Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel


  • General cabin interior appearance & cleanliness - Ensure the cabin is clean & there are no loose objects in the cab.

  • General cabin exterior appearance & cleanliness - Ensure the MMU is washed and there is not split product on the unit.

  • Cabin doors, windows and mirrors - Doors must be open from inside & outside, windows must work, mirrors must be secure & adjustable

  • Storage boxes or cab toolboxes - Doors functional, catches operable, no loose equipment in cab.

  • Fire extinguisher - Secure, in good condition, gauge indicates OK, inspected 6 monthly (Orica Standard SHE-0004) & inspection tag fitted.

  • Emergency procedure guides - For ANE, Chem Adds, storage intact, Licence to Manufacture present & in date.

  • Pre-start book - Must be present and in good condition, filled out correctly. Fault reports available.

  • Protective overalls - Must be present & in good condition, stored in supplied bag.

  • Gloves - Must be present & in good condition, stored in supplied bag.

  • Face shield - Must be present & in good condition, stored in supplied bag.

  • Flame proof torch - Must be present & in good condition, stored in supplied bag. Must work.

  • First aid kit - Must have contents list, & box contents to match list. Record of last inspection.

  • Saline eyewash - 3 eyewash bottles present and in date. Easily accessible.

  • Hazard triangles - Must be present & in good order. Easily accessible.

  • Volvo basic toolkit - Must be present & in good order. Easily accessible.

  • Calibration sheets - Must be present & current.

  • Reversing and hopper cameras, Series IV MMU's - Must be operational.

  • Intercom, if fitted, Series IV MMU's - Must be operational.

  • Licence to Manufacture - In cab / in date.

  • Control panel / ignition lockout - Operational

  • Over Rev protection - Does not exceed 1500rpm.

  • Parkbrake / High idle interlock - High idle disabled when parkbrake released.

  • Check for combustibles in Engine bay around gearbox/selector - Reference Bulletin 90.

  • Check for overdue defects and create SHERMIS action.

  • Operating manual - Must be in vehicle. Correct manual for MMU.


  • General appearance, cleanliness - Ensure the Chassis is clean.

  • Mudguards, mudflaps - Must be secure, not cracked or broken, chains on mudflaps where applicable

  • Chassis corrosion - Check for visible corrosion, areas in need of repaint.

  • Oil leaks, air leaks, etc - Visual check.

  • PTO & driveshaft - Operates correctly, no oil or air leaks, shaft in good order, universals ok & greased.

  • Auto greaser - Reservoir has correct grease & operates in correct manner.

  • Wheel nut indicators - Fitted & aligned, nuts tensioned


  • Handrail - Operates, locks in up-position. No air leaks. Not bent. No corrosion, correct labelling, control valve operation / condition.

  • Tram system - Operates, locks in up-position. No air leaks. Not bent. No corrosion. Rail clean. Trolley bearings correctly adjusted, not collapsed.

  • Lid hinges & catches - Must be undamaged & intact. Catches lockable for SSAN.

  • Lid burst discs - Must be undamaged & intact.

  • Lid gaskets - Must be undamaged & intact.

  • Remote opening bin lids - Condition of tracks warped or loose, condition of chain tracks free of emulsion or debris.

  • Remote opening bin lid motor - No major corrosion, no leaks, coupling intact.

  • Remote opening bin lid motor hoses & fittings - No signs of leaks, no split hoses or no corrosion to fittings.

  • Relief / roll over devices, visual check only - Appear to be in good order. Stainless screws fitted.

  • Baskets / Grates - Should be in place and intact. No broken pieces.

  • Walkway mesh - Mus be intact, well secured & not slippery.

  • Level Sticks - Must be correctly stored not floating on roof.

  • Bins, visual check only - No external leaks or cracks. Check bin bulkheads for cracks or leakage.

  • Dangerous goods signage - Must be up to date, intact & correct, legible, not faded or peeling.

  • Confined Space Signage - STANDARD-MECH-0004, one per bin lid, not faded or peeling.

  • Bin contents signage - Should match individual bin contents.

  • Corporate logo, address and MMU series signage - Legible, not faded or peeling.

  • False floors - Must be available for short notice fitment, all bolts in place.

  • Anti slip surfacing - Should be intact & properly secured.

  • Ladders, including fold down steps if fitted - Straight, no bends, cracks or loose bolts.

