Audit / Inspection Details
Investigation Title (Insert classification) 1. Injury to worker 2. Plant or equipment damage 3. Near Miss 4. Other
Insert date and time when injury OCCURRED.
Insert date and time when injury was REPORTED.
Report document number:
Name of worker and position (if reported as injury)
Name of PCBU or individual if incident occurred?
Contact details of PCBU or individual
Investigation Officer
Department / Client (PCBU)
Department Line Manager
Team Leader
Worksite Supervisor
Primary Contact Name and Details
Investigation Conducted on:
1. Incident Details
1. Insert description of incident details
Task being undertaken at time of incident?
Description of incident:
Plant and/or property details:
Third party details:
Details of injury or damage sustained:
Add media
Location of incident:
Corrective Action?<br>1. Immediate<br>2. Within 24 hours<br>3. Further Controls<br>4. Other
Corrective Action?<br>1. Immediate<br>2. Within 24 hours<br>3. Further Controls<br>4. Other
Insert SWMS or SWP applicable details.
Risk and HR Department Notified?
Risk and HR notified?
Name of Risk and HR person notified:
2. Short Term Corrective Action
2. Immediate Corrective Action (Short term or no further action required):
Short term remedial action implemented?
Tick if short remedial action implemented
Add media
Short term corrective action completed details
Name and signature of person responsible for implementing corrective action
Further remedial action required?
- Yes
- No
- Not Applicable
Comments / Recommendations / Corrective action
Name and signature of person responsible for following-up on additional actions:
3. STATEMENTS: Injured Worker / Team Leader / Supervisor / Witness(s)
3. STATEMENTS: Injured Worker(s) / Supervisor / Team Leader / Witness(s)
1. injured Worker(s) Statement
Add comments and recommendations
Date and time of interview
Injured Worker(s) name and signature
2. Supervisor Statement
Add comments and recommendations
Date and time of interview
Supervisor name and signature
3. Team Leader Statement
Add comments and recommendations
Date and time of interview
Team leader name and signature
4. No: 1. Witness Statement
Add comments and recommendations
Date and time of interview
Witness statement name and signature
5. No: 2. Witness Statement
Add comments and recommendations
Date and time of interview
Witness statement name and signature
6. No: 3. Witness Statement
Add comments and recommendations
Date and time of interview
Witness statement name and signature
7. No 4. Witness Statement
Add comments and recommendations
Date and time of interview
Witness statement name and signature
4. Recent Site Info.
4. Recent site visits and recommendations?
Any Recommendations?
Recommended actions
Name and signature of person responsible.
Controls implemented?
Description of controls implemented.
Name and signature of person responsible.
5. Investigation
5. Investigation
1. Site Description: Prior to and at time of incident
Photo evidence
Sketch Information
2. Plant Description: Prior to and at time of incident, for each plant/equipment or vehicle involved.
Photo evidence
Sketch Information
3. Person/s involved in incident: Background, experience and evidence of competence.
Photo evidence
Sketch Information
4. Other
Photo evidence
Sketch Information
6. Insurance Claims
6. Insurance Claims?
1. After completing investigation, will an insurance claim be lodged?
2. Public liability Insurance?
- Yes
- No
- Not Applicable
3. Workers Compensation?
- Yes
- No
- Not Applicable
4. Motor Vehicle?
- Yes
- No
- Not Applicable
5. Other?
- Yes
- No
- Not Applicable
7. Cause of Incident: Investigation
7. Possible Cause of Incident: Factors contributing to the cause of accident?
1. Work Process or Task Factors?
1. Inadequate or no risk assessment?
2. Deficient or no SWMS?
3. Worker not following SWMS?
4. Work pressures: Inadequate staff?<br>- Other?
5. Chemicals: No safety data sheet (SDS)
5. Chemicals: Worker not trained in the use if SDS?
6. Inadequate tools or equipment provided for work?
7. Other?
2. Work Material Factors?
1. Equipment failure?
2. Equipment design failure?
3. Faulty or in-serviced equipment?
4. No or inadequate worker induction into site or activity?
5. Lack of correct training?
6. Unsatisfactory supervision?
7. No or inadequate personal protective equipment (PPE)?
8. Other?
3. Environmental?
1. Work area design contributed to incident?
2. Weather conditions? (Wet, slippery, hot, windy etc.)
3. Noise related?<br>- Noise exceeding limits?<br>- High impact noise?
4. Toxic fumes?
5. Poor housekeeping?<br>- Materials laying around?<br>- Work area left un-tidied after use?<br>- Equipment no t stored or secured properly?
6. Other?
4. Personnel Factors?
1. Inadequate or no General WHS Induction into safety systems?
2. Inexperienced?
3. Not assessed for competence?
4. Not trained properly?
5. Health issues contributing to incident?
6. Physical disability: Work expectation unreasonable?<br>- Other?
7. Was fatigue a factor? <br>- What contributed to fatigue?<br>E.g. Workload, social, health?<br>Other?
8. Were safe work procedures followed (If available)?
9. Was the incident due to not following reasonable instruction?
10. Was the worker working in a safe and responsible manner?
11. Other?
8. Remedial Action
8. Remedial Action and Risk Rating (Please insert details of control introduced and re-rate risk).
1. Review of site rules initiated?
2. Site specific risk assessment reviewed?
3. Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS) reviewed? (LIST SWMS NUMBER REVIEWED).
4. Safe Work Procedure (SWP) reviewed?
5. Further training required for worker/s?
6. Worker/s require improved supervision?
7. Plant and equipment inspection and maintenance program to be modified/improved?
8. Workers to improve on housekeeping worksite?
9. Fatigue: Hours of work to be reviewed in relation to type of work?
10. Workers require training on Council health surveillance support program e.g. Social or psychological issues etc?<br>Nominate?
11. Worker employment performance management checked?
12. Activate disciplinary policy and notification to workers?
13. Other
9. Final Outcomes
9. Final Outcomes (No further action required unless circumstance change):
Type of remedial action implemented?
Photo evidence
Remedial action completed details and risk rating:
Name and signature of person responsible for implementing remedial action:
Further remedial action required?
- Yes
- No
- Not Applicable
Further comments, recommendation for remedial action?
Name and signature of person responsible for following-up on additional actions:
Suggested timeframe for further remedial action? Cost in relation to additional actions?
10. Comments and Recommendations: Supervisor, Team Leader, Investigator, Line Manager
10. Comments and Recommendations: Supervisor, Team Leader, Investigation Officer, Line Manager.
1. Site Supervisor: Comments and Recommendations
Date and Time
Name, title and signature of person conducting compliance audit
2. Team Leader: Comments and Recommendations
Date and Time
Name, title and signature of person conducting compliance audit
3. No: 1 Investigating Officer
Add media
Name, title and signature of person conducting compliance audit
No: 2. Investigating Officer
Add media
Name, title and signature of person conducting compliance audit
4. Line Manager: Comments and Recommendations
Date and Time
Name, title and signature of person conducting compliance audit
11. Worker Names, Titles and Signature
11. Workers On-site, Names, Titles and Signature on worksite
Name of worker and signature (Add title if required)
Name of worker and signature (Add title if required)
Name of worker and signature (Add title if required)
Name of worker and signature (Add title if required)
Name of worker and signature (Add title if required)
Name of worker and signature (Add title if required)
Name of worker and signature (Add title if required)
Name of worker and signature (Add title if required)
Name of worker and signature (Add title if required)
Name of worker and signature (Add title if required)