Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Element 13 Emergency preparedness and response
Be Safe Pro16 Emergency Preparedness and Response
Is there appropriate signage in your area for effective response to an evacuation alarm or directive? (e.g. evacuation assembly point, exit signs, emergency evacuation drawings)
Where are your primary and secondary evacuation assembly points?
Who is on your Emergency Planning Committee (EPC) for the depot/site and what do they do? (Site Manager/s, Management Representatives, Chief Warden, Site Environmental Officer, Property Compliance Officer, etc)
What is an ECO and what does it do? (Emergency Control Organisation - Chief Warden and Wardens)
Who is on the ECO for your area? (Names of Chief Warden, Wardens etc)
What is your role during an emergency incident?
Where would you find the information re your role? (Be Safe Pro16, local Emergency Plan)
Who needs to know about the Emergency Plans for your area?
How do you ascertain the Emergency Plans are received and understood by these people?
Where would you find a copy of the Emergency Plan? (The Wire, from a member of the ECO, Emergency Information Cabinet)
Where do you find the Emergency Guides (Flip Charts), Emergency Evacuation Drawings and ECO Posters? (EIS Board)
Do you think he location of the EIS Board is suitable?
If you wanted an extra EIS Board or to change the location of the EIS Board who would you notify?
Have workers been inducted in the depot/site Emergency Plan?
Are you able to show me some of these inductions?
Are you responsible for storage of hazardous chemicals?
If so, have you identified the suitability of spill control material required for each hazardous chemical?(e.g. lead acid batteries require vermiculite, sand or similar)
Are there suitable amounts of spill control material for the quantity of hazardous chemicals stored?
Is the spill control material stored in a readily accessible location?
Have you developed plans for response to fire, spill or harmful physical contact for hazardous chemicals under your control?
Are these plans available to your workers?
Have your workers been trained in an appropriate emergency response relevant to the hazardous chemicals you are storing? (e.g. oil spill, release of gas)
Do you practice your emergency response?
Do you review your work activities to use products with less potential to cause an emergency incident or to have less environmental impact?
If so, can you provide some examples.
Have the fire extinguishers and other emergency equipment in your area been assessed for suitability (relevant to the type of hazardous chemical) and location by a competent person?
Where can you find the emergency documentation? (e.g. TRIM file Health & Safety, Risk Management, Emergency Preparedness, <Depot/Site Name> OR via The Wire OR displayed on the EIS)
What method do you use to report an emergency incident on the depot/site?
Aside from your line manager and Safety Advisor, who else do you send copies of the report to? (Chief Warden and Site Manager)
Do your workers work in substations or remote sites?
If so, what methods do you employ to manage their safety during an emergency incident?
Who needs to have a PEEP? (Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan)
Who devises the PEEP? (Chief Warden, Superintendent, worker)
Are there any examples available? (e.g. TRIM file Health & Safety, Risk Management, Emergency Preparedness, <Depot/Site> <site prefix>, Be Safe Pro16.3F <Date>)
Element 14 Public safety and Element 15 Incident management
Be Safe Pro18 WHS Incident Management
Have you consulted with the workgroup to identify the types of incidents that may occur based on work activities and put plans in place to prevent these from occurring?
Do you have first aid procedures, training and equipment in place?
Do you have emergency response procedures, training, contact lists and equipment in place?
Is emergency/first aid/communication equipment in good order, up-to-date/serviced, working and readily available?
Is there a maintenance plan for emergency/first aid/communication equipment?
After an incident/injury, what are the three main processes to keep the site secure and people safe? (1. Evacuate and Contain, 2. First Aid and Preserve Life, 3. Shut Down and Secure)
Do you know how to report an injury/incident?
Please explain the process.
What happens after the incident?<br>a) Employee Assistance Program (EAP)<br>b) Investigations<br>c) External reporting<br>d) Safety Alerts/Advices
What is the definition of a 'notifiable incident'?<br>(ie, notifiable incident means:<br>a) the death of a person;<br>b) a serious injury or illness of a person; or<br>c) a dangerous incident).
Are you aware of Ausgrid's Employee Assistance Program?
When would you use it?
Who is responsible to initiate it?
Is the EAP Poster displayed locally?
Have workers been issued with a copy of the 'Notifiable Incident Pocket Guide'?
Be Safe Pro19 Incident Investigation
Do you understand the investigation process for injuries/incidents?
What investigation levels are there and what distinguishes them?
What is your involvement in relation to investigations?
How do you conduct an investigation and who is responsible for the implementation?
Have you got any examples? (e.g. TRIM file Health & Safety, Incident Management - Level 2 or 3 Investigation, <Year> <Subfolder for each investigation>)
How do you report the investigation and review the effectiveness of the corrective actions (if any)?
Are the corrective actions derived from the investigation process discussed with affected personnel before they are implemented?
What happens after the investigation?
Be Safe Pro22 Auditing (Questions for HSE Division)
Does the Audit Procedure cover:<br>a) audit scope and purpose;<br>b) audit frequency;<br>c) audit methodologies;<br>d) auditor selection, independence, competencies and responsibilities;<br>e) input from a representative sample of personnel; and<br>f) the reporting of results?<br>Comments:
Is there an audit schedule?
What does it cover?
What reporting is carried out after the completion of WHS audits?
Be Safe Pro23 Corrective and Preventive Action
What is the process for raising corrective and preventive action and who is responsible?
What methods are available for managing corrective actions?
Do you know how to use the Ausgrid Work Improvement Notice (WIN) Database in relation to raising and processing WINs?
If not, I'll show you......
How is responsibility assigned and to whom?
Have you received or raised any Hazard Alerts?
Can you explain the Hazard reporting process?
Show examples.
Have you ever identified a need for WHS corrective/preventive action?
If yes, what did you do and what was the outcome?
How do you check identified corrective/preventive actions are prioritised, actioned, monitored and implemented?
Be Safe Pro25 Management System Review
Are you aware of the Management System Review (MSR) meetings that take place?
Do you know what these meetings are for and what is discussed/analysed?
Do you know how often they are held?
Who is involved in these meetings?
What reports and feedback to workers are generated through these meetings that may affect your section?
What actions/improvements to performance have arisen from any recommendations out of the Management Review?