  • Lugs & mounting brackets - Intact, no cracks, wear pads fitted, springs tensioned with split pins.

  • Pipe racks - Straight, no broken holders or perished clamps.

  • Storage cabinets - QA cabinet, tool box & other. Must have secondary latches, gaskets in place.

  • Fire extinguishers - Secure, in good condition, gauges indicate OK, inspected 6 monthly (Orica standard SHE-0004) & mounted correctly as per alert, inspection tag fitted.

  • Wheel Chocks - Required by AS2187.2 (Eng. Snippet 126). Ensure that retaining pins on stowage rack not seized.

  • Cleanliness and Crystalisation build ups -Should be washed regularly. Check for leaks around ANE pipe work & valves etc.

  • Bin mounted hydraulic pipes & fittings - No signs of leaks, no splits in hoses, cracks or corrosion in fittings, Denso tape applied.

  • SSAN compliant - Bin lids lockable.


  • AN auger motor. Visual check - No major corrosion, no leaks, no broken bolts, aligned correctly, coupling intact, if fitted.

  • AN auger motor hoses & fittings - No signs of leaks, no splits in hoses, cracks or corrosion in fittings.

  • Auger hoods, visual check - Must be full length apart from metering section, bolts in place, adjusted correctly.

  • AN auger free end bearing, visual check - Clean of dirt, dust & prill, stand-off plates fitted, well greased. Guard fitted. Isolation sticker attached.

  • AN auger bearing standoff plates - Fitted.

  • AN auger end seals, visual check - In place, intact. Not leaking.

  • AN auger RPG - Securely mounted in place, working, properly sealed, Redthane belt in good order, pulley not slipping.

  • AN auger drive coupling, visual check, if fitted - In place, intact.

  • AN auger metering tube, visual check - No dents or cracks, no sign or corrosion, mounting bolts tight.

  • AN auger straightness, alignment & flights, visual check - Alignment & straightness means no rubbing or extraordinary noise.

  • AN safety signage - Visible, in good condition.

  • Hydraulic manitrol (if fitted) - Not seized, operational, signage, no leaks


  • ANE motor, visual check - No major corrosion, no leaks, no broken bolts, aligned correctly, coupling intact, if fitted.

  • ANE motor hydraulic hoses & fittings - No signs of leaks, no splits in hoses, cracks or corrosion in fittings.

  • ANE motor bell housing & coupling, visual check - Not dented, no signs of corrosion or buildup. Guard fitted, isolation sticker attached.

  • ANE hose & entry point - No leaks, hose undamaged, no cuts or slits, SSAN seals fitted.

  • ANE temperature probe, if fitted - In working order, properly sealed, no signs of corrosion.

  • ANE pump, visual check - Log book & 60 day checks up to date. No dents, corrosion, turns freely, no unusual noises.

  • ANE pump mounting - Secure, no corrosion to mounting feet, etc.

  • ANE pump RPG - Securely mounted in place, working, properly sealed Redthane belt in good order, pulley not slipping.

  • ANE suction pipework - No signs of corrosion, no cracks, leaks or dents.

  • ANE valves - Free to turn, not rusted in position, sealed properly, no corrosion.

  • Pressure sensor, TOTEM MMU's - Stable readout on display, legible.

  • Pump mechanic tag - Attached.

  • ANE safety signage - Visible, in good condition.

  • SSAN compliant - Tags fitted / camlocks lockable.

  • Pump ID tag - Attached.

  • Hydraulic manitrol - Not seized, operational, signage, no leaks.


  • Process fuel pump & coupling, visual check - No major corrosion, no broken bolts, aligned correctly.

  • Process fuel pump hoses & fittings - No signs of leaks, no splits in hoses, cracks or corrosion in fittings.

  • Process fuel non return valve - Free of blockages, not leaking, no signs of corrosion.

  • Process fuel discharge line - No signs of leaks, no splits in hoses, cracks or corrosion in fittings, Denso tape applied.

  • Process fuel flow metre - Free of blockages, no signs of build up, does not restrict flow, gives steady flow indication.

  • Process fuel pump, visual check - No signs of leaks, not corroded.

  • Process fuel pump relief valve, visual check - No blockages, no signs of corrosion.

  • Process fuel suction line - No signs of leaks, no splits in hoses, cracks or corrosion in fittings, Denso tape applied.

  • Process fuel suction strainer, visual check - Clean & free of blockages.

