Title Page

  • Audit Template Reference No. HS001 v2. Enter your reference No. below e.g. GJHS1015

  • Audit Title: Workshop Health and Safety Inspection Form.

  • BA Business Unit: BAAE.

  • Location: Enter area of inspection e.g. W461.
  • Auditor Name: Auditor Staff No.:

  • Personnel:

  • Conducted on:

  • Please ensure that you read the guidance notes at the end of this form before you start your inspection.
    To record your observation/findings tap on the question box to open a text field.

1. Mandatory Checks. YES. NO. N/A. Select as appropriate and enter information to support your observation.

  • 1.1 Previous audit reference No.: Date:

  • 1.2 Were previous audit actions completed. List previous audit actions not completed and current status.

  • 1.3 Please confirm that you have familiarised yourself with the top 10 risks for this work area and to consider them during your observations.

2. Housekeeping

  • 2.1 Walkways are clear and free from trip and slip hazard?

  • 2.2 Tools fixtures and equipment are adequately stored?

  • 2.3 Racking is secure and items stored correctly with respect to weight, size and height?

  • 2.4 Areas on and around workbenches are clean and tidy?

  • 2.5 Cupboards and drawer units loaded evenly to avoid falling or tipping?

3. Environment: Ask two people working in separate areas.

  • 3.1 Is lighting adequate for the work being carried out?

  • 3.2 Is space adequate for the work being carried out?

  • 3.3 Is seating in good condition and fully adjustable?

  • 3.4 Is there adequate storage for tools and equipment when not in use?

  • 3.5 Layout of the area has been arranged to minimise lifting and twisting etc?

  • 3.6 Is flooring in good condition?

  • Enter names, staff numbers and cell. Name: Staff No: Cell:

4. Safety Equipment:

  • 4.1 Sufficient lifting equipment/trolleys available?

  • 4.2 Lifting equipment is serviceable (within expiry date) and fit for purpose.

  • 4.3 Emergency stop buttons are easily accessible (benches, wall mounted and test rigs).

  • 4.4 Machine guards fitted where applicable.

5. Workbenches: Ask two Technicians in separate areas to demonstrate that;

  • 5.1 All portable electrical appliances have been PAT tested and are within date.

  • 5.2 Leads in good condition, no sign of fraying or wear.

  • 5.3 All equipment, materials and documents on workbench are necessary for work being carried out.

  • Enter names, staff numbers and cell. Name: Staff No: Cell:

6. Maintenance:

  • 6.1 Gas cylinders where applicable, are stored securely and inspection within expiry date.

  • 6.2 Fume extraction is fitted to all soldering benches and inspection within expiry date.

  • 6.3 Unserviceable fixed rigs are fitted with a "DO NOT USE" sign identifying reason and action being taken.

  • 6.4 TEC Technician's working on unserviceable fixed rigs have followed the isolation process for work being carried out.

7. Safe Systems of Work (SSW):

  • 7.1 SSW relevant to an area are posted at the work location.

  • 7.2 SSW have been signed by Technicians and Associates working in the area at time of audit.

8. Hazardous Substances in Storage:

  • 8.1 Monthly check of flammable cupboard contents is up to date?

  • 8.2 Substances are stored in suitable containers?

  • 8.3 Substances are correctly labelled and within expiry date? Check at least 6 substances.

  • 8.4 Have the above substances been COSHH assessed? List those not COSHH assessed.

9. Hazardous Substances in use on the workshop. Check 2 areas where substances are in use for the following:

  • 9.1 Substances are in suitable containers?

  • 9.2 Substances are correctly labelled and within expiry date? List substances being used.

  • 9.3 The substances have been COSHH assessed? List those not COSHH assessed.

  • 9.4 The Technician demonstrated that they can use Sypol CMS?

  • 9.5 Technician is using the correct PPE for the substance being used? List PPE worn.

  • 9.6 Substances are returned to storage after use?

  • Enter names, staff numbers and cell: Name: Staff No: Cell:

10. Fire Precautions:

  • 10.1 Fire exits and evacuation routes are clearly sign posted and clear of obstruction?

  • 10.2 Fire extinguisher locations are clearly identified and easily accessible?

  • 10.3 Fire extinguishers are securely stored with pins in place?

  • 10.4 Fire extinguishers are within current test date?

  • 10.5 Break glass alarm points are easily accessible?

  • 10.6 Are fire safety signs legible and in good condition?

  • 10.7 Are fire doors kept closed when walkway not in use?

11. First Aid and Eyewash Stations:

  • 11.1 First Aid stations are clean and tidy?

  • 11.2 First Aid kit contains the minimum stock required? See list inside kit.

  • 11.3 First Aid personnel for area are within training date?

  • 11.4 Eyewash station is stocked with minimum 1bottle and bottle's are within expiry date?

  • 11.5 Accident (Q189 Rev 4) and Near Miss (Q345 Rev 1) forms are available and at current revision?

12. Waste Management:

  • 12.1 Adequate waste bins available?

  • 12.2 Correct disposal segregation of substances evident e.g. batteries, plastic and cardboard?

13. Additional Observations/Improvements:

  • 13.1 Additional positive observations:

  • 13.2 Additional areas for improvement:

Summary of action owners:

  • Sub-cat Ref No.: Name: Date: Confirm e-mail sent: Action required:

  • Sub-cat Ref No.: Name: Date: Confirm e-mail sent: Action required:

  • Sub-cat Ref No.: Name: Date: Confirm e-mail sent: Action required:

  • Sub-cat Ref No.: Name: Date: Confirm e-mail sent: Action required:

  • Sub-cat Ref No.: Name: Date: Confirm e-mail sent: Action required:

  • Sub-cat Ref No.: Name: Date: Confirm e-mail sent: Action required:

Audit sign-off:

  • Auditor sign-off once the audit is complete.

  • Line Manager sign-off once action owners have been assigned.

  • Supervisor sign-off once action owners have been assigned.

  • Supervisor sign-off once action owners have been assigned.

  • Supervisor sign-off once action owners have been assigned.


  • Portable Appliance Testing (PAT) Labels.
    All electrical items that have a plug fitted are classed as "portable".
    # A PAT label must be fitted to these items, either on the plug or the item itself.
    # Check the date on the label to see when the next test is due, this is usually 12 months from the test date for most items.
    # LAN connected equipment I.e. computers, monitors, printers etc. are PAT tested every 2 years.
    # If it is not possible to carry out an electrical test a visual inspection will be carried out and a "Visual Inspection" label attached to the item with inspection date.

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.