Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Are there recruitment files available for positions vacant (past & present)?
Do the recruitment files contain the following:
Completed interview guides for each person interviewed
Copies of applications (e.g. Resumes) for candidates interviewed
Is the interview guide free of discriminatory questions and bias
Are successful candidates references checked prior to selection
Are copies of these checks available
Are all employees hired post 1/10/13 Gateway compliant
Do short-listed candidates complete an application form
Current Employees
Is there an employee file for each current employee kept on site
If a file is not held on site, where is the documentation such as performance management/training records held
Is there a letter of offer for all employees
Are job descriptions available for every role
Where are status change records kept (e.g. Change of hours, grade, employment status)
Are personnel files/ records for ex-employees kept on site
If not can they be easily retrieved if required (e.g. From archiving)
Is there a roster posted where all employees can access it
Is the roster posted at least 7 days in advance
How are changes to the roster made and communicated
Have all current employees completed an induction covering:
Bullying and harrassment
Are there up to date records of inductions
Are Assetlink policies (including Grievances) available to all staff
Performance Management
Have any employees received a bonus/reward for good performance
What action is taken with regards to underperformance
File note/record of discussion
Formal counselling/warnings