
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

  • Time of Store visit

Quick check Report

Outside area

  • Car park clean and free from trash?

  • Are tables and chairs are clean?

  • Pavement is clean, free from food scraps and trash?

  • Do the trash bins have enough room left to cope with the next rush of customers?

  • Glass doors are free from fingerprints and smudges?Door handle is clean?

Inside area

  • Soda machine is clean and surrounding area is not sticky and cluttered with trash?

  • Are trash bins at acceptable levels?

  • Tables and chairs are clean and in place?

  • Lobby floors are clean?

  • Is the Bain tidy and free from food scraps round the Cambros?

  • Cutting boards and knives are clean?

  • Toaster oven and microwaves are clean?

  • Floor behind counter free from trash?

  • Hot well clean and free from sauce spillage?

  • Correct amount of cookies and selection of bread available?

  • Bain glass is clean, free from sauce, finger prints and dust?

  • Bathrooms are clean and stocked?

Staff appearance

  • All staff are wearing complete uniforms?

  • Are employees following facial piercing policies?

Customer Service

  • Are employees suggestive selling the footlong?<br>

  • Are employees suggestive selling double meat?

  • Are employees suggestive selling bacon and pepperoni?

  • Are employees suggestive selling up-size on fountain drinks?

  • Are employees offering the meal deal with a "drink and a side"?

  • Are employees being friendly and helpful?

  • Are guest greeted immediately?

  • Are employees doing vegetable prompting (lettuce, tom, cucumbers)?

  • Are employees calling for help when needed?

  • Is the speed of service acceptable?

Bread Quality and Accountability

  • Do we have all types of bread available for sale?

  • Is bread proper size and color?

  • Is the daily bread variances reasonable?

Food Safety

  • Are all products in walk-in cooler with-in shelf-life?

  • Are all products in reach in cooler with-in shelf-life?

  • Are all products in Bain with-in shelf-life?

  • Are all chips on chip racks with-in its use by date?

  • Are all apple slices, yogurts, and bottled beverages with-in use by date?

  • Employees are using proper hand washing procedures?

  • Notes

  • Add signature

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.