Title Page
Licensee/Milk Producer
Phone No. of Auditee
Email address
Dairy Licence No./Supplier No.
Conducted on
Date of previous audit
6.1 Milk Cooling and Storage
Has Ferraro Food Safety Manual been completed?
Dairy Licence
How long after milking is finished does vat cool to less than 5 degrees?
Examples of tanker dockets:
Has temperature log sheet (FQF017) been completed on occasions when temperature of vat at the end of milking is above normal for that time?
6.2 Calibration of Vat/Hand-Held Thermometer
How long since vat thermometer was calibrated by vat technician? (FQF 17)
Have monthly records been kept of comparison of vat temp. readout with hand-held thermometer? (FQF016)
Examples of temp. comparisons:
Has hand-held thermometer been calibrated? (ice-point check using iced water)
7. Cleaning and Sanitation
1. Milking Equipment
Name of APVMA-approved Chemical Supplier,and names of cleaning chemicals used:
Cleaning procedure displayed:
Is cleaning procedure displayed (unless automatic)?
Has Cleaning and Sanitation Checklist been completed? (Sheet FQF 6)
Are all cleaning chemicals stored safely?
Is there regular monitoring and recording of plant and vat hygiene? (FQF 6)
Are monthly checks made of hot water temp. and recorded?
2. Dairy Building Environment
General cleanliness of milking area, vat room and dairy surrounds:
Has dairy waste/rubbish been removed from milking environment?
Are pesticides/colostrum/antibiotic milk stored in milk room?
Examples of unsatisfactory milking environment:
Have regular inspections of cleanliness and tidiness of dairy shed and surrounds been carried out and recorded? (FQF7)
3. Cleaning Schedule
Have records been kept of Cleaning and Sanitation (FQF6), as outlined on Sheet FQM7?
8. Maintenance
1. Milking Machine Maintenance
Name of milking machine technician/company?
When were milking machines last serviced?
Frequency of changing of inflations:
Frequency of changing of other rubberware:
Are records kept of dates of changing inflations and rubberware? (e.g. FMQ 7 or FMQ 15)
2. Vat Maintenance
Name of refrigeration technican/company:
When was vat last checked by refrigeration technician?
Has refrigeration service been recorded? (e.g. FQF7 or FMQ 15?)
9. Milking Practices
Are treated cows marked and recorded?
Udder preparation procedures:
- dry dirt brushed off
- all teats washed and dried
- clean water/paper towel used for individual cows if required
- pre-sprayed with teat spray
- machines applied to wet teats
Is a new filter sock used for each milking?
Are gloves worn by milkers?
Are milkers aware of and follow suitable personal hygiene habits? (no smoking in dairy, no milking if sick etc.)
Are protective clothing and boots cleaned regularly?
10. Animal Identification
How are dairy livestock identified?
- NLIS eartags
- individual eartags
- freeze-brands
- Tattoos
When are replacement heifer calves identified?
How are fresh cows identified and recorded?
- paint on udders
- leg bands
- tail tape
- computer alerts
- whiteboard records
- N/A - no antibiotic treatments
How are antibiotic-treated animals identified?
- paint on udders
- leg bands
- tail tape
- computer alerts
- whiteboard records
- N/A - no antibiotic treatments
In what form is stock register maintained?
How are bobby calves to be sold separated from calves to be retained on farm?
11. Veterinary Medicines
Where are veterinary medicines stored?
- fridge
- cabinet
- lidded box
- unsatisfactory storage
- N/A - no drugs stored on farm
Are stored medicines within use-by date?
In what form are permanent dry-cow records kept?
- computer records
- diary/book entries
- no permanent records kept
Do dry-cow records include name of product used, pre- and post-calving WHP?
- sighted - full records kept
- sighted - additional information required
- no evidence kept
- N/A
In what form are animal treatment records maintained?
- whiteboard records
- animal treatment sheets (e.g. FQF 014)
- Diary entries
- Computer records
- other
- N/A - no animal treatments carried out
Example of treatment record:
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Adequacy of records:
12. Animal Health Programs
Has Animal Health Programs sheet (for preventative diseases) been completed and sighted? (FQM012)
Are suitable records kept for all progams participated in?
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13. Agricultural Chemicals
In what form are your paddocks identified?
- numbered
- named
- farm map sighted
Have any boom sprays been carried out n past two years?
