
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel


  • Driver, Management and Security must be present during a delivery and/or dispatch of items.

  • Time of arrival of delivery vehicle must be recorded.

  • Security and Management must compare the unbroken truck seal to the vehicle trip sheet in the presence of the Driver.

  • Security must tick number of boxes/bags off on a tick sheet.

  • All parties must sign on bottom of the tick sheet to confirm count is correct.

  • Manager must confirm BTO by BTO to IBT Dispatch Note.

  • Security stamp must be placed on IBT Dispatch Note, tick sheet and Invoices once all detail has been confirmed to be correct.

  • Delivery note book must be signed off and new seal number must be recorded on the delivery note.

  • Truck must be locked with a New Acre lock and seal and the seal number be recorded on trip sheet.

  • Time of departure must be recorded on trip sheet.

  • Have all documentation been signed by the respective people as indicated on the sheets/forms?


  • Boxes must be sealed and well secured before being dispatched.

  • There must be two copies of the manifest – 1 for Driver and 1 for the Store.

  • The BTO number must always correspond with the IBT Dispatch note.

  • Signatures of Management, Security and the Driver must be placed on the IBT Dispatch Note.

  • Security must place stamp with all detail on the IBT Dispatch note to verify that information and detail are correct.

  • Driver delivery note to be used to record sending stock on.

  • Only a New Acre lock and seals are to be used on the Truck and the seal number must be recorded on the trip sheet.

  • Is the Security Stamp being kept in a lockable facility in the Management office when not in use?


  • Only Manager/Assistant Manager may do refunds.

  • Refund slip must be signed by Manager, Cashier and Customer.

  • Override Cards must stay on the person who is authorized to use it and may never be given to anybody else to use or left laying around.

Lay Buy's

  • Minimum of 30% with initial transaction is payable and total balance over a maximum of 3 months.

  • Lay buys must be kept sealed in clear refuge bags. (NOT PQ BAGS)

  • Monthly lay buy checks must be done by the Manager or Assistant Manager and the checks must be recorded in the check register.

  • The Control sheet must be completed when a lay buy is taken to the lay buy room.

  • Management must check weekly for expired lay buys.

  • Only Management can authorise the final transaction on any lay buy.

  • Only 1 till must be used when lay-buys are being cancelled. (NOT HEAD CASHIER TILL)

  • Manager and Cashier must sign the ‘Add slip’ of the lay buy deposit placed back in the till.

  • Lay buy slip and ‘Add cash slip’ must be stapled together.

  • Write the lay buy number on the ‘Add cash slip’ for reference and underline the amount.

  • No promotional or stock on sale must be allowed on lay buy.

Customer Exchanges/Returns

  • No Customer receipt, No exchange/return.

  • Security must place an ‘exchange’ stamp on the receipt.

  • Management must be involved with all exchanges.

  • Management and Customer to sign all copies of Invoices/Till slips and exchange/return vouchers.

  • Management and/or Senior Cashier must inspect all items for dirt and/or damages.

  • Customer receipt of initial purchase must be stamped with ‘Exchange’ stamp.

  • Tax invoice/Till slip must be printed once the Customer has picked new item/s to ensure exchanges/returns are scanned back into the system.

  • Exchange/return voucher number must be captured on the New Tax invoice/Till slip.

  • Does Management and Security Area Managers have a meeting once a week to discus security issues?

  • Copies of:- Customer copy of till slip/Tax invoice<br>- New till slip/Tax invoice<br>- Exchange/return voucher and<br>- Final Till slip/Tax invoice<br>Must be stapled together and filed for auditing purposes. <br>

Seal Control on delivery trucks

  • Truck Driver may not be in possession of any seals for daily use.

  • Seals must be locked away in a secure facility at all times.

  • Only 1 extra box of seals may be kept at a Store at a time.

Fire Escapes

  • Ensure that all local fire laws are adhered to in respect of the locking of fire escape doors.

  • Ensure that all fire escape doors are connected to 24hr alarm systems, and that the equipment is functional.

  • Confirm that the alarm provider programs the alarm zones for all fire escape doors correctly.

  • Management and Security personnel must check fire escape doors daily i.e. seals, alarm wiring etc.

  • Ensure that all fire escape doors are clear of all stock.


  • Key control procedures must be enforced.

  • Security personnel may not be in possession of any keys other than that of the Staff Entrance.

  • Management may not hand their front door keys to Security to open/close.

  • Only Management may be in possession of the Store Keys.


  • New Acre Lock and seals must be stored in a secure area in the Manager’s Office.

  • Only Management is permitted to handle keys & seals for their Stores.

  • Management is responsible and accountable for the sealing of the locks.

  • Security is not to handle any keys other than that of the Staff Entrance (Where applicable)

  • Only Management is responsible and accountable, for handling Store keys.

  • Are all perimeter door being locked and secured with ‘New Acre’ locks and seals?


  • Alarm systems must be walk tested on a weekly basis, and a record kept stating the name, and occurrence entry number of the relevant monitoring company. NB: before testing your system ensure that you notify the relevant alarm company.

  • Under no circumstances may zones be by passed when vacating the premises.

  • Once yearly the alarm system must be fully and completely checked by a competent technician from the alarm company, and a certificate issued by the same alarm system is in good working order.

  • Store Manager must report any defaults on the Alarm system to the Group Loss Control Manager and to Area Managers immediately.

