
  • Document No.

  • Audit / Inspection Title

  • PCBU and Address

  • Contact Name and Details

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location

1. Club House

Site address, date, time and location identity

  • Address and GPS
  • Date and Time

  • Location Identity

1. Office

  • 1.1 Are office areas clear and uncluttered?

  • 1.2 Do computer workstations have adjustable chairs?

  • 1.3 Are stations ergonomically designed to suit worker e.g. monitor height, chair and key board etc?

  • 1.4 Are photocopiers in well-ventilated areas?

  • 1.5 Is a key register register maintained?

  • 1.6 are there cash handling procedures in place? Two to count and security timeframes?

2. WHS Noticeboard

  • 2.1 WHS notice board displayed?

  • 2.2 PCBU Policy displayed, signed by senior management and current?

  • 2.3 Worker general and site inductions provided?

  • 2.4 Site responsible persons names and titles displayed?<br>Site Manager<br>WHS Officer<br>Worker Safety Representative<br>Health and Safety Representative (HSR)

3. Visitor Controls (Buildings)

  • Location
  • 3.1 Are visitors required to formally sign in and out?

  • 3.2 Are visitors emergency procedures displayed in a prominent position?

  • 3.3 Are emergency procedures displayed at club entry points and locker rooms?

  • 3.4 Are emergency first aiders names and contact numbers displayed?

  • 3.5 Are areas where visitors are not permitted clearly identified (Barricaded, signage etc.)

4. Emergency Procedures

  • Site Location
  • 4.1 Are emergency procedures displayed?

  • 4.2 Emergency services 000 and PCBU names and numbers?

  • 4.3 Site floor plan available and current?

  • 4.4 Are training drills conducted periodically, verbally at toolbox talk and practically exercised (6 monthly)?

  • 4.5 Is the emergency evacuation assembly point identified?

  • 4.6 Are emergency response officers (EROs) nominated, trained and contacts details displayed?

  • 4.7 Fire equipment available and tagged for currency?

  • 4.8 Is there an emergency manual? Fire? Bomb? Theft?

  • 4.9 Are emergency evacuation exits marked and free from obstruction?

  • 4.10 Are exit doors easily opened from the inside?

  • 4.11 Are all exit lights operating?

  • 4.12 Is there an evacuation plan on walls / doors?

5. First Aid - First Aid Code of Practice

  • Site Location
  • 5.1 Qualified first aiders on site with name and contact details displayed (minimum first aid level)?

  • 5.2 Medical supplies checked for currency and expiry date?

  • 5.3 First aid kits for workers on-site within easy access?

  • 5.4 Medical supplies and facilities are adequate for the nature, location and composition of workers on site?

6. Workplace Amenities and General Requirements

  • Site Location
  • 6.1Toilets available on site or accessible location?

  • 6.2 Are toilets provided for each gender?

  • 6.3 Washing facilities provided?

  • 6.4 Are toilets and shower areas cleaned regularly?

  • 6.5 Are sufficient consumables made available in washrooms and toilets?

  • 6.6 Are sufficient tables and chairs provided?

  • 6.7 Are worker lunchroom, kitchen facilities clean and hygienic?

  • 6.8 Is clean drinking water provided?

General Requirements

  • 6.9 Are any floor areas worn and hazardous to the aged, to children, alcohol effected?

  • 6.10 Are floor surfaces dry and slip resistant?

  • 6.11 Spills cleaned up immediately and sign posted with wet floor.

  • 6.12 Are there any protruding objects?

  • 6.14 Are all lights and fluoro’s working?

  • 6.15 Are ‘emergency phone numbers’ at every phone location?

  • 6.16 Are all ‘staff only areas’ well sign posted?

  • 6.17 Is all security lighting operational?

  • 6.18 Are WHS committee members / representatives appropriately trained?

7. Consultation (Pre-start briefs, toolbox talks)

  • 7.1 Are all workers engaged or caused to be engaged by the PCBU consulted on safety matters?

  • 7.2 Is there a safety committee that is properly represented by management and workers?

  • 7.3 Are toolbox talks conducted periodically to discuss safety issues between worker and management?

  • 7.4 Are there worker safety representatives E.g. HSR

  • 7.5 Are pre-start shift meetings conducted?

  • 7.6 Do workers understand the PCBUs legal responsibilities for consultation?

  • 7.7 Do workers require a General Construction Card on-site?

8. Communication

  • Site Location
  • 8.1 Is communication available (Phone, radio, satellite)?

  • 8.2 Does the worksite have agreed radio contact numbers for various site locations?

  • 8.3 Do all workers on-site know the radio numbers for locations?

