Document No.
Environment of Care Inspection Report
- Building 1 Main Building
- Building 2 OPD Tower
- Building 3 OR Building
- Building 4 Almana Specialist Tower
- Building 5 Almana Specialist Clinics
- Building 6 Oncology Center
Conducted on
Prepared by
Almana General Hospital Dammam
Physical Environment & Infection Control Rounds - Clinical Areas
Surveyed By:
Are corridors kept clear to allow adequate space for:
A) Patients, visitors and staff to walk safely?
B) Carts, wheelchairs, equipment and beds to pass with
C) Are floors clear and slip-resistant finishes in place?
Responsible Person for Addressing Deficiency:
Date Corrected:
Are the Fire Hoses and stand pipes
A)PPM is updated and properly inspected
B)The Fire hoses is functional and has water
C)The Fire Hose Cabinets and stand pipes are free from obstruction
Are the means of egress corridors/exit doors:
A)Are the means of egress corridors/exit doors:
B) Are lights in exit signs functional?
C) Clear of any obstructions/equipment?
D) In secured units, locked doors in the means of egress can readily be unlocked by staff at all times (e.g. keys carried by staff, pin-code or badge access)?
Responsible Person for Addressing Deficiency:
Date Corrected:
Are all fire extinguishers:
A) Clearly marked for identification and installed at correct height (maximum of sixty inches)?
B) Inspection tags current? (monthly and annual)
C) Safety seals intact and in place?
D) Accessible, with three foot clearance in all directions?
E) Within seventy five feet in any direction in the area? (main corridors only)
F)The Sprinkler Head is free from paint
Responsible Person for Addressing Deficiency:
Date Corrected:
Are the fire alarm pull stations:
A) Accessible, with three foot clearance in all directions?
B) In good condition, free from tampering and glass bar in place where applicable?
Responsible Person for Addressing Deficiency:
Date Corrected:
Are combustible materials: cardboard, boxes, paper, linen, wastes)
A) Stored in proper containers? (32 gallons or less)
B) Kept to a minimum for daily use in department? (no over flowing containers)
C) Properly labeled and identified?
D) Are alcohol-based hand rubs properly mounted from electrical devices? (6 inch's from the center)
E) Kept in a safe and acceptable location?
Responsible Person for Addressing Deficiency:
Date Corrected:
Compressed gases and trash/linen chutes:
A) Are there less than 12 E-tanks (300 cu ft., oxygen) stored in the smoke compartment in storage?
B) Where compressed gas storage exceeds 300 cu ft., is there a designated, protected storage room?
C) Full and empty O2 cylinders in storage are segregated? (full and empty)
Responsible Person for Addressing Deficiency:
Date Corrected:
Fire Building Systems, components and Safety Practices:
A) Are all doors free from being propped, wedged or held open in any way?
B) Are all doorways clear to close properly?
C) Do patient/resident room doors latch when closed?
D) Do fire and stairwell doors latch positively and maintain closure?
E) Are all doors physically in good condition to prevent the spread of smoke or fire?
F) Emergency Exits and Stairwell doors are equipped with panic hardware and self-closing devices (Close completely and automatically
G) Smoke / Fire Doors close freely (Positive Latch)
H) There are no penetrations found in the Fire Walls
I) Is the area free from portable heaters and heating devices? (No heaters in the hospital per Fire Safety Policy)
J) Are rooms used as patient sleeping rooms free of deadbolt locks?
K) Is the area free from any evidence of smoking in the area?
L) Are furnishing and decorations fire-rated?
M) Is there at least 18 inchs; clearance between storage and sprinkler heads?
N) Are escutcheons in place on sprinkler heads and are they clean and free of debris?
O) Do patient privacy curtains have at least an 18 inch's; mesh top?
Responsible Person for Addressing Deficiency:
Date Corrected:
Are the floors in hallways:
A) In good physical condition?
B) Clean and dry?
C) Free from trip/fall hazards?
D) Wet floor signs used properly?
E) Carpet free of wrinkles or tears?
F) Free from obstruction? ( wires/cords etc.)
Are the Staircases
A) Proper Stair identification which indicates the floor / Level?
B) Clean and free of unwanted materials
C) In good physical condition?
Responsible Person for Addressing Deficiency:
Date Corrected:
Are the walls:
A) Painted and in good physical condition? (Free of holes or water damage)
B) Free from exposed wiring of any kind?
C) Are electrical covers/plates in place and in good condition?
Responsible Person for Addressing Deficiency:
Date Corrected:
Are ceiling tiles:
A) In place and in good condition?
B) Free of dirt, mold, dust and stains?
C) Free from evidence of water stains?
