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1. Building Details

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2. Previous Audit

  • Has there been a previous audit?

  • Has the last audit been reviewed?

  • Are there any outstanding actions?

Schedule 3.1 Structural Fire Protection and Compartmentation. BCA D2.20, D2.23, E2 AS1851

  • A rated fire door is installed across and opening in a fire wall to maintain the fire resistance rating of that fire wall. Smoke controls doors are designed to allow occupants a safe path of travel to an emergency exit in the event of fire by restricting the impact of smoke in that path of travel. A sign to alert persons that the operations of fire doors must not be impaired must be installed where it can be readily seen on or adjacent to, a required fire door providing direct access to a fire isolated exit on the side that faces a person seek egress.

  • Checking: check fire rated smoke controls doors for latching where hold hopes devices are installed press the test switch. Visually inspect fire walls and doors for fire stopping of penetrations.

  • item 1. Were the closing mechanisms for the fire / smoke doors free from damage and did they function correctly?

  • Recommendations for item 1

  • 2. Are the Fire / smoke doors free from obstructions?

  • Recommendations for section 2.

  • 3. Are the fire / smoke doors free from damage?

  • Recommendations for section 3.

  • 4. If fitted, does the electro magnetic device function correctly?

  • Recommendations for section 4.

  • 4. Is there approved signage affixed to the fire / smoke door? (fire / smoke door do not obstruct).

  • Recommendations for section 5.

  • 5. Are the metal tags affixed to fire rated doors?

  • Recommendations for section 5.

  • 6. Are the fire walls and floors free of penetrations?

  • Recommendations for section 6.

  • 7. When was the last maintenance?

  • Recommendations for section 7.

Schedule 3.2 Means of Escape. BCA D2.21, D2.23

  • The means of escape and emergency egress routes, which will include fire stairs, must be clearly identified and provide a safe and uninstructed passage at all times.

  • Item 1. Are the emergency exit doors in the path of travel within a route of egress readily operable from the side from which egress is sought by a single hand and without the use of a key.

  • Recommendations for item 1

  • Item 2. Is the width of egress maintained at a minimum of one meter and is the path of travel clear of obstructions?

  • Item 3. Is the surface of the flooring in good condition?

  • Item 4. Paths of travel clear and well defined?

  • Item 5. Are the emergency exit stairs in good condition and free of obstructions?

  • Item 6. Are the external exit routes in good condition? Not slippery, no trip hazards.

  • Item 7. Are the terminal required emergency exit doors signposted internally and externally? "Fire safety door do not obstruct."

  • When was the last maintenance.

Schedule 3.3 Exit Signs BCA E4, E3.3, SAMF guidelines 006 & AS 2293.2/3

  • An exit sign must be clearly visible to persons approaching the exit. Warning against use of lifts in a fire. A warning sign must be displayed where it can be readily seen and near every call button for a passenger lift or group of lifts throughout the building.

  • Exit signs are designed to guide occupants and visitors of a facility to a designated exit.

  • Item 1. Are the exit signs free from damage and securely mounted?

  • Item 2. Are the exit signs clearly visible and do all directional. Signs indicate the direction of travel to the exit?

  • Item 3. Is the visual indicator glowing?

  • Item 4. Are illuminated signs serviceable? ( ie does it illuminate under battery power when the test button is depressed)

  • Item 5. Is there a maintenance record log book for illuminated exit signs and is it up to date? (6 monthly AS 2293.2 Sec 1.4.2) record date

  • Recommendation log book exit signs.

  • When was the last maintenance.

Schedule 3.4 Emergency Lighting. BCA E4 AS 2293.2/3 & OHS&R SA division 6

  • Emergency lighting must be installed in every fire isolated exit or stairway and every story of a class 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9 building where the storey has a floor area of more then 300m sq.

  • Item 1. Are illuminated lights serviceable? ( ie does it illuminate under battery power when the test button is depressed)

  • Item 2. Is the visual indicator glowing?

  • Item 3. Are the lights free from obstructions?

  • Item 4. Are the emergency lights free from damage and securely mounted?

  • Item 5. Is there a maintenance record log book for illuminated exit signs and is it up to date? (6 monthly AS 2293.2 Sec 1.4.2) record date.

  • Recommendation log book. (item 5).

  • When was the last maintenance?

Schedule 3.5 Fire fighting services and equipment

  • Fire extinguishers and fire hose reels must be installed to the degree necessary to allow occupants to safely undertake initial attach on a fire.

  • Item 1. Is there a block plan in the sprinkler control room?

  • Item 2. Is there a stop valve?

  • Item 3. Are sprinkler heads un painted.

  • Item 4. Is there a clear space under the deflector min 500mm?

  • Item 5. Is there a stock of sprinkler heads?

  • Item 6. Are all fire extinguishers at their mounting point?