9. Safety Issue, Hazard Reporting and Controls (Hierarchy of control)

  • Site Location
  • 9.1 Are safety issue / hazard and near miss reporting forms available on-site

  • 9.2 Do workers understand the procedure for reporting safety concerns (Stop work, apply control or report to supervisor)?

  • 9.3 Are risk assessments conducted to identify site hazards with controls implemented?

  • 9.4 Do workers know and refer to the hierarchy of control?

10. Incident Reporting and Investigation

  • Site Location
  • 10.1 Are incident / injury forms available on site?

  • 10.2 Do workers report all incidents ASAP?

  • 10.3 Are all incidents fully investigated and effective corrective action implemented?

  • 10.4 Are WorkCover NSW "Notifiable Incidents and Preservation Site", regulations clearly understood by the PCBU?

11. Kitchen / Restaurant / Dining

  • Site Location
  • 11.1 Are ‘user guides’ available for all equipment?<br>

  • 11.2 Is the workplace area clean and tidy?<br>

  • 11.3 Is the floor space cluttered?

  • 11.4 Are tables/chairs even and on flat surface?

  • 11.5 Are there any slip/trip/fall hazards?

  • 11.6 Are knives stored safely?

  • 11.7 Is the correct knife for the job always used?

  • 11.8 Are oven gloves/mittens used for hot objects?

  • 11.9 Are food handling approved gloves used for food preparation?

  • 11.10 Do food handlers always wear gloves and wash hands as required?

  • 11.11 Are freezer/fridge temperatures checked?

  • 11.12 Is the microwave tested for leaks regularly?

  • 11.13 Is the dishwasher in good repair/not leaking?

  • 11.14 Are hats/caps/nets worn in the kitchen?

  • 11.15 Are serving tongs provided at salad/bread bar?

12. Bar Areas / Veranda

  • Site Location
  • 12.1 Is the workplace area clean and tidy ?

  • 12.2 Is the floor-space cluttered (clear of boxes and rubbish)?<br>

  • 12.3 Are floor mats even and in good repair? Drains clear?<br>

  • 12.4 Are there any slip/trip/fall hazards?<br>

  • 12.5 Are all spills/breakages cleaned immediately?<br>

  • 12.6 Are gloves, dustpan & broom used for breakages?<br>

  • 12.7 Are glasses/bottles stacked safely?<br>

  • 12.8 Are rubbish bins suitably located and regularly emptied? <br>

  • 12.9 Is glass washer in good repair? Not leaking?<br>

  • 12.10 Is electrical equipment away from wet areas (leads properly located and checked)?<br>

  • 12.11 Double adapters not used E.g. Piggy back (Residual Current Devices used)?<br>

  • 12.12 Is ventilation sufficient for area?<br>

  • 12.13 Non-smoking signs displayed? Designated smoking area separate and effective?<br>

  • 12.14 Are temprites / coffee machines maintained?<br>

  • 12.15 Are pourers / nip measures washed regularly? <br><br>

  • 12.16 Are staff regularly reminded to wash hands after breaks/smoking/toilet (observation)?<br><br>

  • 12.17 Are staff trained in food and hospitality hygiene procedures?<br><br>

  • 12.18 Do staff wear ‘covered in’shoes?<br><br>

  • 12.19 Are sinks at suitable height and regularly cleaned?<br><br>

  • 12.20 Are bar mats/cloths washed regularly?<br><br>

  • 12.21 Pot plants checked for cigarette butts?<br><br>

  • 12.22 Are Safety Data Sheets (SDS) available for all chemicals in these areas?<br><br>

  • 12.23 Have staff read the SDS, trained?<br><br>

  • 12.24 Are chemicals decanted into correctly labelled containers?<br><br>

13. Fire Safety

  • Site Location
  • 13.1 Is fire fighting equipment available in all areas?<br>

  • 13.2 Are staff trained in its use?<br>

  • 13.3 Is fire fighting equipment appropriate? Eg Kitchen?<br>

  • 13.4 Correct type of fire extinguishers for locations e.g. electrical or kitchen fat fires?<br>

  • 13.5 Is fire fighting equipment accessible? Obstructed?<br>

  • 13.6 Is fire fighting equipment serviced as per Standards e.g. tagged for currency?<br>

  • 13.7 Are there detectors in place e.g. in toilets<br>

  • 13.8 Is there a No-Smoking Policy in place? Do staff and patrons comply with the Policy?<br>

  • 13.9 Is there evidence of smoking in non-smoking areas?<br>

  • 13.10 Are flammable liquids stored properly?<br>

  • 13.11 Are packing boxes, papers, etc removed off-site?<br>

14. Manual Handling (Indoor) Hazardous Manual Tasks Code of Practice)

  • 14.1 Is a risk assessment conducted for manual tasks (heavy lifting or strenuous work)?

