Title Page

  • Property Name

  • Tenant Name

  • Duration living at property

  • Inspected by

  • Inspected on

  • Attendees

Property Details

  • Type of property (e.g. detached)

  • Garden

  • Describe size & condition

  • Is the roof in good order?

  • Describe issues

  • Is the main structure in good order

  • Describe issues

  • Is the joinery in good order

  • Describe issues

  • Is the external decoration in good order

  • Describe issues

  • Are the rainwater goods and drains clear and in good condition

  • Describe issues

  • Is the property single glazed

  • Number of bedrooms

  • Number of reception rooms

  • Number of bathrooms

Property Services

  • Is there any gas at the property

  • Type of gas and what it serves

  • Mains water

  • Type of private supply and is there water treatment present

  • Heating type

  • Where is fuel stored (if applicable)

  • Private drainage

  • Type of private system, location, is it serving more than one property

  • Is there an open fire or solid fuel burning stove

  • What is there and how many

  • Have they been swept and/or serviced

  • Location of electric meter

  • Location of stop tap

  • Are smoke alarms present and working on every floor

  • Are carbon monoxide alarms present and working wherever there is a solid fuel burning appliance


  • Having inspected the property with the tenant, describe any outstanding repair or management issues

  • Are there any rent issues to be resolved

  • Is the property kept in good tenantable repair and condition

  • Describe issues


  • Having now inspected the whole property, are there any hazards to report other than anything already noted?

  • Describe the hazards

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.