  • Item 7. Is signage designated to the fire extinguisher in place?

  • Item 8. Are the fire extinguisher brackets securely mounted?

  • Item 9. Do the fire extinguishers appear to be serviceable, ie tamper proof sells and pin in place?

  • Item 10. Is there a metal service tag?

  • Item 11. Are the hose reels clearly sign posted?

  • Item 12. Are the nozzles in the interlock?

  • Item 13. Is there a device tag?

  • Item 14. Are the hose reels neatly wound on the drum.

  • Recommendations for hose reels.

  • Item 16. Is access round the fire fighting equipment unobstructed?

  • Is there a maintenance record available and is it up to date?

  • When was the last maintenance?

Schedule 3.6 Air Handling Systems.

  • Item 1. Do all smoke baffles / curtains show any sing of damage or deterioration?

  • Item 2. Are kitchen exhaust grease filters clean and not showing signs of deterioration.

  • Item 3. Make up air provisions, are all louvers clear and unobstructed?

  • Recommendations for Air Handling Systems.

  • When was the last maintenance?

Schedule 3.7 Automatic Fire Detection and Alarm Systems.

  • The fire indicator panel shall be clearly visible and accessible within the designated building entry point or the fire control room.

  • Item 1. Is the Fire Indicator Panel secure and free from damage?

  • Item 2. Is there an external fire alarm bell visual indicator?

  • Item 3. Are all detectors free from damage and securely mounted?

  • Item 4. Are the Manual Call points clearly visible and unobstructed?

  • When was the last maintenance?

Schedule 3.8 Building Emergency Warning and Intercommunication Systems. aS 1851 AS 1670

  • Item 1. Is access to the EWIS un obstructed?

  • Item 2. Are the emergency instructions displayed adjacent to the Emergency Control Point? (ECP).

  • Item 3. Are the operating procedures displayed?

  • Item 4. Is there telephone access to the public network avaliable?

  • Item 5. Are the two legible block plans avaliable?

  • Recommendations for Building Emergency Warning and intercommunication Systems.

  • When was the last maintenance?

Schedule 3.9. Lifts. BCA E3.2 & E3.4

  • Item 1. Can the emergency lift accommodate a stretcher with a patient lying on it horizontally by providing a clear space not less than 600mm wide x 2000 mm long x 1400mm high above the floor level?

  • When was the last maintenance?

Schedule 3.10. Emergency Standby Power Systems. BCA3.4AS 1851.

  • Emergency power supplies in the form of diesel generators are fitted to some buildings. Six monthly testing to ensure that the aux power is operable.

  • Is the emergency generator located in a well ventilated area?

  • Is the area clear of fuel spills and combustible materials?

  • Are there operating instructions clearly displayed?

  • Are noise hazard warnings displayed?

  • Has a power simulation bee conducted in the last 6 months?

  • When was the last maintenance?

Schedule 3.11. Interconnections - Fire Safety Systems.

  • Was there any faults noted during the last annual test?

  • When was the last maintenance?

Schedule 3.12 Access for Fire Appliances. BCA 2.4

  • 6 monthly inspection to ensure that there is unobstructed access to buildings and fire fighting facilities that serve that building.

  • Is there anything obstructing access to hydrants, boosters etc.

  • Is the rubbish stored away from the building?

  • When was the last maintenance?

Schedule 3.13 clearances for Large Isolated Buildings. BCA 2.3, 2.4

  • The definition of a large isolated building is a building ove 18,000 Sq M

  • Item 1. Will the emergency services have clear unobstructed access around the building?

  • When was the last maintenance?

Schedule 3.14 Occupancy hazard. BCA E1,E10,E15

  • Do the types and sizes of fire extinguishers appear adequate and appropriate for the hazard and environmental demand?

  • Do the extinguishers cover at least the electrical hazard?

  • Are the rubbish bins emptied on a regular basis?

  • When was the last maintenance?

Schedule 3.15. Emergency Procedures AS 3745 Emergency Evacuation Management Plan (EEMP).

  • Item 1. Is the facility in possession of an up to date (EEMP)?

  • Response for EEMP. Item 1.

  • Item 2. Has warden training been provided (6 monthly record date)

  • Response for training. Item 2.

  • Has there been a trial evacuation in the last 12 months?

  • Are there records of training available?

Evacuation Diagrams.

  • Item 1. Are evacuation diagrams displayed?

  • Item 2. Do they have a legend?

  • Item 3. Are they orientated with a you are here?

  • Item 4. Is all fire equipment marked appropriately?

  • Item 5. Is the assembly area adequate?

  • Item 6. Is there a review date no more than five years from initial issue? (record date).

  • Recommendations for Evacuation Diagrams.

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  • On site representative

  • Auditor's signature

  • Next review date.

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