
  • Title (Address)

  • Prepared by

  • Date

  • Location
  • Section

  • Completed inspections are entered into CM Container 495-07.

First Inspection

  • Date and time


  • Asbestos Type

Asset Structure

  • Asset Structure: Structure Details.
    Floors - Concrete or timber
    External Walls - Brick or cladding etc.
    Roof - Colorbond or tiles etc.
    Other - Galvanised Shed

Asset Details

  • Property or asset name (Add images)

  • Parcel or asset ID (From asbestos register in authority)

  • Guide to Asbestos Presence:
    HIGH - Asbestos Present. Very high to High Risk of Exposure
    MEDIUM - Asbestos Present. Some problems identified and/or potential for incident to occur. Improvement required.
    LOW - Asbestos Present. Bonded, good condition
    OK - No Asbestos identified.

  • Are there any inaccessible areas that are likely to contain ACM? (Add details in notes)

  • Eg. Inside of residence was inaccessible at the time of inspection. It is likely that internal walls and ceiling contain asbestos materials.

  • Add detail in notes and take photos, include exact location e.g. eaves and take photo.

  • Location (select)

  • Interior of building (Select)

  • Other location

  • Asbestos contamination present, presumed or none?

  • Non-Friable (bonded) asbestos condition?

  • If Friable Asbestos detected - Suspend inspection, secure site and report.

  • Using the Asbestos Register Location Summary - Has the condition of any of the ACM as stated in the previous condition report detoriated?

Underground Asset

  • TAKE 5 Risk Assessment conducted to determine presence of asbestos?

  • If Friable Asbestos detected - Suspend inspection, secure site and report (add detail in notes)

  • Follow requirements of GENSWP_004 - General asbestos management.

  • Non-Friable (bonded) asbestos condition (add details of type e.g., AC pipe bonded).

  • Guide to Asbestos Presence:
    HIGH - Asbestos Present. Very high to High Risk of Exposure
    MEDIUM - Asbestos Present. Some problems identified and/or potential for incident to occur. Improvement required.
    LOW - Asbestos Present. Bonded, good condition
    OK - No Asbestos identified.

  • Asbestos contaminated soil (Provide details in notes)

  • Potholing required? Workers wearing specified asbestos protection PPE e.g., P2 mask etc.

  • Workers wearing asbestos required PPE until verified as clear?

  • Provide a description and pictures of how the site was rehabilitated. Importantly if asbestos was left in situ (in ground).

Contaminated Land

  • Follow requirements of GENSWP_004 - General asbestos management.

  • TAKE 5 Risk Assessment conducted to determine presence of asbestos?

  • Dumped asbestos material - Contact Trades, Facilities Manager or People and Culture.

  • If Friable (loose, powdery) Asbestos detected - Secure site and report (add detail in notes)

  • Asbestos contaminated soil (provide details in notes)

  • If Non-Friable (bonded) asbestos, rate condition

  • Guide to Asbestos Presence:
    HIGH - Asbestos Present. Very high to High Risk of Exposure
    MEDIUM - Asbestos Present. Some problems identified and/or potential for incident to occur. Improvement required.
    LOW - Asbestos Present. Bonded, good condition
    OK - No Asbestos identified.

  • Contractors engaged to manage site

  • Provide a description and pictures of how the site was rehabilitated?

Report Details

  • Name, signature and comments

Second inspection

  • Date and time


  • Asbestos Type

Asset Structure

  • Asset Structure: Structure Details.
    Floors - Concrete or timber
    External Walls - Brick or cladding etc.
    Roof - Colorbond or tiles etc.
    Other - Galvanised Shed

Asset Details

  • Property or asset name (Add images)

  • Parcel or asset ID (From asbestos register in authority)

  • Guide to Asbestos Presence:
    HIGH - Asbestos Present. Very high to High Risk of Exposure
    MEDIUM - Asbestos Present. Some problems identified and/or potential for incident to occur. Improvement required.
    LOW - Asbestos Present. Bonded, good condition
    OK - No Asbestos identified.

