
  • Document No.

  • BASICS Interview

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

Supervision of Children

  • What procedures are in place at your site to insure constant visual supervision of children during transitions, restroom breaks, or when a teacher needs a forgotten item?

  • Two Way Radios- How many radios are owned by your program? If shared with the day program, does each group have a radio at the beginning of the ASEP day?

  • Sign In/Out procedures: Are parents expected to come to the child's classroom and sign the child in/out? Are photo ID's checked? What procedures are in place if a person younger than the age of sixteen comes to pick up a child from your ASEP? If a person not listed on the registration form tries to pick up a child?

  • What procedures are in place for receiving and greeting site based children? Shuttle Stop students? Students participating in school sponsored clubs?

  • What safety procedures are in place for children using the bathroom?


  • How are children taught the behavior expectations (rules) of this site? How are new children oriented to the rules?

  • What discipline techniques are used at this site? What actions do you take if inappropriate discipline techniques are used by your staff?

  • What steps do you as the on site administrator take to assist staff when faced with on going discipline concerns? What are the on going behavior issues?


  • How do you ensure all new hires receive 9.0 hours of On-site New Staff Orientation within the first two weeks of employment, 5.0 hours of Off-site New Staff Orientation within the first six weeks of employment and BSAC within the risk three months of employment?

  • Are you and your staff clear about the chain of command for the After School Enrichment Program? What is it?

  • Staff meetings- when are meetings scheduled? What is the length of the meeting? What is a typical agenda? Show me your agendas for this year.

  • Have you (site coordinator) read the ASEP manual and handbook? Do you access SharePoint for information and documents for the current year?

  • How often are staff implementing curriculum requirements? I.e. TDA's, Dream Box, Compass Learning. NBA Hoops, Young Bankers Club.

  • Lesson Plans- When are each groups' lesson plans due to you? Do you review plans to insure all components are complete ( outdoor organized game, free choices and centers identified)? Are final plans initialed and dated by the site coordinator? Are copies left at the site in case of staff absence?

  • What resources are available to assist staff in writing plans that are age appropriate and aligned with the common core and NC Essential Standards? Lesson plans must include an introduction, objective, clear directions as to what the student will do as well as learning outcomes.

  • What procedures are in place to assess training needs, document growth and performance concerns for your staff?

  • Have staff received, read, signed and dated professional development goals in My Talent? Do all staff know how to register for classes in My Talent?, Have staff registered for all required classes and are staff aware of the number of required hours needed by their anniversary date along with the year end requirement?

  • What procedures are followed in procuring additional training for your staff when deemed necessary?

  • What tools are used to recognize staff successes?

  • What procedures are in place for staff to follow when it is necessary for the site coordinator to be out during program time?

  • How often do you check emails and from which computer do you use to check email? If you have an IPad, do you carry this with you during program time for accessibility to emails during program time?


  • In what ways do the Associate and the Assistant work together in their group?

  • How do your staff resolve conflicts among themselves?

  • How do you use the talents of your staff?

  • What procedures are in place to plan for special group activities (Clubs, Fun Friday)?

  • What procedures are in place to obtain relevant information from the day school program about children enrolled in ASEP?

  • How are sensitive child/family issues shared with the on site ASEP team members?

  • How are ASEP staff members informed of day school events that have an impact on the after school program?

  • How is information shared with staff about who is responsible for the daily maintenance of the spaces used by ASEP?

BEFORE SCHOOL (Not applicable to all programs)

  • What means of daily communication are there between you and the team ( Lead Associate, Associates and Assistants)?

  • What daily activities are scheduled for BSC?

  • How is information passed on the BSC parents?

  • What procedures are in place for staff absences during BSC? What steps are followed to maintain proper staff:child ratio?

  • What administrative responsibilities does your Lead or SC Trainee assume?

  • When and how do you observe BSC programming to insure programming is implemented and staff are engaged with students?


  • How are staff informed about the medical needs of children in their particular group?

  • What is the procedure for administering medication to children?

  • Where are latex gloves and first aid supplies kept for each group?