Responsible Person for Addressing Deficiency:
Date Corrected:
Infection Control Practices:
A) Are all sharps containers less than 3/4 full?
B) Is clean linen kept covered?
C) Is the clean linen physically separated from the dirty linen?
D) Are all medications dated and labeled?
E) The area has no outdated medication/supplies found?
F) Are refrigerators labeled to identify - Patient; Staff; Medication; use?
G) Are all patient foods dated and labeled?
H) Are current refrigerator temperature logs in place and readily available?
I) Are cardboard boxes off the floor, with no corrugated shipping containers present?
J) Is there evidence of BLOOD BORNE PATHOGEN PRECAUTION procedures in place? (gloves, masks, gowns, separation of waste, etc.)
K) Is personal protective equipment readily available for use?
L) Are the cabinets under the sinks free from storage of clean supplies/equipment?
M) Are all sharps storage areas kept locked at all times?
N) Have all product recalls been corrected by department?
O) Are floors, fixtures and equipment in clean condition?
P) Are patient rooms and bathrooms clean and suitable for patient care?
Q) Are emergency showers and eye washes tested?
Responsible Person for Addressing Deficiency:
Date Corrected:
Hazardous chemicals used in the area:
A) Are janitor closets and other rooms with chemicals secured and stored correctly? (flammables, corrosives, etc.)
B) Labeled correctly?
C) Disposed of correctly? (Are there procedures for disposal?)
Responsible Person for Addressing Deficiency:
Date Corrected:
SDS Manual in the Area:
A) Are the department inventory (online) & updated within the past 12 months?
B) All chemicals in the chemical inventory has the SDS sheets available always?
C) Employees know how to access SDSs and Chemical Inventory. It is readily available
Responsible Person for Addressing Deficiency:
Date Corrected:
Medical Waste:
A) Stored in properly labeled bags and containers?
B) Properly stored and disposed of?
C) Stored and segregated appropriately?
D) Are bio-hazardous waste bulk storage areas secured, except to essential personnel?
Responsible Person for Addressing Deficiency:
Date Corrected:
A) Are the inspection tags current with date of next inspection?
B) Is clean equipment identified and stored properly?
C) Are crash carts or carts with sharps and meds locked?
E) Are crash cart logs documented consistently?
F) Are medical equipment consumables (defib, pads, etc.) within expiration dates?
G) List two (2) equipment inventory tag numbers and verify that equipment information is correct and inspections are current.
Responsible Person for Addressing Deficiency:
Date Corrected:
Are emergency power outlets:
A) Clearly marked by red covers and outlets?
B) Being used for critical equipment only?
Responsible Person for Addressing Deficiency:
Date Corrected:
Electrical panels and devices:
A) Are breakers in distribution panels labeled?
B) Are mechanical/electrical rooms or exposed distribution panels kept locked, except to essential personnel?
C) Are all covers free from damage and securely in place?
D) Are waiting rooms provided with tamper-resistant outlets?
E) In the area free of extension cords and multi plug-in outlet strips? (Patient care area only)
Responsible Person for Addressing Deficiency:
Date Corrected:
Are medical gas zone and main valves:
A) Marked to identify the area served?
B) Are the valves accessible for immediate access? And not blocked?
A) Is the Area free of any busted lights?
B) Is the area free of any faulty electrical wirings
C) Is the area free from any leaks observed during the rounds
D) Vent Grills are clean?
E) Toilets are in good repair. Toilet partitions / doors / grab bars in good repair?
F) Area is ventilated sufficiently
Responsible Person for Addressing Deficiency:
Date Corrected:
A) Are all employees wearing identification badges in plain view?
B) Are all computer rooms locked?
C) Are all computers that are not in use - logged out?
Responsible Person for Addressing Deficiency:
Date Corrected:
A) Is the staff aware of where they can find the Emergency Management Plan?
B) Are the Emergency Procedures and Protocols easily accessible? (Intranet)
Responsible Person for Addressing Deficiency:
Date Corrected:
Soiled Utility Rooms and Storage Rooms > than 50 Square Feet (example 5X10)
A) Clean, neat and orderly?
B) Items stored greater than 18 inches from fire sprinklers, unless fixed shelving against the wall?
C) Do doors to corridors and rated rooms positively latch?
