Title Page

  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

Regulatory Compliance

  • Are all State/Federal Law posters displayed? HR all in 1, Federal all in 1, WC/GL<br>

  • Are all required licenses and permits posted and currant?

  • Is the required liquor signage posted? Over 21 signs

Human Resources

  • Is the store following the SAL rest policy - 30 minute lunch for any employee scheduled over 6 hours

  • Are timecard adjustments approved by both manager and clerk?- sign offs not done in computer<br>

  • Does the store limit access to associate files- file drawer locked

  • Is medical information in a separate file from associate files

  • Are terminated files kept separately from currant files- should be sent to BU Admin with weekly paperwork

Total Store

  • Are POS keys and passwords secured for computer system?- no passwords should be posted anywhere<br>

  • Is the store following the key control policy? All keys should be locked in safe

  • Manager office door locked

  • Are supply deliveries being checked against invoice and stored for 12 weeks?- Unifirst

  • Lost and found in compliance? - sign off sheet up to date and a place designated in safe and office for items. No cards or ID's held longer than 24 hours

  • Finish Line Boards up to date- correct numbers and paperwork- check dates

Labor Management

  • Does the store have the last 12 weeks of 5-S Audits on file

  • Stores checkout lanes 5-S compliant?- drawers separated, poster up,

  • Store supply back stock area 5-S compliant

  • Does the store understand and are using the Dot Rotation method

  • Does store understand pallet sorting method? - no pallets on sales floor and pallets broken down in backdrop to floats

  • Is store following the product stocking display requirements? - product to correct heights with no product hanging off shelves or stacked too high

Cash Control

  • Does the Auditors Safe count match the previous night closing safe total?- count safe and verify against cash worksheet

  • Does store management verify balance of safe at shift change? 2 signatures and initials every Damon AM/PM

  • Does safe count agree with store reports for past 7 days? Cash worksheet matches computer

  • Does the store properly maintain armored car courier book? Book signed by MOD and Loomis driver with bag number

  • Is End of Day attached to daily paperwork and does it match system?

  • Failed activation for gift cards being followed?

  • Do all manager payouts listed on store report match for prior 7 days and have proper documentation?

  • Do Micro Trax totals match store reports?

Front End Procedures

  • Does the store hold clerks accountable for cash variances? - documentation for over/shorts

  • Only active associates in POS system? - only currant associates in system

  • Store in compliance with Anti Money Laundering program? Black Hawk LC's SA24b

  • Does the store properly record Tax Exempt- should have on file

Shrink Control

  • Trash bin closed and not left open outside

  • Are associate work ares free from personal items?- check lanes/ meat and produce prep with no jackets or purses

  • Are all voids approved by management?- voids over $4.99, filled out correctly and signed on all lines

  • Are all associate purchases properly marked? All must have a signed receipt

  • Receiving area secured? Back doors

  • Does the store properly verify all DSD merchandise when received? Must be scanned into gun, verify each box or tray

  • DSD Credits processed separately from deliveries?

  • Is Rapid Eye cameras and monitors working correctly? All displays cleaned and working

  • Bad Apple posters posted in break room, restrooms and by all doors?

  • Store properly recording warehouse credits? Should have a hard copy on hand

  • All items have a tag and sign- 100 items viewed

  • All items priced correctly?- 100 items scanned

  • Shrink audit on file? Must have 1 signed by DM for period and a hard copy already printed out

Food Safety

  • Associates must wash hands signs posted in restrooms

  • Are hand wash sinks properly supplied and unobstructed? Stocked with cleaner, paper towels and no products in sink or blocking sink

  • Is bare hand contact avoided when preparing foods and latex gloves being worn and changed when required? Gloves available in meat room

  • No associates observed eating, drinking or chewing gum or tobacco?

  • Chemical dispensers at 3 compartment sinks working properly and filled?

  • PH Strips available at sinks in meat and produce?

  • All baby food and formula within date? Must be pulled 30 days before expiration date

  • Are all OTC items on display in date?

Cold Chain

  • Bananas stored properly? Cannot be near any coolers doors

  • Is fresh meat stored properly? In cooler and not in freezer. Dated with receiving and expiration dates

  • Is frozen meat displayed properly? In freezer and not in cooler

  • Is produce displayed properly? See policy posted by cooler

  • Does store utilize probe thermometer on deliveries and record on delivery chart

  • Is store completing the Store delivery form and retaining on file? Check current and previous week

  • Is thermometer calibrated properly and does MOD know how to calibrate?

