

  • Are all struck by/ against hazards properly identified and controlled?

  • Are good housekeeping procedures being followed on site?

  • Is air quality within standard threshold limits?

  • Are fleet safety policies in place for all company driven vehicles?

Additional Safety Issues

Sign Off

  • On site representative

  • Auditor's signature

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.