Document No.
Audit Title: Apartment Inspection
- Block A
- Block B
- Block C
- Block D
- D town house
- B town house
- 5 story town house
- Ground Floor
- level 1
- level 2
- level 3
- level 4
- level 5
- level 6
- level 7
- level 8
- level 9
- Roof
Flat Ref
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
Flat Type
- Social
- Private
- Intermediate
Kitchen Type
- Alno
- Manhattan
Wates / Greenwich Peninsula
Conducted on
Prepared by
Drawing ref:
Install Ductwork (MVHR)
1: Grille penetrations in ceilings set out to latest RCP.
2: Flex attached to grille back ring using jubilee clip.
3: Grille back ring installed and screwed into timber above the ceiling.
4. Grille back ring tight to underside of plasterboard.
5: Grille inserted into back ring tight and tight to underside of ceiling.
6: MVHR installed in cupboard at correct height.
7. 4No: insulated flex's connected to MVHR using jubilee clips over outer sleeve.
All materials returned to stores and flat left tidy.
This inspection sheet confirms that the item or area detailed above is 100% completed in line with the current specification, drawings and pre agreed sample panels although still remaining Sub Contractors responsibility until practical completion has been achieved.
Inspected by sub-contractor.
Inspected by wates manager.