  • Are there any inaccessible areas that are likely to contain ACM? (Add details in notes)

  • Eg. Inside of residence was inaccessible at the time of inspection. It is likely that internal walls and ceiling contain asbestos materials.

  • Add detail in notes and take photos, include exact location e.g. eaves and take photo.

  • Location (select)

  • Interior of building (Select)

  • Other location

  • Asbestos contamination present, presumed or none?

  • Non-Friable (bonded) asbestos condition?

  • If Friable Asbestos detected - Suspend inspection, secure site and report.

  • Using the Asbestos Register Location Summary - Has the condition of any of the ACM as stated in the previous condition report detoriated?

Underground Asset

  • TAKE 5 Risk Assessment conducted to determine presence of asbestos?

  • If Friable Asbestos detected - Suspend inspection, secure site and report (add detail in notes)

  • Follow requirements of GENSWP_004 - General asbestos management.

  • Non-Friable (bonded) asbestos condition (add details of type e.g., AC pipe bonded).

  • Guide to Asbestos Presence:
    HIGH - Asbestos Present. Very high to High Risk of Exposure
    MEDIUM - Asbestos Present. Some problems identified and/or potential for incident to occur. Improvement required.
    LOW - Asbestos Present. Bonded, good condition
    OK - No Asbestos identified.

  • Asbestos contaminated soil (Provide details in notes)

  • Potholing required? Workers wearing specified asbestos protection PPE e.g., P2 mask etc.

  • Workers wearing asbestos required PPE until verified as clear?

  • Provide a description and pictures of how the site was rehabilitated. Importantly if asbestos was left in situ (in ground).

Contaminated Land

  • Follow requirements of GENSWP_004 - General asbestos management.

  • TAKE 5 Risk Assessment conducted to determine presence of asbestos?

  • Dumped asbestos material - Contact Trades, Facilities Manager or People and Culture.

  • If Friable (loose, powdery) Asbestos detected - Secure site and report (add detail in notes)

  • Asbestos contaminated soil (provide details in notes)

  • If Non-Friable (bonded) asbestos, rate condition

  • Guide to Asbestos Presence:
    HIGH - Asbestos Present. Very high to High Risk of Exposure
    MEDIUM - Asbestos Present. Some problems identified and/or potential for incident to occur. Improvement required.
    LOW - Asbestos Present. Bonded, good condition
    OK - No Asbestos identified.

  • Contractors engaged to manage site

  • Provide a description and pictures of how the site was rehabilitated?

Report Details

  • Name, signature and comments

Third Inspection

  • Date and time


  • Asbestos Type

Asset Structure

  • Asset Structure: Structure Details.
    Floors - Concrete or timber
    External Walls - Brick or cladding etc.
    Roof - Colorbond or tiles etc.
    Other - Galvanised Shed

Asset Details

  • Property or asset name (Add images)

  • Parcel or asset ID (From asbestos register in authority)

  • Guide to Asbestos Presence:
    HIGH - Asbestos Present. Very high to High Risk of Exposure
    MEDIUM - Asbestos Present. Some problems identified and/or potential for incident to occur. Improvement required.
    LOW - Asbestos Present. Bonded, good condition
    OK - No Asbestos identified.

  • Are there any inaccessible areas that are likely to contain ACM? (Add details in notes)

  • Eg. Inside of residence was inaccessible at the time of inspection. It is likely that internal walls and ceiling contain asbestos materials.

  • Add detail in notes and take photos, include exact location e.g. eaves and take photo.

  • Location (select)

  • Interior of building (Select)

  • Other location

  • Asbestos contamination present, presumed or none?

  • Non-Friable (bonded) asbestos condition?

  • If Friable Asbestos detected - Suspend inspection, secure site and report.

  • Using the Asbestos Register Location Summary - Has the condition of any of the ACM as stated in the previous condition report detoriated?

Underground Asset

  • TAKE 5 Risk Assessment conducted to determine presence of asbestos?

  • If Friable Asbestos detected - Suspend inspection, secure site and report (add detail in notes)

  • Follow requirements of GENSWP_004 - General asbestos management.

