
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

1. Site Reference

  • Add pictures - capture appropriate images of facility and project.

  • Site note.

2. General Installation Overview

  • No stray AC voltages on any equipment and hardware accessible to user.

  • No sharp or jagged surfaces accessible to user.

  • Thermal gradient inspected. All equipment operating within manufacturer's guidelines.

  • Cable inspection - labelling, cable dress, signal segregation, cable stress, serviceability, tie wraps and clearance.

  • Capture images to reflect cable processing.

  • Rack built - compliant to rack elevation and flow drawings, serviceability, labelling.

  • Demonstrate the full inventory to be all new equipment, in full compliance with the specification, or as modified by approved submission.

  • Confirm finished system in compliance with the latest revised specifications.

  • All field adjustable equipment and controls are clearly and correctly labelled so users can make quick adjustments without having to refer to the system drawings.

  • undefined

  • All terminations are solid in their connectors.

  • All cabling respect a bend radius to manufacturers' recommendation.

  • Confirm all nomenclature for consistency between drawings, touchscreen, wall plates, floor boxes, patch panels, equipment, and contractual specifications.

3. Cabling

  • Is cabling ITP included in this commissioning process?

  • Have all cables on cable schedule been installed?

  • Has all cabling been installed to australian standard?

  • Have all cable passed continuity test?

  • Have all cable passed passive signal test?

  • Is cable checklist / result attached with commissioning report?

  • Have all Category cable passed bandwidth test?

  • Is Category Cable ITP attached with commissioning report?

  • Why?

  • Have all cable ties been clipped?

  • Are all looms neat and tidy?

  • Has the correct cable been utilised for the signal type intended?

  • Tie wraps are not too tight as to deform the cable.

  • CAT cables are laced and bound with Velcro ties.

  • Cables appropriately dressed and bundled according to cable type.

  • Cable have appropriately separation according to signal type and level.

  • All cables are installed with an adequate bend radius as recommended by manufacturer and general system requirements.

4. Visual Presentation System

  • Projection system installed?

  • Projector
  • Brand / Model

  • Has the projector been aligned, focused and all cabling tided?

  • Is the projector mount secure and utilising the correct fixings?

  • Is projector secured from tampering and theft?

  • Security type:

  • Is the projector mount to optimal level to avoid keystone?

  • What is the keystone factor?

  • Is signal converter / receiver been used?

  • Has the Rx unit been secured and accessible for service?

  • If there is a Rx scaler installed?

  • Has the projector native resolution been used?

  • Record resolution.

  • Why?

  • Is the image free from vibration?

  • Is the image free from interference / noise?

  • Have all cabling to the projector been line tested?

  • Has control of the unit been confirmed?

  • Type of control:

  • Does control software switch inputs of the projector as required?

  • Are all cables labeled correctly?

  • Does image fill screen with correct aspect ratio?

  • What is the distance from the projector lens to the screen (m)?

  • Projection screen installed?

  • What type of screen has been installed

  • Does the control system control the screen as required?

  • Have the limits been set to allow the image to be projected as per manufactureres specification?

  • Will the screen lower without obstruction?

  • Is the screen level and square to the room and projector?

  • Record screen size & aspect ratio:

  • Display panel installed?

  • Display Panel
  • Brand / Model.

  • Installation location:

  • Has the display been installed level?

  • Is the display mount securely and utilising the correct fixings?

  • Is the display secure from tampering and theft?

  • Is signal converter / receiver been used?

  • Has the Rx unit been secured and accessible for service?

  • If there is a Rx scaler installed?

  • Has the display panel native resolution been used?

  • Record resolution.

  • Why?

  • Has all cabling to the display been line tested?

  • Has control of the unit been confirmed?

  • Type of control:

  • Does the control software switch inputs of the display as required?

  • Are all cables labeled correctly?

  • Interactive whiteboard installed?

  • Interactive Whiteboard
  • Brand / Model.

  • Installed location.

  • Have all connectors been correctly terminated?

  • Have all cables been line tested to their destination?

  • Does the image fill the screen?

  • Has the calibration been set?

  • Has the system been tested using a laptop or fixed computer?