  • Process fuel isolation valve, manual or automatic - Easy to turn, air actuator operative, no leaks, seals adequately.

  • Process fuel tank - No cracks, dents, corrosion or signs of leaks.

  • Process fuel tank mounting -Solid, not cracked, rubber mounts or strapping in place. No corrosion.

  • Process fuel tank roll over vent, visual check - In place & working.

  • Process fuel tank drip catcher & drain - No cracked, not blocked, clean, not full of product or dirt.

  • Process fuel tank fill system & / or quick connect - Easy to access, does not leak. Banlaw fitting not corroded & dust cap present.

  • Process fuel dye injection pump if fitted - No signs of leaks, pump functional, mount secure and in good condition.

  • Process fuel tank contents signage - Easy to read, not scratched off or covered in mud and dirt.

  • Hydraulic manitrol (if fitted) - Not seized, operational, signage, no leaks.


  • PP motor, visual check - No major corrosion, no leaks, no broken bolts, aligned correctly, coupling intact.

  • PP chain drive & guard - Chain in good condition, no broken links, well greased & oiled, guard secure & undamaged.

  • PP motor hoses & fittings - No signs of leaks, no splits in hoses, cracks or corrosion in fittings.

  • Product pump, visual check - Log book & 60 day checks up to date. No corrosion, turns freely, no unusual noises.

  • Product pump mounting - Secure, no corrosion to mounting feet etc. New style mounting plate fitted, check split pins on pivot point.

  • Product pump RPG - Securely mounted in place, working, properly sealed, Redthane belt in good order, pulley not slipping.

  • Product hopper - Undamaged, no holes or cracks, no sharp edges or corners, lid fitted & operates correctly.

  • Blowdown system - In working order.

  • PP pressure indication - Should be indication accurately.

  • PP stand pipe - Secure, no leaks or corrosion.

  • Pressure sensor, TOTEM MMU's - Stable readout on display, legible

  • Pump mechanic tag - Attached.

  • Pump ID tag - Attached

  • Temperature probe - Condition.

  • 3" ball valve operation / water changeover - Operable, no leaks.

  • Hydraulic manitrol (if fitted) - Not seized, operational, signage, no leaks.


  • CA1 electric motor & wiring, visual check - In good condition, no signs of damage, corrosion or excessive wear, cabinet clean.

  • CA1 pump - In working order, correctly aligned, no leaks, free of build up, corrosion, output steady & of sufficient volume.

  • CA1 pump cabinet - Secure, hinges attached & catches operate correctly, free from build up of crystalised product & / or dirt.

  • CA1 tank - No cracks, dents, corrosion, or signs of leaks.

  • CA1 tank mounting - Solid, not cracked, rubber mounts or strapping in place. No corrosion.

  • CA1 tank breather - In place and working. Clean, not blocked.

  • CA1 tank level stick / sightglass - In place, intact, level visible.

  • CA1 tank fill system - Easy to access, does not leak, correct fittings.

  • CA1 tank contents signage - Easy to read, not scratched off or covered in mud & dirt.

  • CA1 isolation valve - Able to turn freely, does not leak, handle not bent.

  • CA1 suction strainer - Clean & free of blockages, does not leak.

  • CA1 non return valves - No blockages, plumbed correctly.

  • CA1 hoses & fittings - Hoses free of cuts & kinks, not rubbing or hanging down, no blockages. Fittings not corroded or leaking .

  • CA1 hoses & fittings labelled - If applicable.

  • CA1 flow metre - Free of build up, not restricting flow, steady output, no corrosion & sealed.

  • CA2 electric motor & wiring, visual check - In good condition, no signs of damage, corrosion or excessive wear, cabinet clean

  • CA2 pump - In working order, correctly aligned, no leaks, free of build up, corrosion, output steady & of sufficient volume

  • CA2 pump cabinet - Secure, hinges attached & catches operate correctly, free from build up of crystalised product & / or dirt.

  • CA2 tank - No cracks, dents, corrosion, or signs of leaks.

  • CA2 tank mounting - Solid, not cracked, rubber mounts or strapping in place. No corrosion.

  • CA2 tank breather - In place and working. Clean, not blocked.

  • CA2 tank level stick / sightglass - In place, intact, level visible.

  • CA2 tank fill system - Easy to access, does not leak, correct fittings.

  • CA2 tank contents signage - Easy to read, not scratched off or covered in mud & dirt.