  • Non-Friable (bonded) asbestos condition (add details of type e.g., AC pipe bonded).

  • Guide to Asbestos Presence:
    HIGH - Asbestos Present. Very high to High Risk of Exposure
    MEDIUM - Asbestos Present. Some problems identified and/or potential for incident to occur. Improvement required.
    LOW - Asbestos Present. Bonded, good condition
    OK - No Asbestos identified.

  • Asbestos contaminated soil (Provide details in notes)

  • Potholing required? Workers wearing specified asbestos protection PPE e.g., P2 mask etc.

  • Workers wearing asbestos required PPE until verified as clear?

  • Provide a description and pictures of how the site was rehabilitated. Importantly if asbestos was left in situ (in ground).

Contaminated Land

  • Follow requirements of GENSWP_004 - General asbestos management.

  • TAKE 5 Risk Assessment conducted to determine presence of asbestos?

  • Dumped asbestos material - Contact Trades, Facilities Manager or People and Culture.

  • If Friable (loose, powdery) Asbestos detected - Secure site and report (add detail in notes)

  • Asbestos contaminated soil (provide details in notes)

  • If Non-Friable (bonded) asbestos, rate condition

  • Guide to Asbestos Presence:
    HIGH - Asbestos Present. Very high to High Risk of Exposure
    MEDIUM - Asbestos Present. Some problems identified and/or potential for incident to occur. Improvement required.
    LOW - Asbestos Present. Bonded, good condition
    OK - No Asbestos identified.

  • Contractors engaged to manage site

  • Provide a description and pictures of how the site was rehabilitated?

Report Details

  • Name, signature and comments

Forth Inspection

  • Date and time


  • Asbestos Type

Asset Structure

  • Asset Structure: Structure Details.
    Floors - Concrete or timber
    External Walls - Brick or cladding etc.
    Roof - Colorbond or tiles etc.
    Other - Galvanised Shed

Asset Details

  • Property or asset name (Add images)

  • Parcel or asset ID (From asbestos register in authority)

  • Guide to Asbestos Presence:
    HIGH - Asbestos Present. Very high to High Risk of Exposure
    MEDIUM - Asbestos Present. Some problems identified and/or potential for incident to occur. Improvement required.
    LOW - Asbestos Present. Bonded, good condition
    OK - No Asbestos identified.

  • Are there any inaccessible areas that are likely to contain ACM? (Add details in notes)

  • Eg. Inside of residence was inaccessible at the time of inspection. It is likely that internal walls and ceiling contain asbestos materials.

  • Add detail in notes and take photos, include exact location e.g. eaves and take photo.

  • Location (select)

  • Interior of building (Select)

  • Other location

  • Asbestos contamination present, presumed or none?

  • Non-Friable (bonded) asbestos condition?

  • If Friable Asbestos detected - Suspend inspection, secure site and report.

  • Using the Asbestos Register Location Summary - Has the condition of any of the ACM as stated in the previous condition report detoriated?

Underground Asset

  • TAKE 5 Risk Assessment conducted to determine presence of asbestos?

  • If Friable Asbestos detected - Suspend inspection, secure site and report (add detail in notes)

  • Follow requirements of GENSWP_004 - General asbestos management.

  • Non-Friable (bonded) asbestos condition (add details of type e.g., AC pipe bonded).

  • Guide to Asbestos Presence:
    HIGH - Asbestos Present. Very high to High Risk of Exposure
    MEDIUM - Asbestos Present. Some problems identified and/or potential for incident to occur. Improvement required.
    LOW - Asbestos Present. Bonded, good condition
    OK - No Asbestos identified.

  • Asbestos contaminated soil (Provide details in notes)

  • Potholing required? Workers wearing specified asbestos protection PPE e.g., P2 mask etc.

  • Workers wearing asbestos required PPE until verified as clear?

  • Provide a description and pictures of how the site was rehabilitated. Importantly if asbestos was left in situ (in ground).

Contaminated Land

  • Follow requirements of GENSWP_004 - General asbestos management.

