
  • 2014/01

  • Workplace Inspection Checklist - Attorney-General's Department

  • Business Unit

  • Location
  • Date and Time of Inspection

  • Refer to Procedure - Workplace Inspection for further information about requirements and responsibilities.

    1. To be completed every six months for all Business Unit worksites. Process should take about one hour to complete.
    2. Establish the inspection team - for each worksite this should comprise of a Manager, an employee and a Health and Safety Representative (where the work group has one) as a minimum, and other staff as required.
    3. Walk-through - the inspection team are to walk around their respective worksites answering questions of each inspection checklist criteria and documenting any comments and non-conformance detail.
    4. Gather the evidence - in order to obtain accurate findings, both visual inspection samples and questioning of a sample of employees in the workplace should be included in the process.
    5. Develop and document corrective actions - for inspection items rated 'not acceptable', the inspection team should document corrective actions on the Workplace Inspection Action Plan in consultation with staff responsible.
    6. Send original of completed Checklist to Copy to be kept on file with the Business Unit for monitoring of actions.

  • For further assistance with this process, please contact Workforce Wellbeing on 8204 9469 or 8207 2283.


A. Office Environment

A. Office Environment

  • 1. Is the temperature comfortable?

  • If no, comment on immediate action taken or record action in the Worksite Inspection Action Plan.

  • General ventilation provisions are sufficient.
    Temperature and humidity control is sufficient.

  • 2. Lighting appears to be suitable.

  • If no, comment on immediate action taken or record action in the Worksite Inspection Action Plan.

  • Lighting levels are sufficient and not excessive for:
    general tasks;
    movement throughout the workplace; and
    tasks that have specific lighting requirements.
    Glare from both external and internal light is controlled.

  • 3. Floors are even, non-slip, and free of obstructions.

  • If no, comment on immediate action taken or record action in the Worksite Inspection Action Plan.

  • Floors are in suitable condition - not uneven, rough, slippery, torn, damaged etc.

  • 4. Walkways and corridors are unobstructed and free of sharp edges and corners.

  • If no, comment on immediate action taken or record action in the Worksite Inspection Action Plan.

  • Kept clear of furtniture, boxes, equipment, cables and other obstacles.

  • 5. Access to workstations is at least 600mm wide.

  • If no, comment on immediate action taken or record action in the Worksite Inspection Action Plan.

  • Suitable access and egress to and from workstations. Check random workstations or workstations where access and egress appears to be less.

  • 6. Filing cabinet drawers close properly.

  • If no, comment on immediate action taken or record action in the Worksite Inspection Action Plan

  • Check filing cabinets are not damanged and not overloaded.

  • 7. Each person has at least 3 square metres of floor space.

  • If no, comment on immediate action taken or record action in the Worksite Inspection Action Plan

  • Randomly select a couple of workstations and check measurements or alternatively check workstations that appear smaller.

  • 8. The following are clean:<br>Windows, window ledges and blinds;<br>Floors;<br>Telephones;<br>Worktops;<br>Shelves and storage space; and<br>Air conditioning outlets

  • If no, comment on immediate action taken or record action in the Worksite Inspection Action Plan

  • Check the condition and maintenance of a clean area.
    Check with Office Manager or person in office responsible for arranging purchase and installation of equipment regarding regular cleaning schedule of contractors.

  • 9. Rubbish and office waste is removed daily.

  • If no, comment on immediate action taken or record action in the Worksite Inspection Action Plan.

  • Check workstations, meeting rooms and kitchens.
    Bins are not full and overflowing.

  • 10. Effective processes to monitor employee whereabouts are in place.

  • If no, comment on immediate action taken or record action in the Worksite Inspection Action Plan.

  • Electronic, whiteboard, email, verbal etc.


B. Office Equipment

B. Office Equipment

  • 1. Risk assessments have been completed for all office equipment on site.

  • If no, comment on immediate action taken or record action in the Worksite Inspection Action Plan.

  • Refer Office Manager or person in office responsbile for arranging purchase and installation of equipment.

  • 2. Equipment is not at risk of falling.