  • 14.1 Is a risk assessment conducted for manual tasks (heavy lifting or strenuous work)?

  • 14.2 Are workers trained in lifting practices?

  • 14.3 Do workers request assistance for heavy or awkward lifting tasks?

  • 14.4 Are there heavy and awkward items in work area?

  • 14.5 Do workers use good manual handling techniques to move heavy awkward objects? Is there mechanical support?

  • 14.6 Is there mechanical support available? E.g. Trolley with wheels with hydraulic height adjusters?

  • 14.7 Are all mechanical devices in serviceable condition?

  • 14.8 Is repetitive bending, stooping or twisting required by staff?

  • 14.9 Do workers warm before heavy lifting to avoid strain injuries?

  • 14.10 Are adequate rest breaks allocated to allow workers time to recover?

15. Ladders (Indoor)

  • 15.1 AS/NZS 1892 Portable Ladder?

  • 15.2 Load rating of 120kg?

  • 15.3 Ladder placed at 4:1 when when used?

  • 15.4 Is the ladder secure at top (by uprights) and bottom?

  • 15.5 Does ladder extend 1 metre above top edge for stepping off point?

  • 15.6 Fall protection at stepping of point?

16. Hazardous Substances (Chemicals) - Code of Practice for Hazardous Substances

  • 16.1 Are hazardous materials identified and control measures implemented?

  • 16.2 Are Safety Data Sheets available for all substances used in the workplace?

  • 16.3 Are all safety data sheets current (not over 5 years old)?

  • 16.4 Have risk assessments been conducted to eliminate or minimise the type of chemicals used?

  • 16.5 Are workers trained in the safe handling and application of hazardous chemicals?

  • 16.6 Do workers follow SDS procedures when handling chemicals?

  • 16.7 Are chemicals stored properly ( E.g. 110% bunded and in-compatible separation)?

Summary Comments, Auditor/Inspection Officer Details

  • Summary Comments Details and Recommendations

  • Name and signature of person conducting audit / inspection.

Workers On-site, Names, Titles and Signature

  • Comments

  • Name of worker and signature (Add title if required)

2. Outdoor

20. Club Car Park Entry

  • 20.1 Is signage in place for designated parking area and legible?

  • 20.2 Are all persons to report to site office displayed?

  • 20.3 PPE required for site displayed?

  • 20.4 Speed limit displayed?

  • 20.5 Site contact names and numbers displayed?

21. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

  • 21.1 PPE allocated to workers specific to activities (Australian Standard)?

  • 21.2 Workers wearing PPE required by company policy?<br>

  • 21.3 High visibility clothing b wing worn as required for work?

  • 21.4 Hard hat being worn as required?

  • 21.5 Fully enclosed footwear?

  • 21.6 Hearing protection being worn when noise level exceeds the standard of 85dB?

  • 21.7 Are signs displayed where specified PPE must be worn?

  • 21.8 Is PPE fitted correctly, serviceable and in good condition?

  • 21.9 Do workers wear PPE when mandated in SWMS?

22. Manual Handling (Hazardous Manual Tasks Code of Practice)

  • 22.1 Is a risk assessment conducted for manual tasks (heavy lifting or strenuous work)?

  • 22.2 Are workers trained in lifting practices?

  • 22.3 Do workers request assistance for heavy or awkward lifting tasks?

  • 22.4 Do workers warm before heavy lifting to avoid strain injuries?

  • 22.5 Are adequate rest breaks allocated to allow workers time to recover?

23. Security

  • 23.1 Is lighting adequate at all hours of work? Outside? After club closes?

  • 23.2 Are there any dark places or hiding places at exit points?

  • 23.3 Are all doors and windows able to be locked?

  • 23.4 Are grass and shrubs kept low and well maintained?

  • 23.5 Are emergency manual accessible to all workers e.g. well located?

  • 23.6 Is security lighting in working order and adequately located?

  • 23.7 Are storage areas e.g. Sheds, locked and secured?

  • 23.8 Is there an an alarm or duress system in procedure in place?

  • 23.9 Is a security firm engaged to check premises?

24. Gas Cylinders (Oxy and Acetylene etc)

  • 24.1 Are gas cylinder properly stored (chained and secured)?

  • 24.2 Gas cylinders properly turned off and hoses wound up?

  • 24.3 PPE available and used for welding or Oxy cutting?

25. Gas Cylinders (Propane)

  • 25.1 Are gas cylinder properly stored (chained and secured)?

  • 25.2 Gas cylinders properly turned off when not being used?

  • 25.3 Are gas cylinders checked for leaks?

26. Portable Power Tools?

  • 1. Are power tools I good condition?

  • 2. Are adequate storage facilities provided?