  • Has required software for interactive component been supplied to PM to include in manuals?

  • Are all cables labeled correctly?

5. Connection Plate

    Connection Plate
  • Type (Input / Output):

  • Brand / Model.

  • Installed location:

  • Connector
  • Signal / Connection type:

  • Have all connectors been correctly terminated?

  • Have all the connectors been labelled correctly?

  • Does the plate match the design drawings? i.e. connection types, sizes etc.

  • Does the plate been labelled properly?

  • Is the plate installed straight and lined up with other services?

  • Have all cables been line tested to their destination?

  • Are all cables labeled correctly?

6. Camera

  • Camera installed?

  • Camera
  • Camera type:

  • Signal type:

  • Where is the Camera installed?

  • All sight lines clear from obstruction?

  • Has the bracket been mounted securely with the correct fixings?

  • Have all cables been line tested to their destination?

  • Has control cabling been correctly fit off?

  • Type of control:

  • Have the presets been saved for control system recall?

  • Are all cables labeled correctly?

7. Source Device

    Source Device
  • Brand / Model:

  • Device type:

  • Connection type:

  • Networked?

  • Resolution set to optimal to match display device?

  • Record resolution.

  • Keyboard and mouse installed?

  • All required software installed?

  • All software licences recorded and registered for client?

  • Is there sufficient signal strength on the building MATV system?

  • Have all channels been tuned in on the STB?

  • Has the control system been programmed to have channel short cuts and channel up & channel down?

  • Connection type:

  • Is there sufficient signal strength toe the subscribed network?

  • Have all the channels checked?

  • Has the control system been programmed to have channel short cuts and channel up & channel down?

  • Has the IR probe been secured using an IR shield?

  • Connection type:

  • Has the control system been programmed to include all menu & transport controls.

  • Does the control system control the Bluray player correctly

  • Has the IR probe been secured using an IR shield?

  • Connection type:

  • Has the control system been programmed to include all menu & transport controls.

  • Does the control system control the media player correctly

  • Control type:

  • Has the IR probe been secured using an IR shield?

  • Connection type:

  • Has the control system been programmed to include all menu & transport controls.

  • Does the control system control the DVD/VCR player correctly

  • Has the IR probe been secured using an IR shield?

  • Connection type:

  • Has the wireless presenter been secured at the location?

  • Has the correct cabling been installed?

  • Has IP address set? If using DHCP, has MAC address properly registered with DNS?

  • Record IP address.

  • Has the resolution been set?

  • Have the security features been enabled?

  • Has any required software tokens or discs been supplied to the PM for inclusion in manuals?

  • Has the control system been programmed to include all transport controls.

  • Does the control system control the cassette deck correctly

  • Has the IR probe been secured using an IR shield?

  • Device details.

  • Are all cables labeled correctly?

8. Lectern

  • Lectern installed?

  • Lectern
  • Brand / Model:

  • Type:

  • Location:

  • Has the lectern been installed in the correct location?

  • Has cable management been implemented for incoming looms, such as cable sock?

  • Is there sufficient cable length on the loom for the lectern to be monuvered?

  • Can all cables be connected easily without strain at the end of the loom?

  • Has the touch screen been secured to the lectern?

  • Has a power source been included in the lectern installation?

  • Are all cables labeled correctly?

9. Microphone

  • Type:

  • Brand / Model:

  • Location:

  • Phantom power required and connected?

  • Has the microphone gain been set correctly?

  • Is there sufficient level control of the microphone?

  • Can the microphone be "muted" from the control system?

  • Is the system free from feed back at all levels and location?

  • Brand / Model

  • Has the receiver and microphone had both channel and group set?

  • Record Frequency / Channel / Group here.

  • Is the selected frequency free from interference with other wireless devices?

  • Has the microphone gain been set correctly?

  • Is there sufficient level control of the microphone?

  • Can the microphone be "muted" from the control system?

  • Is the system free from feed back at all levels and location?

  • Have new batteries been put into transmitter?

  • Is lapel mic supplied with body pack?

10. DSP

  • DSP installed?

  • Brand / Model.

