Page 1: Initial questions

PPM Details

  • Site Name

  • Solarvista Job Number

  • Verisae WON

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared By

  • Pack
  • System ID

  • Asset Number

  • Manufacturer

  • Model Number

  • Date Of Manufacturer

  • Number of discharge pressure relief valves

  • Make of PRV

  • Model of PRV

  • Pressure

  • Date of Expiry

  • Number of Intermediate pressure relief valves

  • Make of PRV

  • Model of PRV

  • Pressure

  • Date of Expiry

  • Number of MT Suction pressure relief valves

  • Make of PRV

  • Model of PRV

  • Pressure

  • Date of Expiry

  • Number of LT Suction pressure relief valves

  • Make of PRV

  • Model of PRV

  • Pressure

  • Date of Expiry

Safety Checks

  • Ensure the work area is clear from any obstruction

  • Check the general condition of asset

  • Perform test run to confirm asset is operational

Maintenance Tasks to be Carried out

  • Manually test operation of plant ventilation

  • Confirm correct warning labels are displayed on plant housing and control panels

  • Ensure panel keys are in place

  • Ensure all electrical drawings & manuals are on site, up to date & available to access

  • Confirm isolator engineer interlock is functioning correctly

  • Confirm earthing and continuity to all metal work and sub circuit components

  • Ensure electrical panel and interior of pack casing is clean and free from debris. <br>Confirming trunking covers and electrical cables are tidy

  • Confirm UPS does not have any warning lights lit. Battery needs to be replaced every 3 <br>years. If unable to identify treat as battery requires replacing.

  • Confirm electrical components are not overheating or arcing

  • Using an infra red thermometer record the temperatures. Should not exceed 40 degrees

  • Confirm control voltage is 24vdc

  • Confirm PLC/Controller is operational & staging compressor in/out

  • Compare all plant set points & Parameters against commissioning data and/or <br>manufacturers setting

  • Examine overloads and confirm they are set for 10 % above operational amps. Refer to <br>compressor/motor data plate

  • Confirm all crankcase heaters are operational

  • Confirm operation of housing extract fan, isolate and clean if required using a soft brush <br>(where Fitted)

  • Confirm Invertors are working to manufactures recommendations (Refer to Manual)

  • Confirm all compressor mounts and fixings are in place and secure

  • Confirm service valve connections are secure and leak free. corroding valves should be <br>cleaned and protected

  • For coalescent oil separator test for excessive pressure drop across the internal filter

  • Replace oil filter if excessive pressure drop (For Green and Cool systems also replace seals
    in VM7 valves when replacing the oli filter)

  • Confirm oil management system is working correctly

  • Confirm oil level is adequate and carry out an oil acid test. Using Acid test kit Wolseley <br>part NO 689102. Label with date carried out

  • Confirm refrigerant level is correct<br>

  • Confirm transducers are reading correctly in correlation with gauges<br>

  • Confirm all Temp probes are in the correct place and secure

  • Carry out a pressure differential test and confirm no filter is present (Suction)

  • Confirm that all Pressure relief valves are correct rating ( Safe operating Limit is on liquid <br>receiver data plate ) & have tags fitted stating date installed. If tag not present or Pressure

  • Ensure all pressure relief valves are connected to blow off lines

  • Confirm main safety switch is fitted and operational with no signs of damage and <br>operation is at correct pressure

  • Confirm pressure vessels are clear of corrosion or damage

  • Confirm there are no signs of damage to insulation to Pressure vessel and heat exchanger

  • Confirm components and pipework are clear of rubbing or damage

  • Leak Test all components & pipework for any leaks. Confirm there are no leaks with an <br>electronic leak detector

  • Perform leak test to confirm valves are sealed

  • Confirm all components and pipework are clear of any signs of accumulation of ice

  • Confirm pack housing has no internal/ external damage

  • Confirm that the rotation of gas cooler fans and the operation of the controllers is correct

  • Confirm all electrical panel doors are closed and pack housing has no internal damage

  • Confirm isolators are engaged with the interlocks

  • Leave work area in a Clean & tidy condition

  • Close and lock Plant Doors ensuring they are secure

  • Confirm pipe brackets and clips are tight and secure

  • Confirm pipe supports are in place

  • Remove any signage used. Return any Keys used to store

  • Confirm on Alarm Panel all fixtures are running to Tesco Specification and are <br>communicating<br>

  • Confirm Battery Status is not in alarm indicated at the top of the screen Replace if <br>required

  • Confirm new linked work orders are raised where defects/damages are found from tasks <br>completed<br>