  • Are all area temperature checks being completed and documented on CTW 2x daily?

  • Is store completing banana pulp test on every delivery?

COOL Labeling

  • Is COOL information posted on product, tag or sign in Produce Department?

  • Is COOL information posted on product, tag or sign in Meat Department?

  • Is COOL information posted on product, tag or sign in Frozen Department?

  • Does MOD know how to access COOL information from invoices?

Commitment to Win

  • Is parking lot and sidewalks free of trash and debris?

  • Are trash cans not over flowing?

  • Is pest control log up to date? Filled out monthly and in book

  • Is exterior receiving area including truck pit free and clear of trash and debris?

  • Is dumpster area free of trash and debris?

  • Check for out of dates in produce, meat, smoked meat, dairy, bakery and grocery departments

  • Are all bakery products dated?

  • Bananas displayed in a single layer?

  • Is meat case and spot cases clean and free of blood or purge?

  • Is sound system working correctly?

  • Are all lights on sales floor working correctly?

  • Are spot boxes displays below height of spot cases?

  • Is there no product under dunnage/shelving in store?

  • Are bagging tables clean and clear of debris?

  • Is dairy cooler clean and clear of milk splatter on floors and doors?

  • Are restrooms clean and fully supplied? Hand dryers working?

  • Are visi-coolers filled?


  • Are all doors closed when not in use? Motor room and back room, front doors working correctly

  • Is store recycling non waxed boxes in baler?

  • Does store have a plastic recycling bin set up?

  • Is store following hazardous Waste program?

  • Is area clean and free of debris?

  • Is all required postings present? Totes labeled, no smoking sign, strong pack poster, strong pack guide

  • Have all items in bins been logged correctly?

  • Are all items available? Gloves, apron, goggles, spill magic, bags, labels, 5 totes

  • Is weekly audit being performed?

  • Are manifest from pickups being kept in binder for review for 3 years?

  • Have all associates completed Hazardous Waste Training? SA50, SA50a


  • Is cart collection policy followed? No excessive carts on lot, cart strap being used and vest when collecting

  • Are all emergency exits working and unobstructed?

  • Are all emergency exit signs properly illuminated and have backup batteries functioning properly?

  • Are fire extinguishers mounted, signed and inspected monthly?

  • Are sprinkler heads maintained properly?

  • Are sprinkler valves maintained properly? Chained and inspected yearly

  • Are all associates who operate power jack trained? SA11aa

  • Is the Daily Operators inspection done for power jack? PIT form signed in back room and kept on file

  • Is power jack turned off and key removed when not in use? Within 6 foot from person operating jack

  • Is age restriction signs posted on all power equipment? Baler and power jack

  • Are only UL rated extension cords utilized as temporary power? Cannot be constant

  • Are all electrical outlets and other wiring components properly covered? Any outlet for any power or wiring source

  • Is currant Emergency Flip Chart posted by safe and hazardous waste station?

  • Are all secondary chemical containers properly labeled? Bottles for cleaner with correct cleaner in each

  • Are all SDS(MSDS) sheets readily available to all associates? Should be posted in break room, office and back room areas. Binder in office

  • Are all sweeps performed correctly? Within 4 hour blocks, 30minutes either way


  • Are ladders in good condition and secured with chain?

  • Is there a 36" clearance from all electrical and heat generation equipment? Electric panels and water heaters

  • Do cooler and freezer door releases operate properly and in good repair?

  • No propane tanks or compressed gas tanks stored in building?

  • Are dock plates, pallets and shelving stored properly? Dock plates chained, pallets laying flat, shelving secured

  • Exterior lift platforms de-energized and controls secured when not in use? Must be disconnected from plug and breaker off

  • Are all eye wash stations in date and in proper location? Wherever jack is charged


  • Is slicer dial returned to zero prior to product being removed or when not in use?

  • Is powered equipment within production departments unplugged before disassembled or cleaned? Slicers, saws, cubers knives

  • Are appropriate cut resistant gloves used during utilization, breakdown, and cleaning of slicer, saw, cuber or knives?

  • Are knives stored properly after cleaning? Must be in metal knife holder not magnet holder and not left on or in sink

  • Is safety lid intact and working on cuber?

  • Is baler safety mechanism working properly?

  • Add signature

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.