
  • Site conducted

  • Store Audit

  • Document No.

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location


  • Food premises registration certificate current

  • Food registration certificate on display

  • Liquor licence registration current

  • Liquor licence registration certificate on display

Food Safety Program Records

  • Food Safety Program On Premises

Form 2 & 6 - Approved Suppliers List & Goods Receiving Log

  • Approved Suppliers List

  • Vehicle temperature log - Arrival

  • Frozen food temperature log - Receival

  • Chilled food temperature log - Receival

Form 5 - Food Cooling Log

  • Cooling of hot foods logged

  • Correct procedure observed 60*C to 21*C after 2 hours

  • Clean storage containers used and labelled

Form 8 - Cold Storage Logs

  • Walk In Freezer - Temp Log

  • Walk in Cool Room - Temp Log

  • Chip Drawer - Temp Log

  • Grill Under bench fridge #1- Temp Log

  • Grill Under bench fridge #2 - Temp Log

  • Fryer Fridge - Temp Log

  • Pass Fridge - Temp Log

  • Concrete Fridge Log

  • Beveridge Cooler Log

  • Basement Fridge #1 Log

  • Basement Fridge #2 Log

Form - Cooking Temperature Logs

  • Cooked food Compliant - Temp Check

  • Cooking Procedures Observed

Form 7 - Probe Thermometer Log

  • Calibration of Probe Thermometer Log


  • Chilled/ frozen food stored without delay

  • Store room in clean & tidy condition

  • Food stored on suitable racking off the floor

  • Condition of store rooms acceptable

  • All lighting acceptable and in good condition

Refrigerated / Freezer Storage

  • High risk chilled food stored @ below 5 deg C

  • Frozen food storage @ -18 deg C or colder

  • Defrosted food never refrozen

  • Use by date codes transferred to decanted containers

  • Food not stored in open containers

  • Glassware not used to store food in refrigerators

  • In multi-use refrigerators are raw & cooked foods separated to avoid the risk of cross contamination

  • Are egg's stored under refrigerated conditions & date marked

  • Stocked not being stored on the floor

  • Stock rotation being observed

  • All "open foods" wrapped, inc cheese, etc

  • Protective light covers in place and in good condition

Ambient Storage

  • Is storage area well lit

  • Protective light covers in place and in good condition

  • No food items stored in open packs

  • Food not stored near chemicals

  • Date codes on decanted food containers

  • Strict stock rotation being observed

  • No out of date dried goods identified

  • Storeroom in good condition

  • Boxes not stored on the floor

  • Door & Walk ways clear of obstruction



  • All benches sinks and benches sanitised at the end of each day

  • Correct use of sanitiser & staff appropriately trained

  • Chopping boards, knives, slicers, etc, sanitised / washed after use

  • Detergent sanitiser used in dishwasher or correct manual washing methods used

Initial Food Preparation

  • Raw food not prepared near cooked food & utensils/surfaces sanitised between each use

  • Disposable towels used to wipe down food surfaces

  • Frozen food defrosted under refrigerated conditions

  • Cold food refrigerated between preparation & service

  • High risk foods kept out of refrigerated conditions as short as possible during preparation

  • All high risk foods not left unattended e.g. During breaks

  • All food prepared using the 2 to 4 hours rule

OH&S Policy

Gas Isolation Value & Signage

  • Is the Gas Isolation value clear of obstruction

  • Is the Gas Isolation sign visible and in view of sight

  • Staff Trained of Gas Isolation Value location

Exhaust Sprinkler Heads

  • Sprinkler heads clean and free of grease

  • Routine service by Fire Protection Systems

Manual Fire Fighting Equipment

  • Fire Hose Reels - Tested & Tagged

  • Fire Hose Sign in correct Position

  • Fire Extinguishers - Location Compliant

  • Fire Extinguishers - Test & Tagged

  • Fire Extinguishers - Signed Correctly

  • Fire Blankets - Location Compliant

  • Fire Blankets - Test & Tagged

  • Fire Blankets - Signed correctly

Electrical Equipment

  • FOH - Appliances Test & Tagged

  • BOH - Appliances Test & Tagged

  • Kitchen Area - Appliances Test & Tagged

  • Microwave Leakage Testing - Date

  • Electrical Surge Protection - Installed & Tested

  • Exit & Emergency Lighting - Tested

  • Power Points in good condition - Grease Damage free

Electrical Distribution Boards

  • EDB located within a lockable Cupbopard

  • EDB Fully Labelled

  • RCD's Tested Compliant

  • Thermal Imaging Completed in the last 12 Months

Compressed Gas Bottles

  • Compressed Gas Bottles Stored & Secured Correctly

  • Compressed Gas Bottles secured upon immediate delivery

Pathways & Emergency Exits

  • Pathway to FOH clear of obstruction

  • Emergency Exits clear of obstruction

  • Walkways to BOH clear of obstruction

Personal Hygiene Standards

  • All food handlers issued and trained in good hygiene guidance

  • Finger nails are short, unpolished & clean

  • No jewellery worn by any staff members

  • Long hair tied in a bun / hair net worn

  • Good personal hygiene practices being followed (seen @ time of inspection)