  • Has all DSP been labeled within the software?

  • Has audio being route to the correct outputs?

  • Is the gain structure correct?

  • Is the system free from feedback?

  • AEC setting enable and functional?

  • CobraNet / AVB switch setup and connected properly?

  • IP address / MAC address / host name:

  • DSP file recorded and filed.

11. Speaker System

  • (type only, not individual element)

  • Speaker
  • Speaker type:

  • Have speakers been installed in the correct location for optimal performance?

  • Are all speakers correctly tapped?

  • Are all speakers correctly terminated with same polarity (phase tested)?

  • Is the correct audio routed through these speakers.

  • Are all speakers orientated to the defined way?

  • Are all cables labeled correctly?

12. Hearing Augmentation System

  • Hearing augmentation installed?

  • Type:

  • AFILS type.

  • Has the Induction Loops system commissioning documentation been correctly completed and provided as part of as-built manuals?

  • Loop continuity check?

  • Has the installation continuity form been signed by a witness prior to floor covering been installed?

  • Compliant to AS1428.5 standard?

  • Compliance form attached with commissioning result?

  • Record peak signal level (dB).

  • Number of receiver allowed.

  • Mark coverage area with usable signal level (-40dB) and SNR.

  • Brand / Model.

  • Compliant to AS1428.5 standard?

  • Compliance form attached with commissioning result?

  • Number of receiver allowed.

  • Personal neck loop for T-coiled receiver included?

  • Number of personal neck loop:

  • Signage installed?

13. Video Conference System

  • Video conference system installed?

  • Brand / Model.

  • Connection type:

  • Record codec ISDN numbers.

  • Record codec IP address.

  • QoS enabled from network?

  • Record codec IP address and MAC address.

  • Have camera presets been stored into unit?

  • Have test calls been made ?

  • Are the correct send & receive levels observed during call

  • Does the control system control all required aspects of the Codec?

  • Has all echo been eliminated during a call?

  • Has the clients directory been entered into the codec?

  • Can content be sent and received successfully during a call?

  • Have the microphones been position to cover entire useable area, such as the conference table?

14. Audio Conference System

  • Audio conference system installed?

  • Brand / Model.

  • Connection type:

  • Record codec IP address.

  • Are the correct send & receive levels observed during call

  • Have test calls been made ?

  • Does the control system control all required aspects of the System?

  • Has all echo eliminated during a call?

15. Capture Device

  • Capture device installed?

  • Does the capture device have the correct video signal routed to its input?

  • Has the correct audio been routed to the capture device?

  • Has a test recording been completed and is of high quality?

16. Network

  • Is network function been used?

  • Local network or building network?

  • Have all devices been connected to the network?

  • All network connected devices can been seen and ping from control point and services point?

  • Bandwidth allocated for AV is sufficient? QoS enabled for AV and video services?

  • Have all patch points been correctly labled?

  • Has all device IP information been recorded within the commissioning file?

  • Are all cables labeled correctly?

17. Control System

  • Control system type.

  • Brand

  • Brand:

  • Network connection?

  • IP address.

  • Connected to Central management system?

  • Are all cables labeled correctly?

  • IR controller supplied?

  • IR controller within controllable range and line of sight not been block?

18. Control Panel

    Control Panel
  • Has the control panel been installed in the correct location?

  • Has a power source been utilised and installed in an accessible location?

  • Powered by:

  • Control panel type:

  • Has all project information been captured in configuration pages?

  • Panel sleep timer set?

  • Default panel brightness set to appropriate level for the environment?

  • Are all cables labelled correctly?

  • Is the panel labelled correctly?

19. Motion Sensor

  • Motion sensor installed?

  • Have the sensors been positioned for optimal coverage and avoid interference?

  • Has sensitivity been set?

  • Do the motion sensors integrate with the control system correctly?

  • Has the system been programmed to time out with no motion detected?

  • Are all cables labeled correctly?

20. Reed Switch

  • Reed switch installed?

  • What type of reed switch has been installed?

  • Has the Reed Switch been securely installed in the correct location?

  • Does the Reed Switch operate correctly within the control system program?