  • If no, comment on immediate action taken or record action in the Worksite Inspection Action Plan.

  • Equipment is located and stored appropriately.

  • 3. Equipment has telephone numbers to report faults.

  • If no, comment on immediate action taken or record in the Worksite Inspection Action Plan.

  • Photocopiers, printers and fax machines etc.

  • 4. Photocopiers are suitably isolated to minimise noise.

  • If no, comment on immediate action taken or record in the Worksite Inspection Action Plan.

  • Check located in a separate room or office.

  • 5. Filing cabinets, shelves and cupboards are safe from tippling over

  • If no, comment on immediate action taken or record in the Worksite Inspection Action Plan.

  • Storage furniture is not loaded so it is top heavy. Heavy items are stored below waist height.

  • 6. Equipment corners and sharp edges do not present a risk.

  • If no, comment on immediate action taken or record in the Worksite Inspection Action Plan

  • Equipment is located and stored appropriately.

  • 7. Noisy equipment is sufficiently isolated.

  • If no, comment on immediate action taken or record in the Worksite Inspection Action Plan.

  • Photocopiers, printers and fax machines etc.

  • 8. Electric staplers, guillotines and other sharp devices are adequately guarded.

  • If no, comment on immediate action taken or record in the Worksite Inspection Action Plan.

  • Suitable guards exist (not missing, broken or faulty etc).


C. Storage

C. Storage

  • 1. Storage space is adequate for the work involved.

  • If no, comment on immediate action taken or record in the Worksite Inspection Action Plan.

  • Work not stored in boxes under desks around office.

  • 2. Storage facilities are in good conition and used properly.

  • If no, comment on immediate action taken or record in the Worksite Inspection Action Plan.

  • Shelves, drawers and cupboards are not broken and misused, properly constructed and secured to prevent falling. Storage rooms are neat and tidy.

  • 3. Heavy items are stored below waist height.

  • If no, comment on immediate action taken or record in the Worksite Inspection Action Plan.

  • Equipment, boxes etc. Storage above shoulder height is avoided.

  • 4. Frequently used items are stored at about waist height.

  • If no, comment on immediate action taken or record in the Worksite Inspection Action Plan.

  • Check that excessive bending or reaching is avoided.

  • 5. Items stored above head height are secure and unlikely to fall.

  • If no, comment on immediate action taken or record in the Worksite Inspection Action Plan.

  • Files in compactus are left tidy and pusched back in place. Stored material is secured to prevent shifting or falling.

  • 6. Trolleys and lifting aids are available and in good condition.

  • If no, comment on immediate action taken or record in the Worksite Inspection Action Plan.

  • Check employees know where they are located, that employees use them and what they are used for. Check they are clean and in working order and are appropriate to the task/s being undertaken.

  • 7. Compactors can be moved easily without strain, and are maintained appropriately.

  • If no, comment on immediate action taken or record in the Worksite Inspection Action Plan.

  • Check compactors slide easily.


D. Workstations

D. Workstations

  • 1. Chairs are adjustable and in good condition.

  • If no, comment on immediate action taken or record in the Worksite Inspection Action Plan.

  • Chairs are suitable for purpose, can be adjusted to suit user, are stable and appear in good condition.

  • 2. Workstations satisfy ergonomic requirements.

  • If no, comment on immediate action taken or record in the Worksite Inspection Action Plan.

  • Refer to quick workstation assessment avialable on the AGD Intranet (username: agd password: agdpp).

  • 3. Footrests are available if required.

  • If no, comment on immediate action taken or record in the Worksite Inspection Action Plan.

  • Available locally and or can be ordered if required.

  • 4. Table and desk tops are adjustable where necessary.

  • If no, comment on immediate action taken or record in the Worksite Inspection Action Plan.

  • Check workstations used by multiple users.

  • 5. Workstations are stable.

  • If no, comment on immediate action taken or record in the Worksite Inspection Action Plan.

  • Check for uneven footings (workstations not overloaded with equipment or files).


E. Amenities

E. Amenities

  • 1. Male and female toilets are accessible and clean.

  • If no, comment on immediate action taken or record in the Worksite Inspection Action Plan.

