Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
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Element 09 Document control and records management
Be Safe Pro09 Document Control
Can you access the Be Safe documents on The Wire?
How do you know the Be Safe procedures and forms are up-to-date?
Have you or your workers identified a need for a new or amended WHS document?
If yes, has the change been approved? (e.g. TRIM file Health & Safety, Procedures & Processes, Document Initiation/Amendment Request Form)
Can you explain the process for getting new or amended Be Safe documents approved/published?
Do you know what the consultation requirements are for new/amended Be Safe documents?
Where are Technical Standards and drawings stored?
How is documentation distributed and communicated in your work group?
Has the documentation been controlled? (i.e. registered, allocated a number, etc.)
Has obsolete or superseded documentation been removed, filed or archived as appropriate?
Have you set up your automatic notification announcements from The Wire to receive Safety Advices/Alerts etc?
Be Safe Pro24 Control of WHS Records
What WHS records should be kept by your section?
How and where do you store and maintain your records?
Have you developed a records register for your workgroup? (Indicates where general workgroup WHS records are being stored and maintained)
Are WHS records being captured in TRIM.
Do you dispose of any records?
If so, what type are they and how do you dispose of them?
Element 10 Procurement and contractor management
Be Safe Pro14 Purchasing of Goods
What purchase plans have you been involved in?
What do you need to consider before the introduction of new goods?
How is risk management included in purchasing? (e.g. TRIM file Health & Safety, Risk Management, <Division> <Branch> Risk Assessments, <Year> <Section>)
What WHS specifications/information needs to be obtained?
How do you verify purchased goods are compliant?
Be Safe Pro15 Contractor Safety Management
How do you identify health and safety requirements and develop purchasing specifications before engaging the services of a contractor?
How do evaluate/assess a contractor's ability to meet health and safety requirements before their selection?
How are contractors advised of Ausgrid's WHS policy and it's requirements and how do you check that they understand their health and safety responsibilities while performing work for Ausgrid?
How is this advice to contractors recorded?
When dealing with contractors how do you inform them of the hazards that they could be exposed to while undertaking the proposed works for Ausgrid?
How is this communication recorded?
How are the health and safety requirements for contractors monitored?
How are contractor's non-conformances raised and monitored?
Who is responsible for monitoring contractor compliance via audit and workplace inspections?
Who is responsible for keeping contractor safety management records?
Are the required Be Safe Pro15 Contractor Safety Management forms being stored in TRIM? (e.g. TRIM file Health & Safety, Risk Management, Contractor Safety Management, <Division> <Branch> <Task Type> <Contract Number> <Name of Company or person contract with> <Year>)
Element 11 Design, construction and commissioning
Be Safe Pro12 Design
Is there a documented process for establishing a design brief?
What are the common stages in the design process?
What design inputs are usually included when developing the design brief from a WHS context?
Have persons with suitable experience and training been allocated specific Design Authority enabling WHS matters to be managed and controlled in the design process?
What training/experience does the person with overall WHS Design Authority have?
Is the person with WHS Design Authority recorded in the design brief?
Does the design brief articulate that the design will be developed with due health and safety consideration and WHS risk assessment conducted?
If yes, is there evidence of performing WHS risk assessments during the design stages?
Are records of these WHS risk assessments being maintained in TRIM as per Be Safe Pro24?
Does the design brief specify the acceptance criteria for design output?
Does the customer review and formally accept the design brief?
Is there a process that demonstrates how compliance to customer's specifications is maintained throughout the design phase? (e.g. design brief - design review - design verification - design validation)
Are formal reviews periodically conducted throughout the design?
Do they include all representatives concerned in the design?
Are records/minutes of design review meetings kept?
If so, where?
How do you demonstrate that your designs reflect due consideration of health and safety matters? (i.e. by performing/documenting applicable risk assessments)
Element 12 Maintenance and disposal of network assets, facilities, plant and equipment
Be Safe Pro20 Workplace Inspection, Testing and Monitoring
What inspections should you carry out in your workplace? (Includes Be Safe Pro17 First Aid and Be Safe Pro26 Personal Protective Equipment and relevant Hazard Guidelines)
Show current examples.
Have you developed an Inspection, Testing and Monitoring Register for your workgroup? (e.g. TRIM file Health & Safety, Inspections, <Division> <Branch> Workplace Inspections, Testing and Monitoring, <Subfolder for each workgroup>)
Where do you maintain the records for inspecting, testing and monitoring? (e.g. TRIM file Health & Safety, Inspections, <Division> <Branch> <name of each inspection> <Year> <Subfolder for each workgroup>)
Are inspection forms being used specific and tailored to the workplace and type of work being performed by the workgroup?
Can you confirm that there are regular checks of engineering controls, including safety devices, e.g. guards, exhaust systems, etc.?
Are facilities and amenities inspected and monitored?
Show examples.
Are emergency and fire protection equipment, exit signs and alarm systems inspected, tested and maintained at regular intervals?
As part of the inspection process, how do you check that identified corrective/preventive actions are actioned and followed up?
How do you verify persons conducting inspecting, testing and monitoring are suitably qualified and competent?
Is inspection, measuring and test equipment appropriately calibrated, maintained and stored?
Be Safe Pro26 Personal Protective Equipment
What are your responsibilities concerning PPE for your section?
What PPE is required for your section?
Are you doing periodic (6 monthly) inspections and maintenance of PPE issued to workers? (e.g. TRIM file Health & Safety, Inspections, Personal Protective Equipment, <Year> <Section>)
How do you monitor proper PPE usage, storage and maintenance on site?
What training is available for the PPE in use in your section?
Have you any records of this training?
Is any new/updated PPE accompanied with a training course?
If so, show examples.
Do any of your staff use alternative footwear?
Has this been recorded and authorised on the appropriate form? (Be Safe Pro26.4F)
Be Safe Pro28 Lock Out Tag Out
Do you have any plant and equipment that the LOTO procedure applies to?
What is the LOTO procedure for?
Who is allowed to remove the tags/locks?
Are workers trained in the LOTO procedure?
Show evidence of the process being used.
What locks, forms/tags are used in this process?
Are appropriate safety signs displayed for this plant and equipment?
Are records kept?