Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Does the contract to have a standard or procedure to manage this topic in their Environment Health and Safety Management Plan (EHSMP)?
Reference the Standard or Procedure Title:
Notes: This assessment includes all transport operations including moves.
"Provide an evidence description of how the contractor complies or does not comply" i.e. the vehicle a third party contractor is using does not have a IVMS fitted.
Include ACTIONS or RECOMMENDATIONS to rectify any non conformances.
Driver management
Are drivers licences held by personnel driving in the field current and applicable to the type of vehicle they are driving?
Have all personal driving in the field completed a Santos approved 4WD training course?
Are driver licensing and competency records maintained on site?
Are contractors and sub-contractors able to produce records?
Are there journey management systems in place to manage the movement of contract, 3rd party and Santos personnel?
Do the journey management systems include effective search and rescue systems?
Are all vehicles on site fitted with IVMS including heavy vehicles?
Do transport contractors have systems in place to manage the fatigue of their drivers?
Are heavy vehicle drivers complying with their company's fatigue management requirements?
Do heavy vehicle drivers keep personal logbooks and are they completing them?
Is a rig move plan in place for rig moves?
Is the rig move plan reviewed and followed for all rig move operations?
Transportation of loads
Are the weight limits of vehicles maintained within transportation limits? i.e. vehicles are not carrying excessive loads (GVM -Tare = maximum permissible load)
Is there a copy of the load restraint guideline on site?
Are all loads restrained prior to transport? (Including short and long journeys and on heavy and light vehicles)
Is load restraint equipment in good condition? i.e. straps not frayed or damaged, chains not stretched, hooks in good condition, etc.
Are only ratchet style load binders utilised to tension chains?
Do contractors transporting baulk liquids have detailed requirements in place for transporting the baulk materials? i.e. stability - all tanks must have baffling.
Are drivers issue with the MSDS for substances they are transporting?
Are dangerous goods classes separated for transport where required?
Is placarding used for dangerous goods loads where required?
Are there emergency response procedures in vehicles that transport dangerous goods or hazardous substances?
Are there spill response kits located in the vehicles?
Equipment maintenance
Is there a regular maintenance schedule in place for all vehicles?
Are maintenance records maintained and readily available on site?
Are pre-start and periodic vehicle inspections conducted by drivers/operators?
Are inspections completed using checklists?
If not, are inspections documented in anyway?
Are SOP's or detailed requirements for changing tyres and rims in place?
Vehicle recovery and incidents
Are vehicle recovery procedures in place and followed?
Are vehicle incidents reported, investigated and manage within IMS or the contracts incident management system?