
  • Student Name

  • Document No.

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by


  • 1.1 Students LEGAL Name

  • 1.2. Date of Birth

  • 1.3. Gender

  • 1.4. Home Address

  • 1.5. Home Phone

  • 1.6. Mobile Phone

  • 1.7. Student Email Address

  • 1.8. Parent/Guardian Email Address


  • 2.1. School

  • 2.2. Current School Level

  • 2.3. School Address

  • 2.4. School Contact


  • 3.1. Primary Emergency Contact Name

  • 3.2. Primary Emergency Contact Number

  • 3.3. Secondary Emergency Contact Name

  • 3.4. Secondary Emergency Contact Number


  • 4.1. Traineeship Name

  • 4.2. Commencement Date

  • 4.3. Work Day

  • 4.4. Host Employer Name

  • 4.5. Host Employer Address

  • 4.6. Supervisors Name

  • 4.7. Supervisors Phone Number

  • 4.8. Supervisors Email Address


  • 5.1. Name of Bank & Account Name

  • 5.2. Account Number & BSB Number

  • 5.3. Tax File Number

  • 5.4. Superannuation Company & Membership Number


  • 6.1. Type of Document & Number (eg. Student ID Card. 1234567890)

  • 6.2. Student Photo I.D. if Available

  • 6.3. Barringtons Representative to Verify


  • 7.1. Citizenship

  • 7.2. Country of Birth

  • 7.3. Are You Aboriginal or Torres Straight Islander

  • 7.4. Do You Speak Another Language Than English ay Home? (If yes, please state language spoken)

  • 7.5. Do You Consider Yourself to Have a Disability, Impairment or Long Term Condition?

  • 7.5(a). If Yes, Please State The Nature Of Your Disability & If You Require Any Special Assistance Because Of Your Disability

  • 7.6. Highest Level of School Completed

  • 7.7. In Which Callander Year Did You Complete Your Highest Level Of Schooling?

  • 7.8. Are You Still Attending Secondary School

  • 7.9. Are You Currently Undertaking Any Other Study?

PRIVACY AGREEMENT (Trainee to read & sign)

  • Personal information collected as a result of your enrolment will be used by Barrington Training Services for General student administration, vocational education and training administration and regulation, as well as organisational planning reporting, communication, research, evaluating, auditing and marketing. Only authorised personnel have access to this information. * Your personal information may be disclosed to Commonwealth and State Government authorities and agencies. * Your personal information may be shared with other learning providers in which you enrol of apply to. * If you are studying towards your secondary education, your personal information, attendance details, progress and results will be disclosed to your school, and/or the Department of Education, Training and Employment, Queensland Studies Authority for the purpose of the Education (General Provisions) Act 2006 and the Education (Queensland Studies Authority) Act and Regulation 2002.

  • Trainee To Sign

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.