
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

Building & Precinct

  • Do gutters appear to be clean, sound and working?

  • Are all drains clear of blockages?

  • Is the area clear of visual signs of water leaks?

  • Is the building free of external wall cracking?

  • Are roadway / pedestrian markings in car park or vehicle areas clearly visible?

  • Are speed limits posted in car parks or vehicle areas?

  • Are external areas free of any trip hazards (pot holes, cracked or lifted sections of pavement)?

  • Are trees on grounds or near buildings in safe condition (e.g. storm damage, rotting branches)?

  • Are all windows, doors and other possible points of entry able to be locked / secured easily, to prevent burglary?

  • Are areas vulnerable to vandalism (e.g. Lights, windows, accessible and hidden walls) secured?

  • Are areas of the building vulnerable to acts of arson (e.g. Access to combustibles like wheelie bins, cartons, wood) secured?

  • Is access the underside of the building secured?

  • Are all fences and gates in good condition and are able to be secured?

  • Is the site Essential Services Manual up to date?

Pest Control

  • Are areas free of rodent activity (droppings, nests or other damage)?

  • Are areas free of bird activity (droppings, nests or other damage)?

  • Are areas free from other pest activity like spiders, cockroaches, wasps nests?

Electrical Safety

  • Are electrical plugs or outlets in good condition?

  • Are electrical leads in good condition?

  • Do portable electrical appliances / tools appear to be in good condition?

  • Are extension leads covered to prevent trip hazards?

  • Do electrical items appear to be correctly tagged and dated?

  • Are there portable residual current devices (RCD's) for electrical power tools etc?

  • Are there overload switches (RCD'S) on power boards?

  • Are power boards and power points safe and free from overloading?

Walkways, Stairs and Ladders

  • Are floors clean, dry and free from slip / trip hazards?

  • Are walkways kept clear?

  • Are stairs / ladders in good condition?


  • Does lighting appear adequate for work tasks?

  • Are lights & fittings working and in good condition?


  • Is there access to MSDS for all chemicals in the work area?

  • Are chemical containers clearly labelled?

  • Are flammable substances stored away from ignition sources?

  • Is there adequate ventilation of the work area?

  • Is there a hazardous substances / dangerous goods register?

  • Are there emergency spill kits available?

Emergency Management

  • Is there a first aid kit / cabinet available?

  • Are employees aware of location of first aid kits?

  • Is there a current list of first aid officers and emergency contact numbers displayed?

  • Is the first aid kit / cabinet fully stocked?

  • Are the contents within expiry dates?

  • Are emergency evacuation plans displayed?

  • Is an emergency procedures manual available?

  • Are staff aware of site emergency procedures?

Machinery & Tools / Workshop Areas

  • Are all tools in good condition and are stored appropriately?

  • Is all plant and equipment adequately guarded?

  • Is plant and equipment adequately maintained?

  • Are emergency stop buttons within easy reach of operators?

  • Is there adequate provision for storage & waste?

  • Is there adequate work space around machinery?

  • Is access to machinery controlled?

  • Are operators appropriately trained?

  • Do operators hold relevant certificates / licences?

  • Are records of operator certificates / licences maintained (includes drivers licences)?

  • Is relevant PPE available and used?

  • Are gas cylinders restrained?

  • Are there manual handling aids available?

General Housekeeping

  • Are work areas clear of rubbish and general clutter?

  • Are tools and equipment that are not in use stored appropriately?

  • Are safety signs in good condition?

Office Safety

  • Is furniture in good condition and appropriately used?

  • Are computer screens clear of glare or reflections?

  • Is there appropriate ventilation around photocopiers?

  • Are workstation ergonomics suitable?

  • Are the floor coverings sound, no fraying, tears or trip hazards?

  • Are filing cabinet drawers kept closed when not in use?

  • Are desks, tables or benches free from sharp edges?


  • Are materials stored securely?

  • Are heavy / regular use items stored between knee and shoulder height?

  • Are storage racks / cupboards in sound condition and not overloaded?

  • Are stored items free from projections and sharp edges?


  • Are toilets available and clean?

  • Are kitchens / lunchrooms available and clean?

  • Is drinking water available?

  • Are there washing facilities?

  • Is all plumbing sealed and leak free?

  • Is there adequate workspace available for various tasks?

  • Are workplace temperatures adequately controlled?

OHS Noticeboards

  • Is the OHS Directive displayed?

  • Are OHS committee members (HSR's and management reps) listed?

  • Are OHS committee meeting minutes available?

  • Are Incident and Hazard Report forms available?

  • Is there an "If you are injured" poster displayed?

  • Is there an OHS Issue Resolution Process flow chart displayed?

  • Is the Emergency Response Extract displayed?

  • Are there EAP leaflets available?

  • Are OHS performance statistics available?

Other Observations

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.