  • CA2 isolation valve - Able to turn freely, does not leak, handle not bent.

  • CA2 suction strainer - Clean & free of blockages, does not leak.

  • CA2 non return valves - No blockages, plumbed correctly.

  • CA2 hoses & fittings - Hoses free of cuts & kinks, not rubbing or hanging down, no blockages. Fittings not corroded or leaking.

  • CA2 hoses & fittings labelled - If applicable.

  • CA2 flow metre & wiring - Free of build up, not restricting flow, steady output, no corrosion & sealed.

  • Chem adds flow metre cabinet - Secure sealed, not broken or cracked.

  • Chem adds mixing block - Remove strip & clean, ensure all crystalised product is removed from internal areas of the 3 check valves.


  • Water pump motor & coupling, visual check - No major corrosion, no broken bolts, aligned correctly.

  • Water pump motor hose & fittings - No signs of leaks, no splits in hoses, cracks or corrosion in fittings.

  • Water pump - In working order, no corrosion, check oil level.

  • Water pump hoses & fittings - No leaks, free of blockages, kinks & corrosion.

  • Water flow metre & wiring - Free of build up, not restricting flow, steady output, wiring connectors in good order no internal damage.

  • Water suction line & strainer - No blockages, clean.

  • Main water injection head & non return valves - Clean & free of blockages.

  • 25mm water injection head & non return valves - Clean & free of blockages.

  • Water tank - No cracks, dents, corrosion, or signs of leaks

  • Water tank mounting - Solid, not cracked, rubber mounts or strapping in place. No corrosion. top retainer bolts not done up tight on water tank, bolts have lock nuts & pins.

  • Water tank breather - In place & working.

  • Water tank fill system (top & bottom) - Easy to access, does not leak.

  • Water tank contents signage - Easy to read, not scratched off or covered in mud & dirt.

  • Washdown valve & actuator - In working order, quick response time, no leaks, check nuts are nyloc.

  • Handwash valve - Valve free to turn, does not leak, labelled not for drinking, handwash only.

  • Hydraulic manitrol (if fitted) - Not seized, operational, signage, no leaks.


  • IA motor, visual check - No major corrosion, no leaks, no broken bolts, aligned correctly, coupling intact.

  • IA hoses & fittings - No signs of leaks, no splits in hoses, cracks or corrosion in fittings.

  • Incline auger bell housing - Not dented, no signs of corrosion or buildup. Isolation sticker attached.

  • Incline auger drive end bearing, visual check - All bearings must have required sealing, greasing access & standoff plates fitted.

  • Incline auger drive coupling, visual check - Incline auger drive coupling, visual check.

  • Incline auger free end bearing, visual check - Clean of dirt & dust & prill, well greased. Standoff plates fitted. Guard fitted. Isolation sticker attached.

  • Incline auger bearing standoff plates - Fitted.

  • Incline auger end seals, visual check - In place, intact. Not leaking

  • Incline auger tube, visual check - No dents or cracks, no sign of corrosion.

  • Incline / DA transition inspection hatch - In place, intact, isolation sticker present, no AN leakage

  • Incline auger bottom hatch - No dents or cracks, no sign of corrosion. Lockable for SSAN. Slide must close properly.

  • Incline auger transition hatch signage - Clearly visible, not worn or covered in mud & dirt.

  • incline auger support bracket - No cracks or corrosion, not bent.

  • Incline auger straightness, alignment & flights, visual check - Alignment & straightness means no rubbing or unusual noise.


  • Discharge auger motor, visual check - No major corrosion, no leaks, no broken bolts, aligned correctly, coupling intact.

  • DA hoses & fittings - No signs of leaks, no splits in hoses, cracks or corrosion in fittings.

  • Discharge auger drive end bearing, visual check - Clean of dirt & dust & prill, standoff plates fitted, well greased.

  • Discharge auger free end bearing, visual check - Clean of dirt & dust & prill, standoff plates fitted, well greased. Guard fitted. Isolation sticker attached.

  • Discharge auger bearing standoff plates - Fitted.

  • Discharge auger end seals, visual check - In place, intact. Not leaking

  • Discharge auger bell housing - Not dented, no signs of corrosion or buildup. Isolation sticker attached.

  • Discharge auger drive coupling, visual check - In place, intact

  • Discharge auger free end shaft guard - In place, intact, isolation sticker present.

