Document No.
Conducted on
Park or Protected Area
- Gowlland Tod
- John Dean
- Ruckle
- Mt Maxwell
- Mt Maxwell ER
- Dionisio
- Bodega Ridge
- Montague Harbour
- Burgoyne Bay
- Mt Erskine
Front country or back country
Area of park
- campground
- day use
- marine overnighting
- marine day use
- area closed to public
- ecological reserve open to public
- ecological reserve closed to public
Trail type
- road
- trail
- game trail
- not on a trail
- single track
- double track
Trail Name
Why are you here? Sorry, this may be an unnecessarily existential question?
Site Geometrics & Attributes
This section is large & designed to get lots of data about each place you stop at.
Please remember:
The data you enter is about this spot and it's immediate surroundings.
Use this map tool to find and enter the geographic coordinates of this data point.
Have you set the geo coordinates?
Segment point: are you starting the segment, in the middle of it, or at the end?
Junction characteristics
- no junction
- trail braiding or widening
- T junction
- X junction (4 way)
- 5 way junction
- multiple trails join
Trail position on slope
- valley bottom - no slope nearby
- valley bottom - nearby slope
- at toe of slope
- mid portion of slope
- upper portion of slope
- along ridge line
- on a hill crest
- high ground - slope nearby
- high ground - no slope nearby
What is the trail grade?
How steep is it?
What is the curvature of the trail
How tight is the curve?
What is the sight distance?
Trail surface materials
- bedrock
- rocks
- gravel
- sandy
- clay
- organic soils (dirt)
- mud
- exposed roots
- wood
- moss
- grassy
- artificial material (paving, etc.)
Trail surface damage
- erosion crossing trail
- erosion runs along trail
- trail washed out
- slide across trail
- tree(s) down across trail
- normal wear & tear
- no appreciable damage
What are the surrounding land features?
- dunes
- oceanside
- forest
- beach (sandy)
- beach (rocky)
- bedrock
- excavation
- rock slide
- scree
- boulder field
- quarry
- shaft
- meadow
- clear cut
- old clear cut with regrowth
What are the landforms around this site?
- valley bottom
- valley side
- hillocky
- slope up
- cliff slope up
- slope down
- cliff slope down
- viewpoint
- flat area
Choose the prevalent tree species you see
- red alder
- western red cedar
- douglas fir
- bigleaf maple
- arbutus
- hemlock
- grand fir
- garry oak
- pine
- dogwood
- yew
- cottonwood
- willow
- spruce
- aspen
- larch
- birch
- cascara
Choose the prevalent shrubs in the immediate area
- oceanspray
- oregon grape
- ferns
- hardhack
- elderberry
- horsetail
- skunk cabbage
- pond lily
- cow parsnip
- red huckleberry
- evergreen huckleberry
- salal
- salmonberry
- thimbleberry
- rhododendron
Here are some low growing ground cover plants.
- mosses
- grasses
- sedge
- kinnikinnik
- strawberry
- bunchberry
- stinging nettles
- other
Please note any invasive species at this data point.
A list of some invasive species.
- wall lizard
- grey squirrel
- bullfrog
- spurge laurel (daphne)
- himalayan blackberry
- cutleaf blackberry
- english ivy
- gorse
- scotch broom
- english hawthorn
- knotweeds
- holly
- giant hogweed
- yellow archangel
- laurel
Take a photo of any big infestations, unidentifiable things or unusual things.
In the space below, please note any invasives at this site not already recorded.
Make any additional notes on invasive species here.
Water Feature<br>Is there a water feature here? Is it dry or wetted?
Water feature details
- bog
- swamp
- marsh
- pond
- lake
- creek
- river
- ocean
- waterfall
- lagoon
Where is the water feature relative to the trail?
If there is a bike feature here, please give details.
If there is more than one, more details can be added afterwards.
Bike feature
What is the bike feature?
- gap jump (doesn't have to be built out of dirt)
- dirt jump (more built up take off & landing)
- step down
- step up
- tabletop jump
- log ride
- wall ride (rock)
- deck
- bermed corner
Condition estimate of bike feature
Does the bike feature follow IMBA guidelines?
Estimated level of difficulty?
What materials compose this feature?
- rock armouring
- geotextile
- metal plate
- expanded metal mesh
- metal mesh
- chicken wire
- rough wood timbers
- dimension lumber
- concrete
- metal structure
- berm
- plastic sheeting
- plastic structure
- tarp
- soils & gravels
- other
Please describe the other materials, e.g., hay bales, or cardboard, or whatever else that wasn't on the list.
Current state condition of materials
You can add data for built facility here.
If there is more than one piece of built facility, you can add more data afterwards.
Built facility
Check the box & add data for built facility.
What kind of built facility is this one?
- stair
- drainage
- bridge
- walk surface
- climb apparatus
- ferry
- building
- signage
- structure
Stair types
- asphalt stairs
- box stairs
- ladder stairs
- stringer stairs
- step up
- step down
- stone stairs
- retained stairs
- concrete stairs
- sawtooth stairs
Condition estimate
Drainage types
- open cross drain
- covered cross drain
- cross culvert
- swale
- water bar
- side ditching
- rock drain pit
Condition estimate
Bridge types
Condition estimate
Walking surface type
- boardwalk (ground level)
- boardwalk (elevated)
- ramp
- corduroy
- stepping stones
- log butts
- long logs
- split log(s)
- walk log
- flat or board
Condition estimate
Type of climb apparatus
- ladder
- rope
- rope ladder
- pole with rungs
- via ferrata
- pocket footholds
Condition estimate
Type of ferry
- aerial cable car for one
- aerial cable car for two or more
- aerial gondola
- aerial cable only
- reaction ferry on water
- motor vessel
- rowboat
- canoe
- fording
Condition estimate
Type of building
- pit toilet (flusher)
- pit toilet
- change house
- wash house
- shower building
- picnic shelter (water & heat)
- picnic shelter (heat)
- picnic shelter (water)
- service building
- gatehouse
- visitor centre
- nature house
- squatter camp
- floating building
Condition estimate
Type of structure
- info shelter
- wharf
- pier
- Dock
- float
- playground
- bike track
- corral
- food cache
Condition estimate
Type of signage
- guide sign
- regulatory sign
- caution sign
- interpretive sign
- warning sign
- map sign
Condition estimate
- rock armouring
- geotextile
- metal plate
- expanded metal mesh
- metal mesh
- chicken wire
- rough wood timbers
- dimension lumber
- concrete
- metal structure
- berm
- plastic sheeting
- plastic structure
- tarp
- soils & gravels
- other
Current state condition of materials
BC Parks condition assessment category S - further study needed E - item needs to be flagged for re-inspection B - upgrades may be needed as use or demand changes X - replacement will be more cost effective than repair & maintenance R - repairs needed beyond normal maintenance P - preventative maintenance needed
- no action needed
- study
- exists but unable to inspect
- betterment/upgrade
- replacements
- repairs
- preventative maintenance
BC Parks assessment purpose & urgency
Choose the urgency of action
Drawing sheet (use this area to make a drawing if you need to)
Additional site photos.