
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Contractor Name

  • Location
  • Scope of Work

  • Contractor Employee Signature

  • Brookfield Johnson Controls Managers signature

  • Review Start Time

  • Review Finish Time

  • All members of of the Work Group have completed the following : 1) BJC Subcontractor On-Line Induction 2) Energex M204 Substation Awareness 3) BJC Substation Awareness Training

  • All members of the Work Group have been deemed as Authorised Persons by the Energex Network Operations Standards and Planning Manager

  • All members of the Work Group are holders of current Energex

  • Have the role and responsilbilities of each "Operator and Safety" Observer been discussed with , and understood by all Work Group members

  • Have the scope and the extent of the works to be performed by third party contractors or operators been discussed with the Safety Observer

  • Has the relevant safe system of work been identified and does each member of the work group have a full understanding of the content and the application to the work being undertaken by each Work Group member

  • Are Operators and Safety Observers suitably licensed , trained and competent to safely undertake the tasks allocated to them in their work roles in accordance with requirements set out in the Safe System of Work

  • Are appropriate tasks being assigned to individual Operators or persons in control of a task(s)


  • General site condition/layout is organised & tidy (tools / marterials / rubbish )

  • All relevant hazards have been identified for the task (weather factors / permit requirements/ enviromental impacts )

  • The inital & residual risk ratings are allocated to hazards are appropriate for the task (s) being performed

  • Sufficient controls are in place to reduce risk to an acceptabe level

  • Have all members of the Work Group involved with the task been consulted in the development of the Safe System(s) of Work and signed the documentation accordingly (ask & verify )

  • Person(s) responsible for the implementation of all risk controls have been nominated and identified to all members of the Work Group

  • Is appropriate barricading and signage in place for the task(s) (consideration has to be given to site occupiers, neighbour's,and public risks

  • Appropriate PPE has been identified , , checked for suitability and is being utlised according

  • Hazardous substances being used have appropriate MSDS available and all members of the Work Group have been made aware of the control measures

  • Are all equipment and tools being utlised for the task (s) (e.g. tested and tagged/current registration/ current plant risk assessment ( closed actions) / daily pre-start / serviced at intervals)

  • Is there a first aid , spill kit and appropriate adequate emergency equipment available


  • Are all Exclusion Zones to potential energized conductors or plant maintained during both the access to and work activities being undertaken at the Worksite

  • Do Operators and person (s) in control of a task (s) / demonstrate knowledge of approach distances ( minimum safe approach distances maintained

  • Are all Exclusion Zones to potential energized conductors or plant being maintained during work activities being undertaken at the Worksite

  • In outdoor substations (bulk supply or zone) ; have hazard(s) been identified and relevant barrier controls been implemented to eliminate/ minimise all Worksite hazards

  • Is a trained and competent Safety Observer ( including Safety Observer - exclusion zone) and or Exclusion Officers on Worksite for the work being carried out

  • Are equipment Operators aware of the location of the energized conductors ( cables) , busbar work and equipment in relation to operating equipment

  • Do Safety Observers ( including Safety Observer - exclusion zone ) understand/ demonstrate knowledge of approach distances ( minimum safe approach distances maintained

  • Are Safe &Sustainable work practices being followed

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.