Climbing Test
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Attention to detail - did they listen to and follow written instructions?
Score 4. Yes didn't need to ask
Score 3. Asked once
Score 2. Asked twice
Score 1. Asked multiple times
Measurements - outer PVC with 10mm tolerance
Score 4. Yes correct measurement
Score 3. Within the base area and tolerances
Score 2. Outside base area but within grommet
Score 1. Not within base or tolerances
Use of hand tools
Score 4. Identified correct tools and used them correctly
Score 3. Needed help identifying the correct tool (X1) or help using the tool (X1)
Score 2. Needed help identifying a number of tools or using them
Score 1. Could not use tools even after help
Cable stripping - live core measurement + or - 10%
Score 4. Strip between 27-33mm
Score 3. Both screws connected but core not within +or- 10%. No core on show below cutout
Score 2. Both screws not connected
Score 1. Core on show below cutout
Finished product (without stripping it down)
Score 4. Cut-out positioned correctly, grommet and cleat fitted
Score 3. 2 out of 3 (Cut-out positioned correctly, grommet and cleat fitted)
Score 2. 1 out of 3 (Cut-out positioned correctly, grommet and cleat fitted)
Score 1. 0 out of 3 (Cut-out positioned correctly, grommet and cleat fitted)
Were all the connections tight
Score 4. Yes
Score 3. Yes, but could have been tighter
Score 2. 2 or more of the screws were loose
Score 1. No attempt to tighten 1 or more of the screws
Correct PPE worn?
Score 4. Yes
Score 3. Reminded once
Score 2. Reminded twice
Score 1. Reminded more than twice
Was the whole task finished?
Score 4. Yes 100%
Score 3. No (ran out of time but missed no more than 1 element), or no because they said were finished but missed 1 element
Score 2. Ran out of time and missed more than one element, missed 2 or more elements when they said it was finished (e.g. Flash guard)
Score 1. Ran out of time and a number of elements missed
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Apprentice Assessment - Overhead Lines
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