Title Page
Name of Licensee
Name of Auditee
Farm Address
Date of audit
Licence No.
Supplier No.
email address
Current Dairy Licence
Are details on p. 4 & 5 of Bulla Manual completed and current?
4.1 Stock Identification
How are stock identified?
- NLIS eartags/electronic collars
- eartags
- freeze brands
- tattoos
- brass tags
- photos
In what form is the stock register maintained?
- electronic record (Easy dairy, Mistro etc.)
- stock register book
- wall charts
- herd test records
- calving records
- Bulla Record sheet 1
Are calves identified soon after birth?
How is milk from treated or fresh cows kept separate?
- treated/fresh cows always in a separate herd
- treated/fresh cows milked into test bucket if less than five cows
- treated/fresh cows always miked into test bucket, regardless of numbers
How do you dispose of antibiotic-contaminated milk?
- Fed to non-saleable calves
- Tipped out
4.2 Stockfeed
Are CVDs available for purchased grain/pellets?
Are CVDs available for purchased hay/silage?
Are records kept of any supplements/additives added on farm? (Record sheet 6)
4.3 Agricultural Chemicals
Where are agricultural chemicals stored?
- in a separate room at the dairy
- in a dedicated chemical shed
- in a farm shed
- N/A - no agricultural chemicals store on farm
Are permanent records kept of boom spraying activities? (Record sheet 10)
- Yes
- No
- N/A - no sprays applied in last audit period
Is there a farm map or paddock register (Record Sheet 3)?
4.4 Veterinary Drugs
Where are veterinary drugs stored?
- lidded container
- fridge
- cupboard or drawer
- dairy office
- unsatisfactory storage
Are all stored drugs within use-by date?
- Yes
- No
- N/A no veterinary drugs stored
How are cows undergoing treatment identified?
- paint markings on leg/udder
- leg straps/tail tape
- computer alerts
- N/A - no antibiotics used
Is a completed cow marking template (Record sheet 17) displayed at the dairy?
How are permanent cow treatment records maintained?
- computer records/ phone app.
- Record Sheet 2
- farm diary entries
- own system
- permanent records not kept
Who administers animal treatments?
- farmer
- trained employee
- N/A - no animal treatments used
Records of treated cows
Dates of use
Name of drug
Batch no./exp. date (unless on vet invoice)
Cow ID
Reason for treatment
Rate of application
Administered by?
Records of Dry Cow Treatments
In what form are permanent dry cow records kept?
- computer records
- diary records, wall charts, lists of cows
- N/A - DCT not used
- no permanent records kept of DCT
Do these records include name of DCT and pre- and post-calving WHP?
4.5 Cleaning and Sanitation
Are there current cleaning procedures for plant and vat?
Are cleaning products APVMA approved?
Are chemicals correctly stored and labelled?
Are current MSDS available for cleaning chemicals?
How are cleaning chemicals dispensed?
Are automatic dispensing units regularly calibrated?
Hot water
Capacity of hot water services for plant and vat.
Are quarterly checks made AND RECORDED of temperature of hot water? (Record sheet 7)
4.6 Farm Water
What source of water is used for cleaning plant and vat?
- rainwater/town water
- bore water
- channel water
- dam water
- re-use water from effluent pond
- spring/stream/river water
- N/A - Teat spray is RTU
What source of water is used for teat/udder washing (if needed)?
- rainwater/town water
- bore water
- channel water
- dam water
- re-use water from effluent pond
- spring/stream/river water
- N/A - Teat spray is RTU
What source of water is used for making up teat spray?
- rainwater/town water
- bore water
- channel water
- dam water
- re-use water from effluent pond
- spring/stream/river water
- N/A - Teat spray is RTU
What source of water is used for animal consumption?
- rainwater/town water
- bore water
- channel water
- dam water
- re-use water from effluent pond
- spring/stream/river water
- N/A - Teat spray is RTU
If any of this water is treated, are records kept? (Record Sheet 8)
Is any reclaimed water used on farm?
Are guidelines for use of Class A,B or C water (p.14 & 15 of Manual) being adhered to?
4.7 Dairy Effluent
Describe you effluent system
How is effluent dispersed on farm?
- By travelling irrigator
- Solid excavated, dried and spread on paddocks or composted
- Liquids added to irrigation system
- Liquids added to channel for flood irrigation
- Spread on paddocks by slurry spreader
- Applied to nearby paddocks via hose
- Applied to nearby paddocks via sprinkler
How long are cows withheld from effluent-treated pasture?
Are records kept of effluent application? (e.g Record sheet 13)
Is effluent contained on site?
Is there evidence of pond overflow or encrustment?
Is effluent spread over at least 10% of farm to prevent nutrient overload?
Is there evidence of effluent dispersal infrastructure?
- N/A - contractor used
- slurry spreader sighted
- pump visible at pond
- travelling irrigator sighted
- solids separation system sighted
5.0 Plant and Premises
5.1 Premises
General tidiness of dairy and surrounds
Drainage of floors to prevent pooling of water, milk or chemicals
If lights are installed above vat lids or hatches, are they covered or shatterproof?
Are swing-lid vats fully enclosed in a pest -proof milk room?
5.2 Vats, Silos and Maintenance
Do silo vats comply with requirements for roof protection/pest prevention as on p. 17 of Bulla Manual?
Is there evidence of six-monthly maintenance checks? ( e.g. Record Sheet 4)
Is a milking machine test carried out annually?
5.3 Milk Cooling Efficiency
Are records kept of milk cooling at least twice a year? (Record Sheet 5)
Where there are extended milking times or early milk collection, are there records showing compliance with the post-milking cooling graph on p. 18 of Bulla Manual?
Is evidence kept of comparison between vat readout, HHT and tanker docket? (Record sheet 5)
5.4 Calibration
Are records kept of annual calibration of hand-held thermometer, either by comparison with another HHT or by using ice/boiling water? (Record Sheet 9)
5.5 Pest Control
Are records kept of rodent bait and fly pesticide applications? (Record sheet 11)
6.0 Processes
6.1 Traceability
Have any stock been purchased in the last audit period?
Are vendor declarations for purchased stock kept?
Are records kept of any cattle agisted off farm?
6.2 Competency and Training
Are training records available for all external staff employed for milking?
6.3 Management of Non-conformances (Incident Reports)
Are corrective action reports completed for non-conformances e.g. machinery breakdowns, antibiotics in milk, poor cleaning, slow milk chilling etc.? (Record Sheet 14)
6.4 Milking Process
Are cups only applied to clean and dry teats?
6.5 Tanker Access to Farm
State of tanker access track to dairy.
6.6 Internal Audit
Has an annual internal audit been carried out (Record sheet 15)
Audit Report and Non-conformances
Critical Non-conformances
Are there critical nonconformances?
List of critical non-conformances:
Major Non-conformances
Are there major non-conformances?
List of major non-conformances:
Minor Non-conformances
Are there minor non-conformances?
List of minor non-conformances:
Are there any advisories?
List of advisories:
Summary of Non-Conformances
Result of Audit
Signature of Auditee
Signature of Auditor