  • Is one panic button with Security and one with Management?

  • Is there proof of weekly alarm tests on site?

  • Do all the fire exits have a 24 hour alarm? (Audible in the Store) (Do a test to check system)

Parcel Counter

  • The parcel counter must be manned at all times during trading hours.

  • Ensure that there are sufficient numbers of official disks for the Parcel counter

  • Check that the lost disc parcel book is available and correctly used.

  • Left behind parcel book to be kept in Managers office.

Staff Entrance

  • The Staff Entrance must be clean.

  • Are Security staff members searching properly?

  • Are all locks and/or magnetic locks in working order?

  • Are all Security guards searched by Management when exiting the Store? (When going home)

  • Is Security Staff compliment full every day?

  • Are Security Guards in full uniform?

  • Does Management interview all newly appointed Security Guards before his/her first shift starts?

Mark-ups and Mark downs

  • Cycle counts must be done on all items before being marked up or down.

  • Only the exact number of price tags must be issued as determined by the cycle count as compared with the P.O.S system.

  • The Cycle count figures must be compared and verified with the actual stock on hand according to the P.O.S. system.

  • Management must do random checks on mark-ups and mark downs for accuracy.

  • Management must sign the mark-up or mark downs<br>Sheet once done and confirmed as correct.<br>

  • No loose laying bar codes or price tags are allowed.

  • Bar codes and price tags/stickers must at all times be under the control of the person working with it.

  • Price stickers not in use must be secured in the management office.

  • Are the correct price stickers being used on the barcodes or price tags? (Only high Tech stickers)

  • Daily shift report checked by Management?

Daily Admin/Shift Report

  • Daily cash up sheets signed off by Cashier and Management?

  • Have all exchanges and refunds been signed off by Cashier and Over Rider?

  • Is exchange stamp being used by Security?

  • Does all Customer detail get captured on the system with all exchanges?

  • Do all relevant exchange documents get pasted on a sheet?

  • Are all refunds done by Assistant or Manager only?

  • Are all lay buys being signed off by Over Rider and Cashier?

  • Are all dockets written as ‘Checked’ on lay buys?

  • Area daily till spot-checks being done at least 1 till per Cashier?

  • Does daily airtime balance to daily sales report?

  • Are Cashier ‘under and overs’ being dealt with according to cashier policy?

  • Are there any signs of forced balancing on any Cashiers?

  • Area the safe floats being checked and balanced to store structure of floats holding?

  • Are spare floats being opened and checked?

  • Are key bag control seals being used for store floats?

  • Is store change control sheet being used when ordering change?

  • Are Security pick up slips being stapled to daily shift report and signed by Management?

  • Is company policy being followed by Store Manager with regards to daily admin?

  • Are Petty cash procedures being followed? (1. Removed cash. 2. Add cash and sign off by Management and Cashier)

Tills and counter

  • Is the counter neat and tidy?

  • Are there any staff bags behind the till points?

  • Are the IT Computers clean and dust free?

  • Are all over ride cards being kept on the person (Body) of the Over Riders only?

  • Are the hangers behind the tills being removed daily?

  • Is the parcel counter control check list being done daily?

  • Are all parcels being left behind by Customers being removed, recorded and kept in the office?

  • Are there any bar codes or yellow stickers at any of the till points? (If yes, state the reason).

  • Is there a staff purchase book available and in use?

  • Have all staff purchases been pasted in the book and cancelled with ‘No 999 code items sold to staff?

Health and Safety

  • Is there a Health & Safety file in the Office?

  • Is general OHS inspection list done monthly?

  • Is there a trained Fire Officer in store?

  • Is there a trained First Aider in store?

  • Is there a fully stocked first Aid box in the store with a control register?

  • Are all 4 Dept. of Labour posters clearly visible in store? (Back of house area)

  • Are New Acre store locks in place with proper seal control records kept in Security OB Register?

Staff Files

  • Are fire equipment services up to date?

  • Are all the fire exits clear of any obstruction and accessible?

  • Does all staff have a contract of Employment?

  • Does all staff have a valid SA ID document and a copy on file?

  • Did all the staff sign a copy of the disciplinary code?

  • Did all the Cashiers sign a copy of the till discrepancy policy?

  • Are all the warnings issued being sent to A/Manager and HR Department at Head Office?

  • Are all the leave forms (Annual, sick, unpaid and Family Responsibility) being sent off to HR?

  • Do all casuals have a fix term contract?

  • Do all new Employees get approval from Head Office before starting?

  • Have criminal checks been done on all new Employees prior to employment?

Stock Rooms

  • Have all damages been checked and approved by Area Manager and sent back to Head Office? (Not older than a month)

  • Is the stock room neat and tidy?

  • Are all ‘ODDS’ received from Head Office being sent back to Head Office within a week after being received?

  • Have all stock received for the week been unpacked within 72 hours?

  • Have ‘unpack’ procedures on shoes been followed?


  • All waste and boxes leaving the Store must be checked correctly. Boxes must be flattened.

  • Only clear refuge bags are to be used during waste disposal.

  • Both Security and a member of Management must be present when the waste is being exposed off.

  • Are there any price labels/tags/stickers in the waste bags?

  • Trucks must be sealed and the seals broken only in the presence of the Driver, Management and Security.

  • Auditor Signature

  • Branch Manager Signature

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.