How are quarantined periods for sprayed pastures identified?
- whiteboard records
- farm map records
- signs on gateways
- NA - no spraying done since last audit
- no record kept
Where are agricultural chemicals stored?
- separate shed
- isolated room at dairy
- unsatisfactory storage
Are MSDS sheets available for agricultural chemicals?
In what form are boom spray records maintained?
- spray book
- spray sheets (e.g. FQF012)
- diary records
- no records kept
- N/A - no boom sprays carried out
Example of boom spray record:
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Example of spot-spraying record (if any carried out):
Adequacy of records:
14. Drug and Chemical Register
How is drug and chemical register maintained?
- Register sheets (e.g. FQF013)
- batch nos. and exp. dates recorded with individual animal treatments
- batch nos. and D.O.M. recorded with individual spray records
- recorded on vet invoices
- computer records kept
- no records kept of batch nos. or exp. dates/D.O.M.
- N/A
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15. Farm Water
What source of water is used for cleaning plant and vat?
- rain water
- bore water
- dam water
- spring/river/stream water
- town water
- recycled water from effluent pond
What source of water is used for animal consumption?
- rain water
- bore water
- dam water
- spring/river/stream water
- town water
- recycled water from effluent pond
What source of water is used for udder cleaning?
- rain water
- bore water
- dam water
- spring/river/stream water
- town water
- recycled water from effluent pond
What source of water is used for dairy/yard washdown?
- rain water
- bore water
- dam water
- spring/river/stream water
- town water
- recycled water from effluent pond
What measures are used for cleaning troughs?
- algae manually removed
- troughs periodically emptied and cleaned
- trough blocks used
- goldfish used
- NA - no cleaning required
- other
Are records kept of water treatments? (FQF010)
16. Purchased Stockfeeds
CVDs including required information have been sighted for pellets/grain fed in the bail.
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CVDs including required information have been sighted for any purchased hay/silage.
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CVDs including required information have been sighted for any other feeds (almond hulls, orange pulp etc.)
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17.Pest Control
What measures are taken to combat flies around the dairy?
- fans
- misters/sprinklers
- fly traps
- surface sprays
- Arrest/Easydose on cows
- Robocans
- not required
Are baits laid for rats and mice?
Are any pesticides used for flies or rodents recorded on Pest Control Register? (FQF008)?
Are individual applications of any pesticides used recorded? (e.g. diary or Pesticide Treatment Record FQF012)
18. Effluent Management
Describe your effluent system.
How is effluent dispersed on farm?
- travelling irrigator
- solids excavated when required and spread
- liquids added to irrigation system
- hard hose moved from paddock to paddock
- sprinkler moved from paddock to paddock
- slurry spreader used (owner operated)
- slurry spreader used (contractor)
- excavated solids added to compost
- direct application daily
- other
How long are cows restricted from grazing on effluent-treated paddocks?
How are effluent-treated paddocks identified?
Is effluent retained on site?
Is there evidence of pond overflow or encrustment?
19. Livestock Purchases and Sales
Were NVDs received for any livestock purchases?
Has PIC been transferred for any livestock purchases?
Have NVDs (book or e-Dec) for sold livestock been sighted and correctly completed?
20.Staff Training
How many external staff are employed on farm?
Have staff been provided with written job descriptions, outlining roles and responsibilities?
Have staff training records been sighted for external staff ? (e.g.FQF003)
- yes
- no
- NA
Staff training records
21. Cooling Towers
Does this farm use a cooling tower?
Does it contain a fan working at right angles to the water flow?
Is the cooling tower registered with the Department of Health?
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Have you developed a risk management plan?
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22. Approved Suppliers
Has approved suppliers list (FQF005) been completed?
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23. Corrective & Preventative Actions
Have Corrective & Preventative Action reports ( e.g.FQF001) been completed for any quality or food safety problems?
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24. Internal Audit
Has internal audit checklist ( e.g.FQF002) been completed since last audit?
Has premises and maintenance audit checklist (e.g. FQF015) been completed since last audit?
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Have any non-conformances identified been added to Corrective and Preventative Action form (FQF0001)?
Farm Audit Compliance Report
Major Non-Conformances (to be rectified within 30 days)
Minor Non-Conformances (to be rectified by next audit)
Advisories (suggestions for improvement)
Summary of Non-Conformances
Result of Audit
Farmer Signature
Auditor Signature