  • 3. Are all guards in place?

  • 4. Is hearing protection worn if over 85dB?

26. Electrical and Power Tools

  • 1. Is electrical equipment tagged and tested for currency?

  • 2. Is the site shed protected by Residual Current Device (RCD) Electrical circuit breaker?

  • 3. Are power boards used (no double adaptors or piggy backs)?

  • 4. Are leads inspected daily for damage (Hostile environment)?

16. Plant (Load shifting) - (Evidence required I.e. documentation)

  • 1. Has plant been assessed as safe to use and complaint to Australian standards?

  • 2. Are operators trained and Verified as Competent (VOC); is evidence available?

  • 3. Are daily pre-start checklist completed and faults reported?

  • 4. Are repairs and maintenance conducted in a timely manner (Risk rated)?

23. Noise

  • 1. Have all areas been assessed for the presence of harmful noise levels?

  • 2. Are all workers in the presence of harmful noise levels wearing hearing protection?

  • 3. Are noise hazard locations identified by safety signs or stickers?

  • 4. Are workers wearing hearing protection provided with hearing tests (Every 2 years if wearing hearing protection)?

17. Safe Operating Procedures (SOP)

  • 1. Are worker safe operating procedures (SOP)in place specific to plant?

  • 2. Are operators provided with periodic checks on SOPs?

19. Plant Exclusion Zones

  • 1. Permit completed?

  • 2. Signs in place to identify exclusion zone?

  • 3. Exclusion zones secured?

20. Tag-out, Lockout Procedure (SWMS)

  • 1. Do operators understand the initial tag-put procedure?

  • 2. Are tags available in the machine?

  • 3. Do mechanics apply their own locks when working on machinery?

  • 4. Are all locks issued to a person keyed identically?

  • 5. Are operators notified of return to service?

  • 6. Are there procedures or SWMS for Isolation, tag-out and lock-out.

18. Plant used to Lift Loads

  • 1. Loads requiring calculation must be slung by a competent person I.e a licensed dogman?

  • 2. Are all ropes, slings, chains and lifting attachments inspected daily before use?

  • 3. Are loads properly calculated before lifting commences?

  • 4. Does the Crane operator and Dogman communicate effectively?

28. Hotwork

  • 1. Permit to conduct hot work (Usually encompasses a risk assessment)?

  • 2. Have risk assessments been conducted where hot work presents a risk?

  • 3. Is fire fighting equipment available for fire prone locations?

  • 4. Are flammables or explosive substances removed from location prior to hot work?

22. Storm Water Run-off

  • 1. Weather monitored to implement controls to minimise soil erosion?

  • 2. Silt control fences in place or other?

  • 3. Waterway traps inserted to contain and remove contaminants?

24. Site Re-habilitation

  • 1. Are work plans available to include procedures for re-instatement of work sites?

  • 2. Are all locations rehabilitated to meet EPA standard?

Summary Comments, Auditor/Inspection Officer Details

  • Summary Comments Details and Recommendations

  • Name and signature of person conducting audit / inspection.

Workers On-site, Names, Titles and Signature

  • Comments

  • Name of worker and signature (Add title if required)

3. Contractors

5. Sub Contractors

  • 1. Are contractors made aware of company WHS policies and rules before commencing work<br>

  • 2. Do engaged contractors provide adequate insurances (Workers Compensation and Public Liability to 20 Million)?

  • 3. Are sub-contractors safety systems and consultation arrangements harmonised with the engaging PCBU?

  • 4. Are sub-contractors management systems provided to the principle PCBU?

  • 5. Are checks made of the contractors plant and equipment for compliance and safety?

15. Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS) - Code of Practice for Construction Work

  • 1. Have workers been inducted and consulted, in the development of SWMS?

  • 2. Are SWMS systematic with steps, hazards and controls?

  • 3. Are SWMS specific to the activity and easy for workers to understand?

  • 4. Do all workers understand SWMS and are they signed off?

  • 5 Are SWMS monitored and reviewed for effectiveness?

  • 6. Are SWMS provided to the principle contractor?

  • 7. Do SWMS meet the minimum standards required by applicable Codes of Practice?

  • 8. Are SWMS archived and retained for 5 years?

21. Environmental Controls

  • 1. Is there an environmental plan in place?

  • 2. Are work practices designed to reduce impacts to the environment?

  • 3. Are sediment barriers used around perimeters of earthworks and waterways?

  • 4. Is dust suppression available (E.g. Water carts)?

  • 5. Are vehicles and plant purchased and maintained to reduce emission levels?

  • 6. Are procedures available for the disposal of waste and used hazardous substances E.g. Safety Data Sheets?

  • 7. Does the company have a recycling policy?

4. Food Handling

Food Handling

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.