  • Are all cables labeled correctly?

21. Room Linking

  • Room linking?

  • How many rooms are part of the room linking system?

  • Does the control system operate as required with in all modes of linking? Include a brief description of the intended operation in comments panel.

  • Does the room linking status indicated properly on user control panels?

22. Lighting

  • Integrated with lighting system?

  • Lighting control system / Brand.

  • Control type.

  • Is the AV system controlling the lighting system correctly?

  • Have all presets been programmed into the control panel?

  • User preset function checked?

  • Does curtain, blind or blackout under lighting control?

  • Is the AV system controlling these sub-system correctly?

23. Rack

    Equipment Rack
  • Rack pictures (take finish photo from front, rear and sides)

  • Rack location.

  • Rack is 'clean' - grease markings removed, etc.

  • Rack space utilisation (%).

  • Have all blanks & vents been installed?

  • Have all cables been neatly loomed into the rack?

  • Have all cable ties been clipped?

  • Have all power supplies been secured & labeled?

  • Have looming bars been utilised and spaced to allow access connections on all equipment?

  • Has a power controller been installed and operating correctly with the control system?

  • Spare power outlets. Quantity:

  • Equipment without non-removable power cords are not cable tied to the rack.

  • Is there sufficient ventilation for the rack?

  • Equipment temperature checked?

  • Rack temperature (internal, after at least one hour loaded test) under 45 deg C?

  • Where equipment uses phoenix connectors, have all connectors been inserted regardless if they are used or not?

  • Have all back shells been installed?

  • Can the rack be maneuvered for serviceability?

  • Sufficient cable length to allow equipment rack to be moved allowing service.

  • Rack feet / castors installed and levelled?

  • All patch panels labeled correctly?

  • Are all cables labeled correctly?

24. Fly Leads

  • Have all required fly leads been supplied?

  • Are the fly leads long enough to serve their purpose but not excessive?

  • Are cable bundle loomed with cable sock and secured?

  • Are all cables labeled correctly?

  • Are all fly leads secured to their connection points with sufficient support and stress free?

  • Why?

25. System Calibration

  • Proceeds with detail calibration and commissioning?


  • All audio signals shown on schematics tested for integrity - balanced / unbalanced / mono / stereo / line level / mic level / polarity?

  • All can pass audio at appropriate levels, as according to schematic?

  • Record ambient noise, A-weighted, slow average (dBA).

  • Capture RTA image for ambient noise, A-weighted, slow average.

  • No power amplifier shall have it's rated loading exceeded.

  • Record the impedance (and frequency) of each loudspeaker line on each power amplifier. Proceed with loudspeaker impedance test for 63, 250 and 1000 Hz, if available.

  • Speaker Channel
  • Description

  • Impedance:

  • Produce a nominal operating level of 65dB SPL for conference speech, 60dB for program material, A-weighted at all listening check points, with +/- 2dB uniformity of coverage, (or at least 15dB above the ambient noise floor, A-weighted, whichever greater), with the control system volume control indicating "Normal" or "Default" setting.

  • Record nominal SPL.

  • Capture RTA image for SPL recorded.

  • Capable to Produce an additional 15dB headroom above the nominal operating level (65dB) SPL for each audio source, with less than 0.5% THD.

  • Record SPL (dBA).

  • Record THD (%).

  • Capture RTA image.

  • Confirm system generated noise level ( measure electrically, with input channels open and level controls set to "Normal" or default. 'Noise' refers to hum, static, RF interference etc) is at least 55dB below the nominal signal level.

  • Record open channel noise level and S/N with nominal operating signal level.

  • Source of noise found?

  • Rectification?

  • Reason / Actions?

  • Check speaker and speech reinforcement system polarity?

  • Capture 'Polarity Test' result if available.

  • All speakers shall be connected in the same polarity, and speech reinforcement system shall be polarised in such way that a positive acoustic pressure on a microphone/pickup will result in a positive acoustic pressure at the loudspeaker surface. Compliance to speaker polarity test.

  • Produce no more than 1dB variance in program source level, when each program's sources playing a calibrated media (CD, tape, signal generator etc).