Bad Habits

  • Staff not eating or drinking in food prep areas

  • Staff not coughing / sneezing over food, etc

  • Staff not touching hair, picking nose, scratching, etc


  • Clean correct branded clothing worn

  • Over-clothing not worn outside work

  • Personal clothing stored appropriately

Hand Washing

  • Did staff wash their hands between tasks (handling raw meat, seafood, mopping, garbage, etc).

  • Do staff wash their hands properly (hands are washed or gloves are changed at critical points)

  • "Wash you hands now" notices displayed in WC & at hand station areas

  • Bacterial soap provided at all wash hand basins

  • Disposable paper towels provided & used to dry hands


  • Open sores, cuts, or splints & bandages on hands are completely covered while handling food.

  • No open wounds, sores, etc noted.

Staff Illness

  • Management fully aware of procedures to follow in the event of staff illness

  • All staff fully aware of procedures to follow in the event of illness

  • Return to work sickness procedures in policy and procedures in place

Maintenance & Pest Control


  • Front Wood Panelling - Good Condition<br>- Paint not peeling<br>- No Broken timber

  • Planter Boxes - Good Condition<br>- Fix / Repair<br>- Paint not peeling<br>- Clean

  • Plants - Real / Fake<br>- Trimmed & Well maintained<br>- Watered<br>- Mulch to the base

  • Betty's Burgers Signage<br>- Lighting works<br>- No exposed electrical cords<br>- Neon Lights works<br>- Clean

  • Floor Tiles<br>- Loose<br>- Cracked<br>- Missing Grout<br>- Clean

  • Wall Tiles<br>- Loose<br>- Cracked<br>- Missing Grout<br>- Clean

  • High Bench Tops<br>- Clean<br>- Stain / Paint in good condition<br>- Scratched

  • Table Tops <br>- Clean<br>- Stain / Paint in good condition<br>- Scratched

  • Table Bases<br>- Even / Level<br>- Paint<br>- Loose Feet

  • Chairs & Stools<br>- Clean <br>- Paint Condition<br>- Cushion Condition<br>- Broken Welds<br>- Replacement Cords

  • Bench Seating<br>- Clean Cushions<br>- Repair Cushions<br>- Paint / Stain Timber Condition

  • Fairy Lights<br>- Globes missing / Not working<br>- Electrical<br>- Mountings Secure<br>- Cords not tattered

  • Wall Lamps<br>- Globes working<br>- Electronics Working<br>- Secured Mounts

  • Hanging Planter Baskets<br>- Baskets not broken<br>- Ropes not frayed<br>- Mounts Secured<br>- Plants Clean<br>- Fastenings strong

  • Push out Windows<br>- Glass not Broken or Cracked<br>- Frames in good condition<br>- Hinges working smoothly<br>- Gas arms holding firm<br>- Locks working

  • Air Conditioner<br>- Filters Cleaned<br>- Electronics workings<br>- Remotes working

  • Hand Wash Sinks<br>- No broken pipes<br>- Hot Water Running<br>- No Blocked Drains

  • Floor Drains<br>- Not Blocked<br>- Cleaned<br>- Grates not broken

  • Ceilings / Walls<br>- Clean<br>- Paint in good condition<br>- No visible holes / cracks

Pest Control

  • Pest control contract in operation

  • Suitable preventive measures in place for controlling pests & vermin, including clean areas externally, adequate proofing, sound structures, etc

  • No active infestation noted

Food Safety Policy Training

  • Managers and all food handling staff fully trained & details recorded on training forms, etc

  • Photocopies of certificates, etc available & held on file

  • Food hygiene training given during induction


Cleaning schedule, etc

  • Cleaning schedule on display & implemented

  • Schedule monitored daily & checks recorded

  • Deep clean contract in place & included within cleaning schedule

  • Deep cleaning contractors risk assessments available & held on file

  • Deep cleaning contractors Insurancea held on file

  • All cleaning staff fully trained & competent to carry out specialist works

Cleaning Standards

  • Utensils cleaned/sanitised stored appropriate

  • Cleaning equipment colour coded

  • Floors & walls / equipment junctions

  • Cooking equipment, including grills, fryers, etc

  • Canopy filters on a cleaning schedule

  • Refrigerator & freezer doors seals

  • Food preparation surfaces, including chopping boards

  • Drink dispensers, ice machines & post mix machines

Additional Observations

  • undefined

Supplementary Recomendations

  • undefined

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.