Document No.
Audit Title
Local Government Area
Conducted on
Prepared by
The Age Friendly Audit Tool consists of eight domains (sections). Each domain contains a number of questions, sometimes divided into sub-domains. There are several types of questions to collect data and each question provides the auditor with the opportunity to add comments. It is recommended to include as many comments as possible so as to enhance the output report. Photographs can add depth to both the data collected through the questions and the comments; it is therefore recommended that photographs are included where appropriate to strengthen the output report. Specific information will be contained where guidance is required throughout the Audit.
GP/Health Centre
Is there a GP service in your community?
What is the address of the GP?
Insert a photo of the GP Practice.
Is there disability access into the building?
Is disability parking available?
Is the GP accessible by public or community transport?
Are people with seniors cards bulk billed or provided with a discount?
Are at home visits available?
When is the GP open?
Is the front counter/reception desk no higher than 870mm with 800mm knee and toe plate clearances?
Is there a hospital within 60 minutes from the town?
Does the hospital have an Emergency service?
Is the hospital in your local government area?
What is the address of the hospital?
Insert a photo of the hospital.
Is there disability access into the building?
Is disability parking available?
Is the front counter/reception desk no higher than 870mm with 800mm knee and toe plate clearances?
Is there a dental service within 60 minutes from the town?
Is the dental service in your local government area?
What is the address of the dental service?
Insert a photo of the dental service.
Is there disability access into the building?
Is disability parking available?
Is the dental service accessible by public or community transport?
Are people with seniors cards provided with a discount?
Is the front counter/reception desk no higher than 870mm with 800mm knee and toe plate clearances?
Allied health services
Are there allied health services (physiotherapy, occupational therapy, podiatry, physiologist, dietitian etc) within 60 minutes from the town or visiting services available?<br>
Insert address of service location.
Add a photo of the service location.
Is there disability access into the building?
Is disability parking available?
Is the service accessible by public or community transport?
Are people with seniors cards provided a discount?
Is the front counter/reception desk no higher than 870mm with 800mm knee and toe plate clearances?<br>
Is there a pharmacy?
Insert address of pharmacy.
Insert a photo of the pharmacy.
Is there disability access into the building?
Is disability parking available?
Is the service accessible by public or community transport?
Are people with a seniors card provided with a discount?
Does the pharmacy offer a delivery service?
Is there a shopping complex or precinct?
Insert address of shopping complex or precinct.
Insert photo of shopping complex or precinct.
Is there disability access into the shops?
Is disability parking available?
Is the shopping complex or precinct accessible by public or community transport?
Health and Community Care Services (HACC)
Is a Home and Community Care (HACC) service provided?
Which HACC services are provided?
- Nursing care
- Allied health services like podiatry, physiotherapy and speech pathology
- Domestic assistance, including help with cleaning, washing and shopping
- Personal care, such as help with bathing, dressing, grooming and eating
- Social support including social outings
- Home maintenance
- Home modifcations
- Assistance with food preparation in the home
- Delivery of meals
- Transport
- Assessment, client care coordination and case management
- Counselling, information and advocacy services
- Centre-based day care
- Support for carers including respite services
Are at home assessments available?
Are there any critical gaps in the HACC services provided?
Home Care
For full details of services contained within the four packages click here.$File/Home%20Care%20Packages%20Program%20Guidelines%20-%20Part%20E.pdf -
Are there any critical gaps in the home care services provided?
If respite care has been identified as a critical gap, identify which type/s of respite care are not available.
- In-home respite
- Centre-based respite
- Overnight or weekend respite
- Community access respite
Is palliative care available in the home?
Residential Aged Care/Multi-purpose Service
Is there a Residential Aged Care/Multi-purpose Service?
Insert address of the Residential Aged Care/Multi-purpose Service.
Insert a photo of the Residential Aged Care/Multi-purpose Service.
Is it designed to dementia standards?
Is there disability access into the building?
Is disability parking available?
Is the facility accessible by public or community transport?
Is the facility within close distance to the town site?
Are GP's able to access the facility for patient visits?