  • No audible vibration - there should be NO audible vibration caused by improper mechanical installation.

  • Record which device at what frequency fail the test.

  • Use continuous sweep signal at headroom level for this "Buzzes and Rattles" test.

  • Speech reinforcement system should be stable and no feedback, howling or ringing.

  • Conference system microphone input gain should set to an optimal level so as to demonstrate that "standard talker" (as referred to point source of 60dBL at 1m) positioned at each talker position in the room, produces a 0dB level at the input of the mixer bus of the conference DSP device.

  • Confirm for a full duplex operation conference mode, at 65dB SPL listening level, be able to demonstrate full-duplex operation, with no reports of echo or speech trails from the far end receiver.

  • Equaliser should be adjusted for best intelligibility and in accordance with the preferred acoustic level response curves.

  • Record the "house curve" before equalisation, as well as after the equaliser have been tuned, with and without a microphone input filters. Per-amp filter adjustment will affect intelligibility calibration hence will be good idea to have records of different EQ setting curve that can be fall back to.

  • Intelligibility recorded?

  • Be intelligible, strive for a RSTI (Rapid Speech Transmission Index) greater than 0.85. (If requested only) RSTI, using SIA Smaart Tools, TEF or RTI-PA. For systems where early reflections may cause intelligibility problems, or when multiple drivers are used, an ETC (Energy Time Curve) may be requested.

  • Wireless microphone systems have no dropouts, intermodulation interaction between wireless systems, or RF artefacts, throughout the specified operating area.

  • Confirm wireless microphone frequencies are not conflict with any digital TV signals. An RF spectrum analyser may be used to identify conflict issues.

  • Confirm RF immunity at areas where users are expected to operate cell phones, PDAs or other mobile devices.

  • If analog telephone line is used, record level across telephone line converter (dBA). Inspect DSP mixers telco pots levels, both transmit and receive, when normal speech is conducted in the room.


  • CVBS signals?

  • For video signal path, placing a test generator at each source shall produce 1V P-P to each destination +/- 10%, or 1dB.

  • Confirm optimum brightness, contract, and colour in display using SMPTE source with PLUGE display.

  • Demonstrate consistencies across multiple displays (if applicable), using a colour bars with PLUGE signal to all.

  • RGB sources?

  • Demonstrate 700mV +/-10%, or 1dB, from each source to each destination.

  • If requested, record results using a flat-field pattern signal at the highest resolution specified, measure and record peak to peak voltage using oscilloscope at each destination when a test signal with either multi-burst or H pattern is at each source location. Record 'peak' and 'level' control settings on any interface at the positions whereby the 700mV measurement were attained.

  • Confirm displays are focused, centred and evenly illuminated.

  • If requested, confirm by using a calibrated light meter that the deviation of brightness between the brightest and dimmest measurement locations is within +10% / -5% to the average reading.

  • If requested, measure geometric distortion is within 2% tolerance ( take actual measurement if necessary, top, bottom, left and right dimensions of the white portion of screen).

  • Take screen image if necessary.

  • Capable to display stable images, with no scaling-related visual artifacts when switching between, at a minimum 1024, 1280, 1920 and FHD resolution, in both 4:3, 16:9 and 16:10 formats, and/or all those specified in the performance criteria for the system.

  • Record those signals not satisfactorily scaled to the native resolution or be able to handle by the display device.

  • Confirm the display switching correctly between colour space and resolution (e.g. Switching between Bluray/YUV, computer/RGB or CVBS camera etc).

  • HDMI?

  • Confirm CEC controls do not affect the displays operation condition ( i.e. power on/off source devices will not change the power status of the display devices ).

  • Confirm all sources can be routed to all expect destinations.

  • Disregard any routes that are not permitted by design as described in the narrative, such as HDCP sources routed to a codec, etc.

  • Confirm all HDCP sources can be routed to all expected destinations at the same time. Confirm sufficient key is available for the destinations.

  • Record issues.

  • Confirm that an acceptable display signal is being displayed on the monitor from ech source position, use the alt-pixel test pattern (alternative pixel on, pixel off) with all valid resolution (1920, 1600, 1366, 1280, 1024 and 800).