Responsible Person for Addressing Deficiency:
STAFF QUESTIONS: 1 (Must Interview a minimum of one staff member)
Staff Member Job Title:
A) What does R.A.C.E stand for? (Rescue, Alarm, Confine, Extinguish or Evacuate)
B) How do you alert everyone that there is a fire? (Dial 4444 and have the operator announce "Code Red" and the location - or Pull a fire alarm box)
C) Were is your next smoke compartment in the event of a fire? (staff should know to location or to look for fire door stickers)
A) What is the most important thing that you can do to prevent the spread of infection? (Hand Washing)
B) What equipment should employees wear while caring for T.B. patients? (N95 Mask or Orange Duck Bill or PAPR)
C) What are the Standard Precautions? (Guidelines to follow to prevent the spread of infection. Examples like PPE)
D) Do you know where to find a current copy of the EOC/Safety manual online? ( On the Intranet Home page. Click on the EOC/Safety Manual Link)
A) What is a MSDS for? (Safety Precautions, hazards, and PPE to be used)
B) Can staff explain how to obtain MSDS information? (MSDS Sheets link on the Intranet Home Page)
A) If a piece of medical equipment fails on a patient, you should? (Clinical Departments only) (Call your supervisor, remove it from service, keep all items like disposables, place a out of service slip on it, submit an event report to Risk Management if failed on a patient and send to Biomed)
B) Can staff describe how they know if equipment if safe for use? ( Look at the Biomed service sticker and note the date.)
C) Can staff explain emergency procedures for life-support equipment? (Describe what they should do for various life support equipment failures.)
A) Can staff describe who is authorized to shut off medical gases in the event of an emergency? (Resp. Therapy & Charge Nurse)
A) Can staff explain the procedure to get help in the event of a security emergency (i.e. gunman, active shooter, and hostage)? (Dial 4444 & Code Silver called with a location)
B) Can staff explain their role to get help with an uncontrollable person? (Dial 4444 & call a Code White)
C) Can staff explain where to go and what to do when a Code Pink is called? ( Should know what exit their department is assigned to cover during a Code Pink. )
A) What is the code for disaster that will activate our Emergency Management Plan?
B) Does staff know where to find a copy of the Emergency Operation Plan? (On the Intranet Home page. Click on the EOC Safety Manual link)
C) If a building evacuation is announced, what would you do and where is your staging area? (Should know their departments staging area. (Nursing Department s Only)
Responsible Person for Addressing Deficiency:
Date Corrected:
STAFF QUESTIONS: 2 (Must Interview a minimum of one staff member)
Staff Member Job Title:
A) What does R.A.C.E stand for? (Rescue, Alarm, Confine, Extinguish or Evacuate)
B) How do you alert everyone that there is a fire? (Dial 4444 and have the operator announce "Code Red" and the location - or Pull a fire alarm box)
C) Were is your next smoke compartment in the event of a fire? (staff should know to location or to look for fire door stickers)
A) What is the most important thing that you can do to prevent the spread of infection? (Hand Washing)
B) What equipment should employees wear while caring for T.B. patients? (N95 Mask or Orange Duck Bill or PAPR)
C) What are the Standard Precautions? (Guidelines to follow to prevent the spread of infection. Examples like PPE)
D) Do you know where to find a current copy of the EOC/Safety manual online? ( On the Intranet Home page. Click on the EOC/Safety Manual Link)
A) What is a MSDS for? (Safety Precautions, hazards, and PPE to be used)
B) Can staff explain how to obtain MSDS information? (MSDS Sheets link on the Intranet Home Page)
A) If a piece of medical equipment fails on a patient, you should? (Clinical Departments only) (Call your supervisor, remove it from service, keep all items like disposables, place a out of service slip on it, submit an event report to Risk Management if failed on a patient and send to Biomed)
B) Can staff describe how they know if equipment if safe for use? ( Look at the Biomed service sticker and note the date.)
C) Can staff explain emergency procedures for life-support equipment? (Describe what they should do for various life support equipment failures.)
A) Can staff describe who is authorized to shut off medical gases in the event of an emergency? (Resp. Therapy & Charge Nurse)
A) Can staff explain the procedure to get help in the event of a security emergency (i.e. gunman, active shooter, and hostage)? (Dial 4444 & Code Silver called with a location)
B) Can staff explain their role to get help with an uncontrollable person? (Dial 4444 & call a Code White)
C) Can staff explain where to go and what to do when a Code Pink is called? ( Should know what exit their department is assigned to cover during a Code Pink. )
A) What is the code for disaster that will activate our Emergency Management Plan?
B) Does staff know where to find a copy of the Emergency Operation Plan? (On the Intranet Home page. Click on the EOC Safety Manual link)
C) If a building evacuation is announced, what would you do and where is your staging area? (Should know their departments staging area. (Nursing Department s Only)
Responsible Person for Addressing Deficiency:
Date Corrected:
Responsible Person for Addressing Deficiency:
Date Corrected:
Department Represantative
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Lead Inspector
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