PPM Tasks

  • System ID

  • Asset Number

  • Manufacturer

  • Model Number

  • Date Of Manufacturer

  • Number of discharge pressure relief valves

  • Make of PRV

  • Model of PRV

  • Pressure

  • Date of Expiry

  • Number of Intermediate pressure relief valves

  • Make of PRV

  • Model of PRV

  • Pressure

  • Date of Expiry

  • Number of MT Suction pressure relief valves

  • Make of PRV

  • Model of PRV

  • Pressure

  • Date of Expiry

  • Number of LT Suction pressure relief valves

  • Make of PRV

  • Model of PRV

  • Pressure

  • Date of Expiry

Safety Checks

  • Ensure the work area is clear from any obstruction

  • Check the general condition of asset

  • Perform test run to confirm asset is operational

Maintenance Tasks to be Carried out

  • Manually test operation of plant ventilation

  • Confirm correct warning labels are displayed on plant housing and control panels

  • Ensure panel keys are in place

  • Ensure all electrical drawings & manuals are on site, up to date & available to access

  • Confirm isolator engineer interlock is functioning correctly

  • Confirm earthing and continuity to all metal work and sub circuit components

  • Ensure electrical panel and interior of pack casing is clean and free from debris. <br>Confirming trunking covers and electrical cables are tidy

  • Confirm UPS does not have any warning lights lit. Battery needs to be replaced every 3 <br>years. If unable to identify treat as battery requires replacing.

  • Confirm electrical components are not overheating or arcing

  • Using an infra red thermometer record the temperatures. Should not exceed 40 degrees

  • Confirm control voltage is 24vdc

  • Confirm PLC/Controller is operational & staging compressor in/out

  • Compare all plant set points & Parameters against commissioning data and/or <br>manufacturers setting

  • Examine overloads and confirm they are set for 10 % above operational amps. Refer to <br>compressor/motor data plate

  • Confirm all crankcase heaters are operational

  • Confirm operation of housing extract fan, isolate and clean if required using a soft brush <br>(where Fitted)

  • Confirm Invertors are working to manufactures recommendations (Refer to Manual)

  • Confirm all compressor mounts and fixings are in place and secure

  • Confirm service valve connections are secure and leak free. corroding valves should be <br>cleaned and protected

  • For coalescent oil separator test for excessive pressure drop across the internal filter

  • Replace oil filter if excessive pressure drop (For Green and Cool systems also replace seals
    in VM7 valves when replacing the oli filter)

  • Confirm oil management system is working correctly

  • Confirm oil level is adequate and carry out an oil acid test. Using Acid test kit Wolseley <br>part NO 689102. Label with date carried out

  • Confirm refrigerant level is correct<br>

  • Confirm transducers are reading correctly in correlation with gauges<br>

  • Confirm all Temp probes are in the correct place and secure

  • Carry out a pressure differential test and confirm no filter is present (Suction)

  • Confirm that all Pressure relief valves are correct rating ( Safe operating Limit is on liquid <br>receiver data plate ) & have tags fitted stating date installed. If tag not present or Pressure

  • Ensure all pressure relief valves are connected to blow off lines

  • Confirm main safety switch is fitted and operational with no signs of damage and <br>operation is at correct pressure

  • Confirm pressure vessels are clear of corrosion or damage

  • Confirm there are no signs of damage to insulation to Pressure vessel and heat exchanger

  • Confirm components and pipework are clear of rubbing or damage

  • Leak Test all components & pipework for any leaks. Confirm there are no leaks with an <br>electronic leak detector

  • Perform leak test to confirm valves are sealed

  • Confirm all components and pipework are clear of any signs of accumulation of ice

  • Confirm pack housing has no internal/ external damage

  • Confirm that the rotation of gas cooler fans and the operation of the controllers is correct

  • Confirm all electrical panel doors are closed and pack housing has no internal damage

  • Confirm isolators are engaged with the interlocks

  • Leave work area in a Clean & tidy condition

  • Close and lock Plant Doors ensuring they are secure

  • Confirm pipe brackets and clips are tight and secure

  • Confirm pipe supports are in place

  • Remove any signage used. Return any Keys used to store

  • Confirm on Alarm Panel all fixtures are running to Tesco Specification and are <br>communicating<br>

  • Confirm Battery Status is not in alarm indicated at the top of the screen Replace if <br>required

  • Confirm new linked work orders are raised where defects/damages are found from tasks <br>completed<br>


  • I confirm all tasks have been completed

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.