  • Discharge auger tube, visual check - No dents or cracks, no bends or sign of corrosion.

  • Discharge auger straightness, alignment & flights, visual check - Alignment and straightness means no rubbing or unusual noises.

  • DA mounted hydraulic pipes & fittings - No signs of leaks, no splits in hoses, cracks or corrosion in fittings.

  • Discharge auger sock system, if fitted - Sock in good condition, no tears or holes.

  • Discharge auger signage - Clear & easy to read. Isolation stickers attached. Not worn or covered in mud.

  • DA slew motor, visual check - No major corrosion, no leaks, no broken bolts, aligned correctly, coupling intact.

  • DA gearbox - Good condition, no leaks, has oil.

  • DA slew motor hoses & fittings - No signs of leaks, no splits in hoses, cracks or corrosion in fittings.

  • Discharge auger pivot cradle - No dents or cracks, no sign of corrosion. Gearbox & motor bolts present & secure.

  • Discharge auger stowage rack - No dents or cracks, no sign of corrosion.

  • Discharge auger transport locking - Chain securely mounted, good clasp.

  • DA lift ram - No major corrosion, no broken bolts or pins, aligned correctly.

  • DA lift ram hoses & fittings - No signs of leaks, no splits in hoses, cracks or corrosion in fittings.

  • Discharge auger slew chain / arm - No cracks or signs of corrosion, 'D' shackles lockwired, correct type and diameter.

  • Discharge auger pipe racks - Not bent or broken, check process stop button bracket.


  • Hose reel motor, visual check - No major corrosion, no leaks, no broken bolts, aligned correctly.

  • Hose reel gearbox / brake, visual check - No major corrosion, no leaks, no broken bolts, aligned correctly. Brake applies positively.

  • Hose reel hoses & fittings - No signs of leaks, no splits in hoses, cracks or corrosion in fittings.

  • Hose reel drum - Should be undamaged, free to turn, uncorroded.

  • Hose reel guard - In place, no damage.

  • Hose boom cylinder - No major corrosion, no broken bolts or pins, aligned correctly, no leaks.

  • Hose boom cylinder hoses & fittings - No signs of leaks, no splits in hoses, cracks or corrosion in fittings.

  • Hose reel hydraulic manifold, valves & wiring - Secure, no leaks, wiring secure & in good order, signage on cabinet.

  • Hose reel hydraulic cabinet - Not damaged, secure, secondary latches present, gasket in place, free from oil & dirt buildup, signage.

  • Bull hose - No splits, leaks or dents, firmly attached with hose clamps.

  • Hose changeover mechanism - In working order, changeover should be quick.

  • Main product hose - Should remain wound & secure in transit.

  • Rotary union - No signs of leaks, free to turn.

  • Hose diffuser - Clamps secure, undamaged.

  • Lead weight - Should be intact & not restrict flow of product or hose movement, not worn, split pin in nut present.

  • Hose end stowage - Lead weight should not be able to swing around, sealed to prevent leaks & secure.

  • Hose reel frame & mounting - Mounting secure, no corrosion or cracks, frame undamaged.

  • Hose boom - Unrestricted movement, well greased, no cracks & corrosion, check pivot pins & bushes.

  • Hose boom securing chain - D shackles fitted & lockwired, chain links in good condition, snap clasp in good condition

  • Hose boom rollers - Free to turn, undamaged.

  • Hose wiper - Should not restrict hose movement.

  • 25mm milk fittings - Properly sealed, have end cap.

  • 25mm hose - No splits or cuts, of the correct type

  • 25mm hose stowage reel - Should remain wound & secure in transit, no crack or corrosion, bearings OK & greased, travel lock operational.


  • Denso tape fitted to all fittings - AN, ANE, FO, WTR, HR, DA, IA, PP, ROBL, DA Slew motors, DA Lift Cylinder, Manifolds (HR, Front left, front right and rear).

  • PTO splitter box if fitted - Oil level, leaks.

  • Step up box - Oil level OK, no leaks, no excessive noise.

  • LHS pump or load sense pump - No leaks, pressure OK, no noises or signs of corrosion.

  • RHS pump or pressure compensated pump - No leaks, pressure OK, no noises or signs of corrosion. Herschman plug & coil sealed for Series IV MMU's.

  • Boost pump - No leaks, pressure OK, no noises or signs of corrosion.

