
  • 时间

  • 项目名称

  • 货架号


  • 1.所有杆件无明显 的锈迹

  • 2.杆件与板块之间的隔离有胶皮且完整

  • 3.货架杆件上有正确的认证铭牌

  • 4.所有杆件齐全,斜撑完整,牢固,无缺失

  • 5.杆件的螺丝无松动、漏装

  • 6.标准板块玻璃表面与横梁间隙>10mm

  • 7.螺栓与板块面间隙>10mm

  • 8.板块的挂码和板块的间隙>5mm

  • 9.绑带位置保护得当,无松动和过紧现象

  • 10.装箱单和板块实物一致(需拍照装箱清单)

  • 11.板块按顺序进行包装

  • 12.无压迫护边胶条导致变形的情况

  • 13.最下面一块板块的防跳夹是否安装牢固

  • 14.散件码放合理整齐入箱

  • 15.产品和包装上无外来污染物如:植物、泥土等

  • 16.木制材料应干燥,无霉变

  • 17.整体打包固定是否安全可靠(需拍2张不同角度的整体照片)


  • 1.是否同意发运

  • 2.检查人签名

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.