  • Toilet and other water-based units are free of leaks.

  • 2. Hand washing facilities and soap are available.

  • If no, comment on immediate action taken or record in the Worksite Inspection Action Plan.

  • Taps do not cause splashing and are free of leaks.

  • 3. Drinking water is available.

  • If no, comment on immediate action taken or record in the Worksite Inspection Action Plan.

  • Check kitchen filter taps and taps in good condition and in working order.

  • 4. A clean refrigerator, clean utensils, a sink and a facility for boiling water are available.

  • If no, comment on immediate action taken or record in the Worksite Inspection Action Plan.

  • Kitchen roster, dedicated staff member, cleaner etc.

  • 5. Dining facilities are clean and separate from hazards and contaminants.

  • If no, comment on immediate action taken or record in the Worksite Inspection Action Plan.

  • Inspect tables and chairs and general presentation and cleanliness of dining area/s.


F. First Aid

F. First Aid

  • 1. An adequate number of qualified First Aid Officers are accessible.

  • If no, comment on immediate action taken or record in the Worksite Inspection Action Plan.

  • Refer business unit contact list. Refer First Aid Officer re assessment of numbers of officers required based on risk.

  • 2. Names of the First Aid Officers are clearly visible on posters/ phone lists.

  • If no, comment on immediate action taken or record in the Worksite Inspection Action Plan.

  • Consider how and where these are located. Are lists and contact details up-to-date. Check (at random) if staff members are aware of who their first aid officer is and where the list is located.

  • 3. An adequate number of first aid kits are available.

  • If no, comment on immediate action taken or record in the Worksite Inspection Action Plan.

  • Consider the number and location of kits.

  • 4. First aid kits can be easily identified by appropriate signage.

  • If no, comment on immediate action taken or record in the Worksite Inspection Action Plan.

  • Consider type and method of signage. Check (at random) if staff members readily identify location of first aid kits.

  • 5. First aid kits are maintained regularly.

  • If no, comment on immediate action taken or record in the Worksite Inspection Action Plan.

  • Refer to Frist Aid Officer or Office Manager regarding maintenance.

  • 6. First Aid Officers maintain confidential first aid records.

  • If no, comment on immediate action taken or record in the Worksite Inspection Action Plan.

  • Refer Frist Aid Officer regarding process and approach to confidentiality.

  • 7. A sick room (or appropriate administrative arrangements to manage staff who fall sick at work is available and staff are made aware of this.

  • If no, comment on immediate action taken or record in the Worksite Inspection Action Plan.

  • Check (at random) if staff are aware of the location of the sick room and how to access it. Is there adequate signage or information for staff?

  • 8. The sick room is kept clean, tidy and ready for use.

  • If no, comment on immediate action taken or record in the Worksite Inspection Action Plan.

  • Inspect sick room for cleanliness and tidiness.

  • 9. If there is a risk of hazardous chemicals, serious burns or infectious substances; immediate access to eye wash and shower equipment is available?

  • If no, comment on immediate action taken or record in the Worksite Inspection Action Plan.

  • Consider if there is a risk. Check immediate access to eye wash and shower equipment/ facilities.


G. Emergency Facilities / Procedures

G. Emergency Facilities/ Procedures

  • 1. An emergency evacuation plan for the workplace is available.

  • If no, comment on immediate action taken or record in the Worksite Inspection Action Plan.

  • Refer Fire Warden.

  • 2. The emergency plan is displayed at building exits.

  • If no, comment on immediate action taken or record in the Worksite Inspection Action Plan.

  • Check exits for plan.

  • 3. Emergency exits are clearly marked.

  • If no, comment on immediate action taken or record in the Worksite Inspection Action Plan.

  • Check for adequate signage.

  • 4. Staff are aware of the emergency plan (check with staff at random).

  • If no, comment on immediate action taken or record in the Worksite Inspection Action Plan.

  • Check (at random) if staff members are aware of the emergency plan.

  • 5. An adequate number of qualified Fire Wardens are available.

  • If no, comment on immediate action taken or record in the Worksite Inspection Action Plan.

  • Refer Fire Warden/s.