  • Pumps hydraulic hoses & fittings - No signs of leaks, no splits in hoses, cracks or corrosion in fittings, Denso tape applied.

  • Hydraulic tank - No cracks, dents, corrosion or signs of leaks. Level visible in sightglass.

  • Hydraulic tank mounting - Solid, not cracked, rubber mounts or strapping in place. No corrosion.

  • Hydraulic tank contents signage - easy to read, not scratched of or covered in mud or dirt.

  • Hydraulic oil change system - Should be a separate filtered pumping system

  • Hydraulic pressure filter - Clean, in place, good seal, no corrosion

  • Low pressure filters - Clean, in place, good seal, no corrosion

  • Hydraulic filter hoses & fittings - No signs of leaks, no splits in hoses, cracks or corrosion in fittings, Denso tape applied

  • Hydraulic cooler(s) - Working, flow through coolers is present (temp. change in hoses). Fans securely mounted

  • Hydraulic coolers hoses & fittings - No signs of leaks, no splits in hoses, cracks or corrosion in fittings, Denso tape applied

  • RHS forward hydraulic manifold & valves - Clean, no signs of leaks, no noises.

  • RHS forward hydraulic cabinet - Clean, no signs of leaks, no noises, door or cover seals intact. Pins present in latches. Wiring secure & in good order, labels.

  • LHS forward hydraulic manifold & valves - Clean, no signs of leaks, no noises

  • LHS forward hydraulic cabinet - Clean, no signs of leaks, no noises, door or cover seals intact. Pins present in latches. Wiring secure & in good order, labels.

  • Rear hydraulic manifold & valve - Clean, no signs of leaks, no noises.

  • Rear hydraulic cabinet - Clean, no signs of leaks, no noises, door seals intact. Latches operate correctly, secondary latches fitted. Wiring OK.

  • Hydraulic manifold hoses & fittings - No signs of leaks, no splits in hoses, cracks or corrosion in fittings, Denso tape applied.

  • Load sense & P/Compensated gauges, Series IV MMU's - Operating correctly, secure & not leaking.

  • Load sense & P/Comp. displays, Series V MMU's - Reading correctly, legible.

  • Discharge Auger slew pressure compensator - Set Correctly.

  • Auger slew speed - Slew speed within allowable limits.

  • All relief valves - Check as per specifications.


  • Air valves - No leaks, signage, no corrosion, Herschman plugs (seal & screw)

  • Water tap - Clear, drain

  • Lubricator - Has correct oil

  • Holdback valve - Valve in place and correct location, no corrosion, Hose and fittings in good condition


  • Battery Isolator - Should work properly, make sure ON & OFF are visible, UV cover fitted, positive isolation device fitted, signage visible.

  • Roll over sensor - Must trip the Battery Isolator when tested past 60 degrees. Must have no signs of corrosion or fatigue on mounting base.

  • In cab emergency stop - Must shut down engine & battery isolator, clearly labelled

  • Rear emergency stop - Must shut down engine & battery isolator, clearly labelled, sealed, enclosure intact

  • Auger Mounted Emergency Stop - Must Isolate power to the process control system, clearly labelled, sealed, enclosure intact.

  • Auger mounted process stop - Must shut down process, clearly labelled, sealed, enclosure intact.

  • Side forward electrical panel if fitted. FM's etc - Seal & mounting are important, switches & displays operate correctly, clean, wiring & components secure & in good order.

  • Side forward electrical panel terminal strips & wiring if fitted - In good condition, not brittle, plugs intact, no corrosion.

  • Rear electrical panel if fitted. HM's etc - Seal & mounting are important, switches & displays operate correctly, clean, wiring & components secure & in good order

  • Rear electrical panel terminal strips & wiring if fitted - In good condition, not brittle, plugs intact, no corrosion

  • MMU & panel fuses - Secure, no corrosion

  • Cab exit electrical conduits - Note all wiring rear of the cab must be in conduits.

  • LHS electrical conduits - Note all wiring rear of the cab must be in conduits

  • RHS electrical conduits - Note all wiring rear of the cab must be in conduits.

