Title Page
Restaurant #
Restaurant Info:
Conducted on
Prepared by
Marketing / Promotions
Manager shows knowledge of current promotions
Current promotional items properly displayed in restaurant?
Server shows strong knowledge of current promotions
Servers not chewing gum or smoking while working
Servers uniform clean, fits properly. Tucked in, no wrinkles. Nametag present and visible.
Servers nails are neatly trimmed, no nail polish.
Servers hair neatly groomed, if longer than shoulder length, it must be worn up.
Servers wearing proper non-slip footwear
Quality of Service
Servers properly greeting guests as they arrive and thanking them as they leave
Was the time that it took the server to touch table acceptable? Within 45 seconds?
Servers maintain eye contact throughout ordering process
Servers handles glassware properly, never handling by the rim or with hand over the drinking surface.
Servers using trays to carry orders to tables?
Servers using proper carrying & lifting techniques, does not attempt to carry too much at one time.
Server handles plates properly, never letting hands touch the eating surface
Servers avoid long conversations at tables, provides equal time between all tables.
Servers provides table with proper utensils, napkins, condiments, etc.
Servers properly communicate delays to guests
Server only serves complete orders, no partial orders are brought to table
Server repeats order back to guests ensuring accuracy?
Server stays visible to their tables
While pouring coffee, server does not handle the rim of the cup, and takes the cup off of the table to pour.
Server serves women and children first
Server does not collect tip from table while guests are still seated
Server removes empty plates and silverware after each course
Server offers guests beverage refills where applicable
Server follows up with guest after order has been delivered to table?
Personality / Attitude
Server works well with others, displays teamwork and good attitude.
Server has a smile and positive facial expression
Server shows strong knowledge of menu items and ingredients?
Server shows strong knowledge of company history, and values
Server stays busy, does not linger or loiter.
Server provides suggestions for dessert, appetizers and drinks?
Server greets table with their name?