  • TAKE 5 Risk Assessment conducted to determine presence of asbestos?

  • Dumped asbestos material - Contact Trades, Facilities Manager or People and Culture.

  • If Friable (loose, powdery) Asbestos detected - Secure site and report (add detail in notes)

  • Asbestos contaminated soil (provide details in notes)

  • If Non-Friable (bonded) asbestos, rate condition

  • Guide to Asbestos Presence:
    HIGH - Asbestos Present. Very high to High Risk of Exposure
    MEDIUM - Asbestos Present. Some problems identified and/or potential for incident to occur. Improvement required.
    LOW - Asbestos Present. Bonded, good condition
    OK - No Asbestos identified.

  • Contractors engaged to manage site

  • Provide a description and pictures of how the site was rehabilitated?

Report Details

  • Name, signature and comments

Fifth Inspection

  • Date and time


  • Asbestos Type

Asset Structure

  • Asset Structure: Structure Details.
    Floors - Concrete or timber
    External Walls - Brick or cladding etc.
    Roof - Colorbond or tiles etc.
    Other - Galvanised Shed

Asset Details

  • Property or asset name (Add images)

  • Parcel or asset ID (From asbestos register in authority)

  • Guide to Asbestos Presence:
    HIGH - Asbestos Present. Very high to High Risk of Exposure
    MEDIUM - Asbestos Present. Some problems identified and/or potential for incident to occur. Improvement required.
    LOW - Asbestos Present. Bonded, good condition
    OK - No Asbestos identified.

  • Are there any inaccessible areas that are likely to contain ACM? (Add details in notes)

  • Eg. Inside of residence was inaccessible at the time of inspection. It is likely that internal walls and ceiling contain asbestos materials.

  • Add detail in notes and take photos, include exact location e.g. eaves and take photo.

  • Location (select)

  • Interior of building (Select)

  • Other location

  • Asbestos contamination present, presumed or none?

  • Non-Friable (bonded) asbestos condition?

  • If Friable Asbestos detected - Suspend inspection, secure site and report.

  • Using the Asbestos Register Location Summary - Has the condition of any of the ACM as stated in the previous condition report detoriated?

Underground Asset

  • TAKE 5 Risk Assessment conducted to determine presence of asbestos?

  • If Friable Asbestos detected - Suspend inspection, secure site and report (add detail in notes)

  • Follow requirements of GENSWP_004 - General asbestos management.

  • Non-Friable (bonded) asbestos condition (add details of type e.g., AC pipe bonded).

  • Guide to Asbestos Presence:
    HIGH - Asbestos Present. Very high to High Risk of Exposure
    MEDIUM - Asbestos Present. Some problems identified and/or potential for incident to occur. Improvement required.
    LOW - Asbestos Present. Bonded, good condition
    OK - No Asbestos identified.

  • Asbestos contaminated soil (Provide details in notes)

  • Potholing required? Workers wearing specified asbestos protection PPE e.g., P2 mask etc.

  • Workers wearing asbestos required PPE until verified as clear?

  • Provide a description and pictures of how the site was rehabilitated. Importantly if asbestos was left in situ (in ground).

Contaminated Land

  • Follow requirements of GENSWP_004 - General asbestos management.

  • TAKE 5 Risk Assessment conducted to determine presence of asbestos?

  • Dumped asbestos material - Contact Trades, Facilities Manager or People and Culture.

  • If Friable (loose, powdery) Asbestos detected - Secure site and report (add detail in notes)

  • Asbestos contaminated soil (provide details in notes)

  • If Non-Friable (bonded) asbestos, rate condition

  • Guide to Asbestos Presence:
    HIGH - Asbestos Present. Very high to High Risk of Exposure
    MEDIUM - Asbestos Present. Some problems identified and/or potential for incident to occur. Improvement required.
    LOW - Asbestos Present. Bonded, good condition
    OK - No Asbestos identified.

  • Contractors engaged to manage site

  • Provide a description and pictures of how the site was rehabilitated?

Report Details

  • Name, signature and comments

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.