Is the service considered affordable?
Other seniors care services
Is there any other seniors care services? (eg. community health clinics, day care centre etc.)
Insert address of the service.
Insert a photo of the service location.
Is there disability access into the building?
Is disability parking available?
Is the service provider accessible by public or community transport?
Parks and Open Spaces
Name of park
Insert address of park.
Insert photo of park.
Is there disability access?
Is disability parking available?
Is the park accessible by public or community transport?
Is the park well shaded?
Are there well scattered benches or seating?
Is the park well lit?
Are there footpaths within the park?
Is the footpath wide enough for wheelchairs/gophers/walking frames?<br><br>
Are pedestrian and cycle access separated?
Are footpaths well maintained and free of obstructions?
Public buildings
Name of public building
Insert address of building.
Insert photo of building.
Is there clearly visible directional and identification signage? <br>
Is there clearly visible navigational signage within the building?<br>
Is there disability access into the building?
Is disability parking available?
Is the building accessible by public or community transport?
Is the front counter/reception desk no higher than 870mm with 800mm knee and toe plate clearances?<br>
Is it easy to get around the public areas of the building? (This may include lift access, ramps, wheelchair access doors etc.)<br>
Are the floors non-slip?
Are there unisex disability accessible toilets?<br>
Pedestrian Movement
Are there accessible, sloping curbs at pedestrian crossings?<br>
Are there any pedestrian crossings that require attention?
Identify any pedestrian crossings that are not considered adequate and describe the issue.
Are the footpaths wide enough for wheelchairs/gophers/walking frames generally?<br><br>
Are pedestrian and cycle access separated generally?<br>
Are footpaths well maintained and free of obstructions generally?<br>
Are footpaths well lit generally?<br>
Is there adequate seating along major pedestrian routes?<br>
Are there adequate footpaths provided on key access routes generally (eg. Residential to facilities etc)<br>
Are pedestrian crossings adequately provided generally?<br>
Are there pedestrian crossings on key access routes? (eg. To community services and public facilities)<br>
Are there any footpaths that require attention?
Identify any footpaths that require attention and describe the issue.
Road Signage
Are traffic signs visible and well placed generally?<br>
Identify any critical gaps.
Public and Community Transport
Is public transport available?
Is the pick up at a convenient location?
Insert address of pick up location.
Is sheltered seating available at the pick up location?
Is there any other form of community transportation available? (eg. Community bus, HACC transport)<br>
What are the other forms of community transportation?
Is a taxi service available?<br>
Do people with seniors cards get offered a discount?
Housing Stock
Is there sufficient suitable housing to meet the needs of the ageing population in the future? (eg. Smaller homes, 2-3 bedroom, single story, wider entrances, located close to services)<br>
Identify the critical gaps in the quality of housing stock, describe the characteristics.
Identify the critical gaps in the quantity of housing stock, describe the shortfall.
Maintenance and adaptation services
Are sufficient and affordable home maintenance and adaptation services available?
Housing security
What is the population with insecure tenancy arrangements aged over 70?
Retirement Village/Seniors Housing
Is there a Retirement Village/Seniors Housing precinct?<br>
Insert address of Retirement Village/Seniors Housing precinct.
Insert photo of Retirement Village/Seniors Housing precinct.
Is there disability access into the village/precinct?<br>
Is disability parking available?
Is the village/precinct accessible by public or community transport?<br>
Is the village/precinct close to services and the community?<br>
Is there an adequate range of sporting and recreation facilities that cater for people across a range of abilities? <br>
Are the sport and recreation facilities accessible?<br>
Are senior volunteers recognised through awards and special events?<br>
Community events and activities
Are activities free or low cost?<br>
Are activities accessible by community or public transport?<br>
Are activities at night well lit?<br>
Grandparents/older care givers of young children
Identify any critical gaps.
Respect and Social Inclusion
Communication and Information
Computers and Internet
Do seniors have home computers?
Do seniors have access to the internet?
Can seniors obtain assistance to access computers and the internet?
Health Promotion
Identify any critical gaps.