Title Page
Site conducted
Project No.
Project Manager
AV Design By
AV Contractor
AV Programed by
AV Consultant
Lead Commissioning Technician
Commissioning begun
Project completion date (go live date)
Project ready for commissioning by AVS
AVS technicians involved in commissiong
General Comments
Safety and Access
Personnel Safety
Please preform a hazard and risk assesment of the space before proceeding with the audit.
Have you preformed a hazard and risk assesment of the space you will be auditing?
Please preform a hazard and risk assesment of the space before proceeding with the audit.
Are there any safety concerns you have found with the way the AV space has been designed or installed?
If someone is injured please discontinue this audit and render aid. UTS security can be contacted for assistance by dialling 6 from any internal phone or 95141192 from a mobile. If it is an emergency please contact emergency services '000'
Is this issue critical or non critical?
- Critical
- Non Critical
Safety Issue Non Critical
Please provide photos of safety concern
Please provide detail of the safety concern
Saftey Issue Critical !
Please immediately preform proper risk control procedures and notify the area supervisor immediately before proceeding any further - See image below for risk control hieracrchy
After you have preformed proper risk control procedures and notified the area supervisor please login to HIRO and report the safety concern, see link below
https://www.riskcloud.net/prod/login.aspx?AspxAutoDetectCookieSupport=1 -
Please provide any photos that show the safety concern
Please provide detail of the safety convern
Equipment Safety and Access
Is all installed equipment easily and safely accessable for servicing, use and support
Access Issue
Please provide photo of access issue
Please provide details of the access issue, including location, equipment and what is effected by its access issue
AV Lecterns and Racks
Please select which equipment rack is in this design
- UTS Height Adjustable Lectern
- AV Rack
- AV wall cabinet
- General cabinetry
Av Rack
Is the rack properly secured as per design specifications
Please provide details
Is the rack free from physical damage or defects?
Please provide details
AV wall cabinet
Has the cabinet door hindges been tightened to support the weight of the equipment installed.
Please provide details
Is the cabinet free from physical damage or defects?
Please provide details
Is the cabinet properly secured as per design specifications
Please provide details
General cabinetry
Is the cabinet free from physical damage or defects?
Please provide details
Is the cabinet properly secured as per design specifications
Please provide details
Select multiples if more than one is present in this design
UTS Height Adjustable Lectern
Is there a flow arm in this design?
Flow Arm
Is flow arm correctly assembled?
Please provide details
Is the lectern mounting plate free from damage, bending etc?
Please provide details
Is the tilt clip and cable management clips and cable sock installed?
Please provide details
Has the tension arm been set to correct tension to support the PC weight?
Please provide details
Has the Vesa mounting plate been installed so that the PC cannot be lifted striaght off with the VESA opening to the left at 90 degrees to the screen?
Please provide details
Is there a managed power rail in this design?
Select multiples if there is more than one in this design
Managed Power Rail
Is the device online and reachable - Device must be set to DHCP and operating on VLAN 4003, Must be able to log into device using its interface tool or web browser
Please provide details
Have outlets been properly named in the device interface
Please provide details
Is the device controlable via control system, including fusion integration?
Please provide details
Is the device free from damage or defects
Please provide details
Have outlets been configured to turn on as per design specification when the device is powered off and on
Please provide details
Cabling & Hardware
All Hardware present and as per final schematic
Incorrect Device
Please provide information on incorrect device
Missing Device
Please provide information on missing item
All Hardware free from physical damage or defects -- If no please provide photo example.
Damaged Device
Please take a photo of Damaged items
Please provide information of type of damage and device location
Has all hardware been installed professionally and appropriately?
Hardware Installation Issue
Please provide details
Has the firmware of all devices been updated to the most recent or version identified by the design?
Firmware Issue
Please provide details
Is cabling present in this installation?
AVS Cable Type Standards
https://studentutsedu.sharepoint.com/sites/AVSSPD/_layouts/15/WopiFrame.aspx?sourcedoc=%7B5F0F0C46-1095-4179-BC7B-C9F8CDDEFDF6%7D&file=AVS%20CABLE%20TYPE%20LIST%20v3.0%202017%20DRAFT.xlsx&action=default -
All cable types used conform to UTS AVS cable type standards. See information for details.
Incorrect Cable Type
Please provide photo of incorrect cable type/s
Please provide description of incorrect cable type and its cable number in the system schematic
Cable Condition - Cables are free from visible damage, comply with bend radius requirements including termination faults. - If no please provide photo of example
Bend Radius Exceeded
What is the cable number and or location of the cable
Please provide photo example
Termination Fault
Provide Photo Example
What is the cable number and or location, including the type of termination fault?