  • Medications: Location of medication, medication log

  • What instructions were given to your staff about how to fill out an incident/accident report? How are new staff informed?

  • Bathrooms: How often are you testing the hot water temperature for sinks in approved areas? What is the temperature during today's visit? Are hand-washing signs posted? What procedures are in place to make sure each restroom has adequate soap, paper towels and bathroom tissue available during program time?

  • What safe school procedures are in place for lockdown during ASEP hours? What is the phone number for CMS Law Police?

  • What procedures are in place for responding to a child that arrives sick to your program? Become sick during program time?

  • What procedures are in place to provide medical care to staff persons injured on the job? When and where do you complete an incident report? If medical care is needed, which medical facilities accept CMS Workers Comp?

  • How do you monitor hazardous materials in the spaces your program uses?

  • School custodians clean areas used by ASEP as part of their daily job requirements. How does your staff insure that shared space is appropriately cleaned and maintained?


  • What is the procedure for obtaining space for ASEP?

  • What procedures are in place to monitor the rotation of center activities? How often are materials rotated?

  • How do you obtain supplementary materials for your TDA's, related books?

  • How do you assure that appropriate materials and spaces are being used for TDA's?

  • How do you work with the day school program to coordinate activities in a shared area of the building?

  • What procedures are followed at your site if another group needs to use space usually assigned to ASEP?

  • Who are you using as a resource to help meet the needs of children with special needs?

  • What procedures are in place to keep your staff informed about special needs training opportunities?

  • How do you assess the needs and acquire special materials for children with special need?

  • How do you and your staff assure that all children have the opportunity to participate in all ASEP activities?

  • What type of survey have the children been given to determine where their interests lie? When was the last time they were surveyed?

  • What procedures are in place for children to inform staff about what materials they would like to have included in centers?

  • Where is the storage space for your materials and supplies?


  • What actions do you take at this site to maintain good rapport with parents?

  • What procedures are in place to handle parent concerns that are not being addressed by their child's ASEP teacher?

  • Locator Board: Where is the board located? Which staff person is responsible for making sure that information on the locator board is accurate?

  • Parent Meetings: How are parents informed of the date, time and content of the meeting? Are provisions made for child care? Are day school staff informed of meetings including the principal? What are the plans for your next meeting; Date & Time?

  • Parent Greetings: Are parents acknowledged and greeted by staff members on a daily basis? Are you visible and accessible to our parents daily? Not applicable for ACE 21 CCLC as students ride the bus home daily.

  • What procedures are in place to handle an angry parent wanting to discuss sensitive issues with you?


  • When was the last time you crossed referenced your attendance rosters with your ledger card?

  • Delinquent Accounts: How many accounts are in arrears with the 1-week payment policy? Have late letters been given to all parents with accounts in arrears? What was the total dollar amount of your last month's delinquent report?

  • How do you work with a family who leaves cash in the front office or walks in and hands you cash?

  • Which day of the week are late payment letters generated and given to parents?

  • KRONOS- Staff Timesheets: Are you and your staff clocking in/out daily? How often do you monitor time-sheets for accuracy? Are you correcting daily transfers and missed punches? How do you enroll a new staff person in the clock?

  • Receiving Weekly Fees: On what days of the week do you receive payments? On what days do parents receive receipts? What procedures are in place for receiving fees when the site coordinator is absent? What is the procedure for Safe Keeping? How many trips to the bank can you make per week? When are deposit slips due to the central office? How are parents informed of fee collection days that don't fall on a Monday or Friday?

  • Program shopping: What day are site coordinators permitted to shop? Where is the p card kept? Describe a shopping trip from start to finish; picking up card or purchase order, shopping, attaching receipt to flow form, sending within 2 business days.

After the interview, a conference should be conducted with the Site Coordinator/Trainee to note items needing action. The interview summary will be shared with stakeholders to enhance, review and discuss. The site coordinator will have 10 business days to development and implement said actions with their team. A written response of the action taken is to be sent via email to the appropriate Program Assistant.

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