
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

  • Assigned Manager must write all perishable orders. ALL ORDERS. They should be completed along with the perishable lead or meat cutter for learning both ways

  • The Store Manager and District Manager are to be present and conduct each perishable inventories. If the DM has multiple stores he must choose the highest risk shrink store to attend or schedule to attend multiple if possible. Work with RMM on schedule<br>

  • One member of store management must be assigned personally to be responsible for Meat and Produce. Please provide name<br>

  • The store is to print ID Loss weekly report and review at weekly shrink meeting and review 30 day ID Loss report at end of each period and review at Finish Line Meeting<br>

  • Weekly ID Loss placed in Meat binder and reviewed by all managers and Meat Cutter<br>

  • RMM and DM must review and approve all survey orders for stores over 2% shrink and insure 6 week promotion planner is being used<br>

  • 2 week planning report in order book and highlighted on order guides weekly<br>

  • Store Manager must complete and sign off on a weekly P&A price verification for Meat and Produce and keep in weekly file with billing clerk paperwork

  • Produce and Meat P&A must be posted and visible at a glance in departments on perishable board<br><br>

  • Store will conduct 2 till audits per cashiering clerk per day<br>

  • The store will conduct a minimum of 10 Video Bag Checks per day

  • Store must use Meat Cutting list 2 times daily for determining amounts to produce and indicate amount to have on display to rate of sale.<br>

  • DM to review cutting list on every visit for proper completion<br>

  • Store is to perform a Price Scan Audit of one aisle per week and findings documented and filed with Daily paperwork to enable review during store walks

  • Store is to conduct a weekly Shrink Meeting to be held with entire store to review Shrink issues and ID Loss and discuss solutions to reduce. Shrink avoidance!

  • Stores are to conduct a AM and PM store walk using the CTW form and keep with daily paperwork. store must be using form as the tool intended not as a checklist and completing issues noted daily

  • Add signature

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