Damaged Cable
Please provide photo of damaged cables
What is the cable number and or location, including the type of damage the cable has sustained?
Cable Management - Cable lengths are not excessive and are laced neatly and securely with adequate separation between signal types using Velcro ties only. - If no please provide photo example and notes of specific violations.
Cable Management Issue
Please provide photo example
Please provide detail of the location and type of issue with the cable management
All Cables labels are present- If no please provide information detailing what cable type and cable number is missing the label
Label Missing
Provide details about the missing label (include label number as shown on schematic)
Cable Labels are clear and using industry standard label types and print - Provide example photo of at least one label
Please provide a photo example
Please provide details
Cable Labels are correct as per Final Schematic - If no please provide detailed information including cable number that is installed and cable number the schemactic details it should be
Incorrect Label
What cable number is installed
What cable number should be installed as per schematic
Correct cable color clips used for CAT-6A cable types - Blue for Data , Yellow for DM -- If no please provide photo example and detailed notes
Missing Data Clip
Please provide photo example
Please provide detail, including cable number and or location as well as clip colour that is missing or incorrect
Do DM / HDbaseT lines have bandwidth to support gigabit ethernet?
Bandwidth Issue
Please provide detail of the Bandwidth issue, include cable number and or location
Cable connections as per final schematic
Cable Connection Issue
Please provide detail of the connection issue, include cable number and or location as well as where it is currently connected vs where it should be connected
Wall Plates and Connection Plates
Please select from the following if this installation is using any of the following connection plates, select multiple times for multiple items
AV Connection Plate
Are all patch points correctly labelled as per final schematic?
Please provide photo example
Please provide detail
Are connection plates free from damage?
Please provide photo example
Please provide detail
Do CAT6A connection points have correct color coding
Please provide photo example
Please provide detail
Pass Through
Are plates free from damage or missing components?
Please provide photos
Has correct pass through plate been used as per final schematic?
Please provide photo
Data Wall Plate
Is plate free from visible damage or missing components
Please provide photo
Is the wall port Siemon branded?
Please provide photo
Please provide details
Are the ports color coded blue as per UTS Networks specification
Please provide photos
Please provide details
Are port correctly labelled using UTS IT approved naming system
Please provide photos
Please provide details
Does this installation have network?
Is port configuration correct for all connected ports
Port Config Issue
Please raise a Service Connect ticket to Networks to configure ports correctly. See AVS IP Masterlist for config details.
Ip Master List link
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1wDrhbpkgY_YuSNRgZ14n7BX7j6jaFnQJ-4tG1GtQ8lU/edit#gid=0 -
Is the port Active?
Please notify networks or AVS that the port is not patched active
Please provide port number
Please provide port location
Please provide required port config (refer to AVS IP Masterlist)
Please provide current config (if any)
Are there streaming devices in this design? including room monitoring cameras.
Is the stream secure using SFTP and have the login credienitals been changed from default with the details provided to AVS?
Stream Security Issue
Please provide details
Is the stream avalaible and working normally?
Stream Issue
Please provide details
Source and Sink
PC Source
Please select if used in this design, select multiples if more than one is used
Are all settings and conditions of the PC source operating as per the configuration list below?
PC Config Fault
Please provide details of config fault
HDMI Flylead Source
Please select if used in this design, select multiples if more than one is used
HDMI Flylead Source
Are all settings and conditions of the sHDMI Flylead ource operating as per the configuration list below?
HDMI Source Config Fault
Please provide details of config fault
Document Camera
Please select if used in this design, select multiples if more than one is used
Document Camera
Is this a desk mount or ceiling mounted camera?
Has the correct USB cable been installed and connected to the Resident PC?
Please provide detials
Are all settings and conditions of the Document Camera source operating as per the configuration list below?
Document Camera Config Fault
Please provide details of config fault
Is the unit installed in the correct location in the ceiling and secured properly in place?
Please provide detials
Are all settings and conditions of the Document Camera source operating as per the configuration list below?
Document Camera Config Fault
Please provide details of config fault
Wireless Presentation Gateway
Please select if used in this design, select multiples if more than one is used
Wireless Presentation Gateway
Is this an Air Media or Kramer
Are all settings and conditions of the Wireless Presentation Gateway source operating as per the configuration list below?