  • Perform 'Source Test' with HDMI tester on ech source. Test will verify source integrity and EDID information.

  • Perform 'Sink Test' with HDMI tester on each display. Test will verify display can handle various resolutions, and spot check EDID to make sure they work with all different sources.

  • Perform pixel comparison test. Using a static video source, compare the entire signal chain from each source location. Set the generator to highest resolution the system can handle and route to each display, and compare frames at each display for at least 5 frames. Repeat for each source location.

  • BluRay?

  • Perform BluRay playback function proper, both menu/navigation and HDCP content playback.

  • Laptop?

  • Confirm typical client laptops have been successfully used with the system, inclusive of default resolution (with system switcher EDID), any adaptors/extenders, etc.

  • Confirm laptop audio, either embedded digital audio or analogue audio, can be distributed to designated destinations.

  • Misc items?

  • Verify all high bandwidth cables signal handling capabilities. Test all digital video cables (HDMI, DVI etc) with HDMI tester to the highest video resolution. Catrgory cable must be qualified to the appropriate bandwidth (>1GHz).

  • Confirm all image sizes are compliance to InfoComm guideline of 1:4, 1:6 and 1:8 viewing criteria for 'inspection', 'reading' and 'viewing'.

  • Record those not conformed.

  • Confirm all signal shown on drawings are tested for integrity. All video lines can pass their intended video formats and resolutions. All video lines can be displayed at their intended destinations.

  • Confirm acceptable TV levels, any any channel presets are accurate.

  • Confirm all display devices on screen menu/display are disabled, or as specified by client or consultant.

  • Confirm all projectors, if any, must have 'blue screen' or 'no image screen' disabled, or as specified by client or consultant.

  • No lost pixels or dead pixels when full white test signal is displayed ( 7 pixels maximum per quadrant, or as per manufacturer spec ).

  • Note number and location of lost/dead pixels.

26. Operation

  • Carried out system online test?

  • Connect Display, Sound and Control peripherals to allow a complete test?

  • Confirm the control system performs all the functions as indicated on the function spec, with stability , and in sync with the equipment being controlled without the need to reset ant item of equipment.

  • Leave on soak test for a minimum of 24 hours?

  • Main power (240V) reset test carried out?

  • Confirm power up and power down sequences are executed correctly.

  • Main power filters and surge protection devices installed and checked functioning properly?

27. Software

  • Have all devices had configuration files saved and stored?

  • Have all devices been updated with the latest firmware?

  • Have all software licences ownership registered to client?

  • Have all software manuals included in O&M manual?

28. Equipment Remote Controls

  • All local equipment remote controls Velcroed to equipment and fitted with flesh batteries?

  • Have all remaining remote controls been returned to office so as to be handed to client on handover?

29. User Manuals

  • Do the manuals accurately represent the system as installed?

  • Have Quick Reference Guides been supplied as required?

  • Soft copy of the manuals included?

30. Audio Visual Schematics

  • Do the AV schematics & shop drawings correctly represent the As Built system?

  • Record all equipment not on schematic but present.

  • Record all equipment on schematic but not present, and why.

31. Sign off

  • Has practical completion been met, what is the date PC is effective from?

  • Works To Do:

  • In your opinion is the overall install of quality and at expected standard?

  • Rate the overall installation.

  • Comments:

  • Client sign off (if present for testing)

  • Select date

  • Commissioning of the system is complete, all defects have been rectified and is now ready for handover (Signed by Commissioning Engineer).

  • Select date


  • InfoComm, 2006, 'Basics of Audio and Visual Systems Design'
    Giddings, 1990, 'Audio Systems Design and Installation'
    InfoComm, 2009, 'AV Installation Handbook 2nd Edition'
    Maltese, 2006, 'AV 9000: Defining Quality in Engineered Audio Visual Systems'
    InfoComm, 2010, 'AV Implementation Handbook'
    InfoComm, 2006, 'AV Design Reference Manual'

AV Commissioning Checklist v1.4.1 Allied Technologies Australia 2013 Last updated 20130625

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