  • 6. Fire Wardens have been adequately trained in evacuation procedures (check date of training)

  • If no, comment on immediate action taken or record in the Worksite Inspection Action Plan.

  • Refer Fire Wardens.

  • 7. Emergency Exits are unlocked.

  • If no, comment on immediate action taken or record in the Worksite Inspection Action Plan.

  • Check emergency exits are unlocked.

  • 8. The passageways to emergency exits are clear of obstacles.

  • If no, comment on immediate action taken or record in the Worksite Inspection Action Plan.

  • Emergency exits are kept clear of furniture, boxes, equipment, cables and other obstacles.

  • 9. Evacuation drills occur annually (check dates).

  • If no, comment on immediate action taken or record in the Worksite Inspection Action Plan.

  • Refer Fire Wardens.

  • 10. The auditable alarm is tested frequently

  • If no, comment on immediate action taken or record in the Worksite Inspection Action Plan

  • Refer Fire Wardens.

  • 11. Smoke detectors and sprinkler heads are in good condition and not obstructed by stored materials.

  • If no, comment on immediate action taken or record in the Worksite Inspection Action Plan.

  • Visual check of condition and obstruction or potential obstruction.


H. Fire Prevention

H. Fire Prevention

  • 1. Fire extinguishers are correctly identified by signs.

  • If no, comment on immediate action taken or record action in the Worksite Inspection Action Plan.

  • Check (at random) if staff members readily idenitfy location of fire extinguishers.

  • 2. Fire extinguishers are checked regularly (check tags)

  • If no, comment on immediate action taken or record action in the Worksite Inspection Action Plan.

  • Check all tags or alternatively undertake a random check of tags.

  • 3. Access to fire extinguishers and hoses is unobstructed.

  • If no, comment on immediate action taken or record action in the Worksite Inspection Action Plan.

  • Check fire extinguishers are not obstructed by furtniture, boxes, equipment or personal belongoings.

  • 4. Fire alarms are functioning and tested regularly.

  • If no, comment on immediate action taken or record action in the Worksite Inspection Action Plan.

  • Refer Fire Wardens.


I. Electrical

  • 1. Portable electrical equipment is tested and tagged (check records).

  • If no, comment on immediate action taken or record action in the Worksite Inspection Action Plan.

  • Check electrical equipment is tested at appropriate interverals.

  • 2. Testing records are kept on or near the electrical device (check tag).

  • If no, comment on immediate action taken or record action in the Worksite Inspection Action Plan.

  • Random check of testing records - black and white tag (sticker), date tested and next test due. Check test is not overdue.

  • 3. Extension cords are appropriately secured.

  • If no, comment on immediate action taken or record action in the Worksite Inspection Action Plan.

  • Check that extension leads are only used for temporary, short-term power connections.

  • 4. Electrical leads and equipment are undamaged and not fraying.

  • If no, comment on immediate action taken or record action in the Worksite Inspection Action Plan.

  • Sight electrical leads and equipment and check for external damage, frayed or damaged cords.

  • 5. All electrical switches and plugs are intact and free from cracks.

  • If no, comment on immediate action taken or record action in the Worksite Inspection Action Plan.

  • Sight and check switches and plugs for external damage.

  • 6. Light fittings are clean and fully functional.

  • If no, comment on immediate action taken or record action in the Worksit Inspection Action Plan.

  • Visual and functional check of light fittings.

  • 7. There is one metre of space, clear of obstacels in front of electrical switchboards.

  • If no, comment on immediate action taken or record in the Worksite Inspection Action Plan.

  • Check that there is no furniture or other items directly in front of electrical switchboards. Check the likelihood that electrical switchboards can be knocked about due to position.

  • 8. The switchboard warning sign is clearly visible.

  • If no, comment on immediate action taken or record in the Worksite Inspection Action Plan.

  • Visual check. Check there are sufficient general purposes outlets for equipment and applicances.


J. Security

J. Security

  • 1. Duress alarms have been tested within the last month.

  • If no, comment on immediate action taken or record action in the Worksite Inspection Action Plan.

  • Refer to the Officer Manager or person in office responsible for arranging purchase and installation of equipment.