  • Rear of cab electrical conduits - Note all wiring rear of the cab must be in conduits

  • Flashing amber light - Must operate correctly, wiring secure & in good order

  • Reversing beeper - Must operate correctly, wiring secure & in good order

  • Work lights - Must operate correctly, wiring secure & in good order

  • Proximity switches - Bin lid and hand rail switches working, no corrosion, conduit OK

  • Remote opening bids control box - Enclosure intact, all buttons clearly labelled

  • Hydraulic cabinet wiring - OK, Herschman plugs sealed & screwed

  • TOTEM GUI - Secure, can be locked in up position, touch screen & tablet PC legible & undamaged, wiring plugs secure & has alert mod been carried out

  • TOTEM Cabinet - Secure, latches in place, hinges secure. Think I/O & components secure, clean, wiring secure & in good order & has alert mod been carried out

  • PLC panel & cabinet - Cabinet secure, panel clean, switches & pots operative, readouts legible & undamaged, wiring secure & in good order & has alert mod been carried out

  • CPU Battery - Change out the CPU Battery

  • Hose reel controller / aux panel - Secure, switches & pots operative

  • ISIC GUI - Secure, can be locked in up position, IDM & UDM legible, buttons not worn, wiring plugs secure.

  • ISIC esky - Secure, latches in place, hinges secure

  • Parker card rack, DCU & CCU - Secure, required cards in place, no loose screws or dirt in rack, wiring & connectors secure & in good order.

  • Seekers - Secure, operational

  • Pump timer - Ensure the pump timer alarms after 5 minutes and shuts down after 6 minutes


  • Battery Lid Security - Holding Straps not broken and free of cracks

  • Battery Lid clearance to Battery - Battery Lid to be clear of battery terminals and leads

  • Battery Lid Insulation - Insulation not damaged or worn through

  • Battery Security - Battery Hold Down Straps fitted correctly

  • Battery Corrosion - Battery terminals and area free of corrosion

  • ERS Tag on Battery Positive Lead Attached - ERS Tag to be fitted to Positive Battery Lead

  • Battery Terminals - Check battery terminals to ensure battery termianls have insulators on them and the cable leads

  • Battery Box Cover - Check battery box to ensure it is not damaged


  • Hose reel motor, visual check - No major corrosion, no leaks, no broken bolts, aligned correctly

  • Hose reel hoses & fittings - No signs of leaks, no splits in hoses, cracks or corrosion in fittings, Denso tape applied

  • Hose reel drum - Should be undamaged, free to turn, uncorroded

  • Hose reel secondary restraint - In place, no damage

  • Hose reel control manifold - Operational, Denso tape, signage

  • Hose - In place, good condition, approved hose

  • Hose camlocks - Operational

  • Blower motor, visual check - No major corrosion, no leaks, no broken bolts, aligned correctly

  • Hose reel hoses & fittings - No signs of leaks, no splits in hoses, cracks or corrosion in fittings, Denso tape applied

  • Blower filter - Check for cleanliness

  • Blower - Operational, mounted securely, oil level correct

  • Rotary feeder motor, visual check - No major corrosion, no leaks, no broken bolts, aligned correctly

  • Rotary feeder hoses & fittings - No signs of leaks, no splits in hoses, cracks or corrosion in fittings, Denso tape applied

  • Rotary feeder transition gate / handle - Operational, transition seal, signage

  • Cyclone - Fitted, securing bracket serviceable, secondary restraint operational


  • Pump protection - Controller secure in esky, panel secure, buttons not worn, legible, wiring & connectors secure & in good order.

  • System check - Green light only.Press test - all lights+buzzer. Controller operative

  • ANE Pressure transmitter checks - Remove plug of Tx, fast flash of relevant red indicator.

  • ANE Temperature transmitter checks - Remove plug of Tx, fast flash of relevant red indicator.

  • ANE electrical conduits - Note all wiring rear of the cab must be in conduits

  • PP Pressure transmitter checks - Remove plug of Tx, fast flash of relevant red indicator.

  • PP Temperature transmitter checks - Remove plug of Tx, fast flash of relevant red indicator.

  • PP electrical conduits - Note all wiring rear of the cab must be in conduits

  • Thermofuses - Ensure in place, bores clean, shields in place, not leaking, compliance with log book

  • Timeout alarms & shutdowns, Series IV & V MMU's - Ensure time out trips

  • ANE & PP audible alarms for low & high pressure if fitted - Check operation


  • 5kg scales - In calibration, working

  • 2kg test weight - In calibration.

  • 2 density cups - In calibration.

  • 25kg hanging scales - In calibration, working

  • 100C thermometre - In calibration, working

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.