Title Page

  • Property address

  • Prepared By

  • Conducted On

  • Point of Contact

  • Picture of Front Elevation

Property Details

  • Brief description of type of property your visiting

  • Wall Type (Solid, Cavity, Timber Frame) - Please Explain

  • Roof Type

  • Number of Storeys

  • Does the property have gas or electric heating (Add detail in notes)

  • Was the heating on at time of inspection?

  • How many occupants live in the property

  • Number of bedrooms

Affected Room/ Area Check

  • Name of room with issue

  • What do you think is the cause of the problem

  • Give a detailed description of the area effected and what work is needed

  • Affected room floor level (Ground Level, First Floor Etc)

  • Multiple photos

  • Humidity and room temperature readings

  • Photos of moisture meter with readings

  • Wall temperatures

Standard Property checks

  • Description of bathroom

  • Type of Extractor fan in bathroom(s)

  • Is there a window in the bathroom?

Loft Space

  • Is there a loft and safe access?

  • Thickness of loft Insulation

  • Is there insulation evenly spread, without cold spots?

  • Items stored in loft?

  • Is there ventilation in the loft?

  • Is this loft sweating (humid)?

Windows & Doors

  • What type of windows does the property have?

  • What type of door does the property have?

  • Are there trickle vents? (If yes give detail)


  • Description of Kitchen

  • Type of extractor fan?


  • Is there a tumble dryer (Details in Notes)

  • Where are clothes being dried?

  • Could the clothes be dried in a room with a extractor fan?

Recommendations/ Action

  • Risk Level

  • Is a decant required?

  • Works Required


  • Name

  • How are they related to property

  • Signature

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.