  • 2. Duress alarm tests are recorded.

  • If no, comment on immediate action taken or record action in the Worksite Inspection Action Plan.

  • Refer to the Office Manager or person in office responsible for arranging purchase and installation of equipment.

  • 3. Security procedures and contacts are current.

  • If no, comment on immediate action taken or record action in the Worksite Inspection Action Plan.

  • Refer to the Office Manager or person in office responsible for arranging purchase and installation of equipment.

  • 4. Security procedures are accessible and staff are aware of these.

  • If no, comment on immediate action taken or record action in the Worksite Inspection Action Plan.

  • Check if security procedures are readily accessible. Check (at random) if staff members are aware of security procedures.

  • 5. Confidential information can be secured.

  • Employees have facilities available to store and lock confidential information securely.

  • 6. Security incidents have been reported to the Agency Security Adviser.

  • If no, comment on immediate action taken or record in the Worksite Inspection Action Plan.

  • Refer to Office Manager or person in office responsible for arranging purchase and installation of equipment, Health and Safety Representative.

  • 7. Access controls including keys and cards have been audited.

  • If no, comment on immediate action taken or record in the Worksite Inspection Action Plan.

  • Refer to Office Manager or person in office responsible for arranging purchase and installation of equipment.


K. Hazardous Substances

K. Hazardous Substances

  • 1. A list of substances is kept on site.

  • If no, comment on immediate action taken or record action in the Worksite Inspection Action Plan.

  • Refer Office Manager or person in office responsible for arranging purchase and installation of equipment or Health and Safety Representative.

  • 2. Safety data sheets (SDS) for each hazardous chemical at the workplace are accessible.

  • If no, comment on immediate action taken or record action in the Worksite Inspection Action Plan.

  • Check location of SDS. Does it include information about the manufacturer, trade name of substance, whether the substance is hazardous, chemical constituents, international and national classification data, risk and emergency procedure guides and a description of the physical nature of the material eg odour, colour and appearance.

  • 3. All SDS are less than 5 years old.

  • If no, comment on immediate action taken or record action in the Worksite Inspection Action Plan.

  • Check whether date is current, and if not has measures been taken to obtain an up-to-date SDS.

  • 4. Substances are stored in facilities that are secure, fire proof, well ventilated, identified with signage and separate from eating areas.

  • If no, comment on immediate action taken or record action in the Worksite Inspection Action Plan.

  • In an office environment there are limited hazardous substances and will likely be limited to detergents and toners. In a laboratory environment there is a vast array of hazardous substances.

  • 5. All substances are labelled correctly.

  • If no, comment on immediate action taken or record action in the Worksite Inspection Action Plan.

  • Chemicals in use or storage are labelled clearly and unambiguously. All reused containers have label removed or completely covered and are appropriately reused. Decanted chemicals are labelled.

  • 6. The current SDS is readily accessible, wherever the substance is handled or stored.

  • If no, comment on immediate action taken or record action in the Worksite Inspection Action Plan.

  • Check the SDS is securely located and accessible.

  • 7. Risk assessments have been completed on all substances for which SDS are provided.

  • If no, comment on immediate action taken or record action in the Worksite Inspection Action Plan.

  • Refer Office Manager or person in office responsible for arranging purchase and installation of equipment.


l. Work Health and Safety (WHS)

L. Work Health and Safety (WHS)

  • 1. WHS is a standing agenda items for staff meetings.

  • If no, comment on immediate action taken or record action in the Worksite Inspection Action Plan.

  • Check staff meeting agenda and when it is addressed. Check if it is adequately addressed at meetings.

  • 2. WHS information is placed in prominent areas such as noticeboards for staff information.

  • If no, comment on immediate action taken or record action in the Worksite Inspection Action Plan.

  • Check information appearing in prominent places.



  • Manager - Name, Role Title and Signature

  • Date of Manger sign-off

  • Other Employee - Name, Role Title and Signature

  • Date of Other Employee sign-off

  • Health and Safety Representative (HSR) - Name, Role Title and Signature

  • Date of HSR sign-off


The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.