Audit Title
Site Name
Conducted on
Site EHS Manager
Applicable Standards
Select those standards that apply.
- EHS&S Standards 4, Contractor Management
Documents Reviewed
Written Program
Contractor Orientation / Training Program
Training Records
Contractor Qualification Process
End of Job EHS&S Performance Reviews
List other site specific documents reviewed:
Program Execution
Is there an IOSS program leader on site?
Does the site use ISNet for the contractor qualification process?
What process does the site use to conduct pre-qualification of contractors?
Is the site using a systematic decision making process conducted by a multidisciplinary team to classify all contractors as high, moderate or low risk?
Does the site have a systematic process in place to review, analyze and implement controls for the aspects/impacts and/or hazards/risks that the contractors bring on site?
Does the site use a checklist or other tool to identify the different EHS hazards, risks they will need to take into consideration during job execution?
Is there a systematic "End of Job" or "Annual" evaluation" by the J&J contract owner?
Notes on site specific practices relative to program execution:
What is the frequency of training of contractors?
- Initial
- Annual
- Every 3 Years
- Initial Only
Does the training program cover the required program elements?
Is training provided to Project Managers on the contractor Safety program?
Employee Discussions
Discussions were held with the following groups or employees on site. List number of people when applicable.
Plant Tour
Were any contractor operations / tasks / active contractor projects observed on site?
Was the correct PPE specified for the task?
Was the specified PPE being worn?
Had an appropriate risk assessment been completed for the activities observed?
Were all control measures expected to be in place for the activities observed being followed?
Notes on site specific practices related to