Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
BOST Group Tracked Aggregate Screen Competency
Person being assessed:
Assessors Name
- Jason MacDonald
- Darrell Porter
- Jeff Binder
Only a qualified, experienced supervisor from the list can perform this competency test.
Pre-shift Planning
Is this person competent at;
Clarifying work location, task and work instructions?<br>Traffic management plan ?<br>Restricted Areas
Ensuring that any required permits are completed / obtained ?
Identifying environmental hazards in the work area including;<br>Inclement weather<br>Dust<br>Fog<br>Poor Lighting / Reduced Visibility<br>
Identifying other site hazards;<br>Powerlines<br>Underground services including power, gas, sewer, water<br>Trenches, Soft ground<br>Unexploded Ordinance<br>Benches<br>Dial before you Dig
Ensuring that correct refuelling and daily maintenance procedures are followed ?
Wearing and fitting all the necessary PPE ? <br>Hard hat, boots, safety glasses / goggles, hearing protection, gloves, isolation padlock, high visibility long sleeve clothing
Identifying the correct emergency response procedures ?<br>Channel 11, Emergency, Emergency, Emergency <br>State the nature of the incident<br>Location<br>Resources required<br>Do not attempt help if too dangerous
Finding MSDS / SDS (safety data sheets) and understanding their contents ?
Locating, identifying and using supplied spill kits if necessary ?
Pre-Start Inspection
Complete and document a daily Pre-Start Inspection on an approved BOST Group Pre-Start Checklist Sheet.
Is this person competent at checking from ground level:
All danger tags, tools and rags have been removed from the machine ?
Condition of access ladders, walkways and platforms?
Condition of handrails?
Condition of emergency stops and labels?
Condition of fire extinguisher?
Condition of hydraulic hoses and telescopic rams?
Level of grease pot and condition of lines if autogrease module is fitted ?
Identifying the location of all nip points on machine ?
Identifying the location of all grease points on machine ?
Identifying the feed bin ?
Identifying the feeder conveyor ?
Identifying the main conveyor ?
Identifying the tail / fines conveyor ?
Identifying the screen box ?
Is this a 1, 2 or 3 deck screen ?
Identifying the oversize conveyor ?
Identifying the midsize conveyor ?
Identifying the oversize conveyor ?
Identifying the midsize conveyor 1 ?
Identifying the midsize conveyor 2 ?
Identifying the oversize conveyor ?
Identifying the cross conveyor ? (if fitted)
Identifying the magnet belt (if fitted) ?
Identifying the tracks and chassis ?
Identifying the power train ?
Chassis, conveyor frame and bin for cracks and/or damage?
Condition of tracks, assemblies and track tension ?
Checking drive couplings for wear or misalignment ?
Condition of conveyor belting and skirting rubber ?
Condition of belts scrapers and plows ?
Condition of guards. Are they all fitted ?
Condition of Feeder bin structure and belt (if separate) ?
Head and Tail Drum bearings ?
Condition of chutes ?
Is this person competent at:
Checking radiator level? (Only when engine is cold) and if a radiator is fitted.
Checking engine oil level?
Checking hydraulic oil level?
Checking fuel level?
Checking air cleaner(s)?
Checking battery & battery leads?
Checking engine for leaks?
Checking fan and alternator belts?
Checking radiator hoses and clamps?
Assessor Signature
This person is competent at performing a pre-start on this aggregate screen.
Start Up:
After Pre-Start, the aggregate screen is ready to start up.
Is this person competent at:
Checking that the area around aggregate screen is clear before startup ?
Starting the engine without revving?
Allowing the engine to idle for approximately 2-5 minutes to warm up.
Is this person competent at checking the following whilst engine is warming up
Oil or fluid leaks ?
Checking for First Aid Kit ?
The aggregate screen is now ready for work.
Tramming / Walking Aggregate Screen
Is this person competent at performing the following once the engine has warmed up
Adjusting engine speed from idle to full speed to move onsite and adjusting from full speed back to idle for tramming into or out of workshop and loading or unloading a float ?
Engaging track mode by selecting switch or moving levers ?
Locating the umbilical / doglead remote handset and ensuring that it is correctly attached ?
Maximus Dogleads
Portafill Dogleads - Old Style
Portafill Dogleads - New Style
Gasparin Dogleads
Rotating the handset so that the steering controls are correctly aligned with the walking direction of the plant ?
Ensuring that a competent, authorised spotter is available before moving the screen and that hand signals are agreed upon ?
Ensuring the path of travel is clear of obstructions and people ?
All guards, conveyors and jack legs are raised before moving ?
Conveyor belting is laid down in the machine travel path when entering and exiting the workshop or any other concreted area ?
Operating Aggregate Screen
Is this person competent at performing the following once the engine has warmed up
Adjusting engine speed from idle to full speed ?
Turning on the mid, tail and oversize conveyors first ?
Turning on magnet belt or cross conveyor belts (if fitted) ?
Turning on the screen box ?
Turning on the main conveyor ?
Making sure all belts are running before starting feeder conveyor ?
Turning on feeder belt ?
Checking that all the Belts and rollers are all turning freely ?
Checking that all the belts are tracking correctly ?
This person has been proven competent in the operations of the aggregate screen.
Assessor Signature
Shut Down:
Is this person competent at:
Allowing the screen to completely clear all product from the system ?
Stopping the feed conveyor belt first ?
Stopping the main conveyor belt next ?
Stopping the screen box next ?
Stopping the tail and side conveyors last ?
Allowing the engine to idle for 2-5 minutes before turning off?
Completing walk around the machine to check for any damage or repairs needed?
Completing walk around the machine to check for any spillage points ?
Turning off battery isolator ?
Assessor Signature
This person has been proven competent in the shut down of the aggregate screen ?
All competency outcomes achieved?
Assessor Comments
This person can positively identify the main components, perform pre-start checks, start, operate and shut down the aggregate screen.
Supervisor/Assessor Signature
Trainee Signature