Wireless Presentation Config Fault
Please provide details of config fault
See link for full configuration settings
https://studentutsedu.sharepoint.com/sites/AVSSPD/_layouts/15/doc2.aspx?sourcedoc=%7BD206335D-5270-429D-9B2B-AB7EC96F358D%7D&file=UTS%20Kramer%20VIA%20Configuration%20Settings.docx&action=edit&mobileredirect=true -
Are all settings and conditions of the Wireless Presentation Gateway source operating as per the configuration list below?
Wireless Presentation Config Fault
Please provide details of config fault
Lecture Capture System
Please select if used in this design, select multiples if more than one is used
Lecture Capture System
Are all settings and conditions of the Lecture Capture System source operating as per the configuration list below?
Lecture Capture Config Fault
Please provide details of config fault
Sink Devices
- Projector
Please select multiples if more than one is in this design.
Are all settings and conditions of the LCD operating as per the configuration list below?
LCD Fault
Please provide details of config fault
Please select if used in this design, select multiples if more than one is used
Are all settings and conditions of the Projector operating as per the configuration list below?
Projector Fault
Please provide details of config fault
Program Audio
Does this system have FOH speakers or Ceiling Speakers
- Front Of House
- Ceiling
Is program audio functional as per the configuration list below?
Ceiling Program Audio Fault
Please provide details
Is program audio functional as per the configuration list below?
FOH Program Audio Fault
Please provide details
Speech Reenforcment
Is there a Radio mic and or Lectern Mic in place?
- Lectern Mic
- Radio Mic
Are all settings and configurations completed as per the list below?
Radio Mic Issue
Please provide details
Radio Mic
Are all settings and configurations completed as per the list below?
Lectern Mic Issue
Please provide details
Lectern Mic
Hearing Assistance
Is there an IR or Induction Loop system in place?
- IR Hearing Assistance
- Induction Loop Hearing Assistance
Are all settings and configurations completed as per the list below?
Induction Loop Hearing Assist Issue
Please provide details
Hearing Assistance Induction Loop
Are all settings and configurations completed as per the list below?
IR Hearing Assist Issue
Please provide details
Hearing Assistance IR
Is there a DSP in this design?
Is DSP functional as per the configuration list below?
DSP Fault
Please provide details
Does this design have a control system?
Crestron Fusion
Are all configuration settings and requirments correctly completed as per the list below?
Fusion Issue
Please add details
Crestron X-Panel
Are all configuration settings and requirments correctly completed as per the list below?
X-panel Issue
Please add details
Please add a control processor, Click multiple times if more than one in the design
Processor Name or Location
Has the correct version of code been uploaded to the processor
Please provide details
Is the program functional without glitches, bugs or errors?
Program Functionality Issue
Please describe in as much detail as possible the programming issue
Please add Touch Panel if in design, click multiple times to add more
Touch Panel
Touch Panel name or location
Are all configuration settings and requirments correctly completed as per the list below?
Touch Panel Issue
Please add details
Please add Button Panel if in design, click multiple times to add more
Button Panel
Button Panel name or location
Are all configuration settings and requirments correctly completed as per the list below?
Button panel Issue
Please add details
Handover Docs
Have all serial and Mac addresses been provided by the contractor or PM?
Have all networked devices been entered into the AVS IP Masterlist
Have all network capable devices been entered into Name Surfer that require an IP?
Has CI information been entered into Service Connect?
Have all manuals, remotes and peripherals been handed over?
Have testing reports been provided for all DM lines to certify the lines?
Have As Built schematics been provided?
Has a copy of the final compiled all code been provided? (including DSP file and config files)
Have copies of final code, DSP and config files been loaded into the appropriate folder location?
Is there an induction loop present?
Has a certification certificate been received to certify the loop?
Project Review
AV Contractor Review
The following questions are to review the preformance of the AV contractor as it relates to this audit. This section is optional but helps to give an idea of how well or poorly a contractor preformed. Please ensure any answers you give are professional and factual. These answers will not be rated but are for informational purposes only
Did you recieve a completed comissioning report from the AV contractor or PM for this system, before completing this audit?
Was the contractor present during this commissioning pass?
Did the contractor provide a witness test of the system to demonstrate the system is fully operational and completed?
Was the demonstration detailed and valuable?
What were the issues with the handover demonstration?
Related to the works preformed by the AV contractor, How would you rate their overall quality of work?
For what reasons did the quality of work rate so poorly? Please provide details.
Are there any comments you would like to add regarding the preformance of the AV contractor?
General Review
Is this system operational and ready for service by the users?
Do you believe their were any communication issues that impacted on your work during this project
What were the main issues with the communication as it relates to your audit? Please keep your response professional and factual.
Do you have any further comments about the general state of this project?