Title Page

  • Department: BAE Flow Audit

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location

Untitled Page

  • Procedures - Sales


  • Are the relevant Procedures up to date?<br>Are the Procedures accessible?<br>Are they relevant?<br>Are the sales training plan up to date?

  • Process


  • Are the Process's up to date?<br>Are the Process's on controlled documentation?<br>Are the Process's accessible?

  • Kick Off Meeting


  • Have we had a BAE Kick off meeting before?<br>Why haven't we?<br>What would the kick off meeting achieve?

  • Part Creation


  • What is the process for part creation? <br>Is the process controlled?<br>How do we define parts?<br>What is the process after creation?

  • Production Control & Engineering


  • How does production control define were the relevant information goes?<br>How are the job requirements communicated?<br>What is the process for engineering for designs?<br>How are new designs stored?<br>How are designs backed up and controlled?<br>How are designs communicated to relevant parties and is the process controlled? <br>Are the training plans up to date?

  • MRP & Special Instruction Sheet Creation


  • How is the special instructions sheet built?<br>What is the special instruction sheet process?<br>Is it controlled?<br>How is the instruction controlled and how is it communicated to relevant parties? <br>How does the MRP process run?<br>Is there a controlled process involved?<br>Are the training plans up to date? (Design)

  • Production


  • How are parts manufactured?<br>Are the correct checks in place?<br>How are they controlled?<br>Is the equipment used for checks within its calibration date and are there adequate documentation to support this?<br>Are the machines used to manufacture the components maintained and are the records up to date?<br>Is the Schedule for maintenance up to date and controlled?<br>Are the production departments training plans up to date?

  • Stores


  • How are products and resources controlled and stored?<br>How are the stores process's controlled?

  • Weld


  • Are the welding procedures up to date?<br>Are the calibration records up to date?<br>Are the training records up to date?<br>Are the relevant qualifications in place?<br>Are the products in the welding area stored i a controllable way in accordance to procedures ?

  • Assembly


  • Are the procedures in the assembly are up to date and accurate?<br>Are the training records up to date?<br>Are there any uncontrolled documentation ?<br>Are the process's controlled and signed off?<br>is the calibration equipment being used within its calibration date and is it recorded on the calibration system ?

  • Testing & Calibration


  • IS the measurement equipment calibrated on time?<br>is it recorded?<br>What happens to non conforming calibrated equipment?<br>Are the process's for calibrated recorded and are they backed up ?<br>Are the calibration procedures accurate and up to date?<br>Are the calibrations training records up to date ?

  • Final Inspection


  • are the final inspections training records up to date?<br>Are the procedures for final inspection up to date ?<br>Are the process's being followed and are they controlled?

  • Dispatch


  • Are the dispatch areas training plans up to date?<br>Are the dispatch procedures accurate?<br>Are the process's controlled?<br>Is the storage of equipment controlled and is it calibrated? <br>Is the product stored in a suitable manner?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.