REV F (08/21)


  • Conducted on:

  • Shift:

  • Inspector:

  • Assembler's Name:

  • Letter Code:

  • ECN Per Print:

  • Casting Serial No.:

  • Part No.:

  • Work Order No.:


  • 1.0 Top plate machined

  • 2.0 Lock pins are flush with top plate.

  • 2.1 Lock pins are un-chipped.

  • 2.2 Lubrication on lock pins per XM-351 drawing

  • 3.0 Yoke fit criteria: Check with locks closed around a kingpin & yoke properly seated (minimum 2 couplings)

  • 3.1 Yoke extension (applies to both yoke tips) .30 max, flush min

  • 3.2 Gaps (applies to both yoke tips) .020 max gap

  • 3.3 Ends of yoke are lubricated per XM-351 drawing

  • 3.4 Rubber washer on yoke shaft does not freely rotate by hand

  • 4.0 Sharp edges of washers are away from cam plate

  • 4.1 Cam plate pivot hole & cam track are lubricated on both sides per XM-351 drawing

  • 5.0 XB-2083 cam pivot bolt is tight

  • 6.0 XB-CX-58-F-134 bolt is bottomed out on yoke shaft

  • 6.1 .06 to .12 gap between 5/8 bolt head and washer

  • 7.0 Secondary lock in position, moves freely, lubricated in pivot hole and where contact is made with cam plate per XM-351 drawing

  • 8.0 Yoke shaft threads lubricated per XM-351 drawing

  • 9.0 Extension spring attached to locks

  • 10.0 Retaining rings are secure on lock pins

  • 11.0 Adjusting tag is pointing counterclockwise

  • 12.0 Assembler's stamp is clearly visible

  • 13.0 Pocket inserts are assembled in fifth wheel (-P versions)

  • 14.0 Functional test is OK

  • 15.0 Release handle XA-07151-1, 1 - XB-T-49 washer, 1 - spring, 1 - XB-PW-1732-1-116 washer, and 1 - cotter pin installed properly

  • 16.0 Handle Bracket (right-hand release only)

  • 16.1 Handle bracket, XB-T-61 lock washers and XB-C-38-1 hex cap screws are properly mounted and secure.

  • 17.0 Air cylinder properly mounted and secure (air release only)

  • 18.0 ELI-te Inspection (if so equipped) HHF824-007 (7/13/2021) Rev F Page 1 of 2

  • 18.1 Kingpin sensor jam nut position set in accordance with EE-11971

  • 18.2 Can sensor jam nut position set in accordance with EE-11971

  • 18.3 All lamp and sensor brackets and logic module securely mounted

  • 18.4 Kingpin sensor flag operates with kingpin entry and returns with spring tension

  • 18.5 All four white inspection lamps are secured with grommets and pointed towards locks

  • 18.6 Both red warning lamps are secured with grommets and pointed outwards from their respective side of the fifth wheel

  • 18.7 Cables secured with zip ties in accordance with assembly instructions

  • 18.8 With the fifth wheel locked to a kingpin and power applied to the ELI-te

  • 18.8.1 The four inspection lamps should be ON

  • 18.8.2 The two red warning lamps should be off

  • 18.8.3 The COUPLE output indicator lamp should be ON

  • 18.8.4 The WARNING output indicator lamp should be off

  • 18.9 With the fifth wheel unlocked and kingpin removed

  • 18.9.1 The four inspection lamps should be off

  • 18.9.2 The two red warning lamps should be off

  • 18.9.3 The COUPLE output indicator lamp should be off

  • 18.9.4 The WARNING output indicator lamp should be off

  • 18.10 With locks closed and kingpin removed

  • 18.10.1 The four inspection lamps should be off

  • 18.10.2 The two red warning lamps should be FLASHING

  • 18.10.3 The COUPLE output indicator lamp should be off

  • 18.10.4 The WARNING output indicator lamp should be ON or FLASHING

  • 18.10.5 Using aluminum foil, mask the warning & inspection lights. Also mask the connector face of the system power cord with aluminum foil.

  • Accepted:

  • Comments:

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.