Title Page
Name of Milk Producer/Auditee
Email address of Auditee
Phone No.
Dairy Licence No./Supplier No.
Conducted on
Date of previous audit
6. Milk Quality Targets
Current Dairy Licence
Has Lion "Simply Perfect Milk" Manual been completed?
Has your TPC generally been less than 10,000 since your last audit?
If TPC has been been above 10,000 for period(s) of time, what steps were taken to rectify the problem?
- use of cleaning "bombs" or extra cleaning procedures
- followed advice of detergent representative
- change of inflations/rubberware
- Other
- extra vat cleaning
Has your BMCC generally been below 200,000 in the last audit period?
If BMCC has been consistently above 200,000, what steps have been taken to rectify the problem?
- consultation with Vet
- herd testing carried out to identify high cell count cows
- culling of high cell count or older cows
- pulsators and/or machines checked and adjusted
- nothing specific has been done
Has your milk tested positive to either antibiotic or pesticide residue in the last audit period?
8. Skills and Knowledge
Are all personnel involved with milking familiar with the "Simply Perfect Milk" Manual?
What are the hygiene requirements for this farm?
- gloves are worn for milking
- personnel with symptoms of food-borne illness (vomiting, diarrhoea, fever, jaundice etc.) do not milk
- aprons, boots and clothing are regularly cleaned
- reminders for hygiene requirements (hand-washing etc.) are displayed e.g posters
Have all milking personnel been instructed in the procedures for the isolation of milk from treated animals?
Are staff training records for current external staff up-to-date? (Record Sheet 1)
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9. Milking Sheds, Surrounds and Equipment
Is there a regular maintenance schedule in place, covering vat room, milking equipment, shed, yards, feed pads? (Record Sheet 2)
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How often are inflations changed? When were they last changed?
How often is other rubberware changed? When was it last changed?
How often is a milking machine test carried out and by whom?
Date of last milking test.
Is there a documented cleaning procedure for plant?
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Are all chemicals used APVMA/NRA approved?
What is the size of hot water system used for washing plant?
Are periodic checks made of temperature of hot water with hand-held thermometer?
If using an automatic cleaning system, is it calibrated at least six-monthly?
Milk Chilling
Milk must be cooled to below 5 degrees Celsius within 3.5 hours of commencement of milking.
Are records kept of milk chilling efficiency, at least at peak production and during summer? (Record Sheet 4)
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If outside specifications,what steps have been taken to improve chilling efficiency?
How long since vat has been serviced, including calibration of temperature probe?
- within past 2 years
- 2 to 3 years ago
- more than 3 years ago
Name of vat mechanic.
Is evidence kept of temperature comparisons between vat readout and tanker docket or hand-held thermometer?
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Is milk at 5 degrees or less at time of collection by tanker?
11. Farm Water
What source of water is used for cleaning plant and vat?
- rain or town water
- spring/river/stream water
- bore water
- dam water
- recycled or grey water
- channel
What source of water is used for washing udders?
- rain or town water
- spring/river/stream water
- bore water
- dam water
- recycled or grey water
- channel
What source of water is used for animal consumption?
- rain or town water
- spring/river/stream water
- bore water
- dam water
- recycled or grey water
- channel
Is any water used above treated in any way? (e.g. filtered, softener added)
Is there a documented management plan for any reclaimed or recycled water? (Record Sheet 5)
12.1 Agricultural Chemicals
Where are agricultural chemical stored on farm?
- in machinery /hay shed
- in dedicated chemical shed
- in separate room at dairy
- none stored on farm
Have any broadacre sprays been applied since last audit?
Are permanent records kept of all such applications?
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Date of application
Name of product used.
Application Rate
Identification of area/paddocks sprayed.
Wind speed and direction.
Withholding period.
Name of person spraying or contractor used.
Has a chemical course been completed by person spraying?
How are sprayed paddocks under WHP identified?
- sign on gateway of paddock/ paddock locked
- farm map on whiteboard at dairy
- N/A - no WHP
- small farm map record
- no identification of sprayed paddocks under WHP
- N/A - sprayed area not part of grazing rotation (e.g. pre-crop)
Spot spraying - have name of product, date of mixing and mixing rate been recorded for any spot spraying carried out?
Are MSDSs available for chemicals, in hard copy or online?
Is a chemical register kept (Date purchased, Name, Batch Code, Date of Manufacture)?
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12.2 Veterinary Medicines
Where are veterinary medicines stored?
- Fridge at dairy
- cupboard/cabinet/drawer at dairy
- Lidded container
- dairy office on shelf
- unsatisfactory storage
Are all stored medicines within use-by date?
What method(s) are used to identify treated cows?
- red or other coloured paint on udder
- coloured leg bands or tail tape
- computer alerts
How is the milk from treated cows isolated?
- treated cows run in a separate herd
- cows milked into a test bucket
- drafted off and milked at end of milking
- computer alerts
Is a Veterinary Drug Register maintained? (Date purchased, Name of Medicine, Batch Code, Expiry Date)
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Permanent animal treatments.
ID of treated animal
Name of treatment
Date(s) of treatment
Area treated/ailment
WHP for milk
WHP for meat/ESI
Name/initials of person treating
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Dry Cow Treatments
How are dry cow treatments recorded?
- entered into computer - alerts if fresh cow within WHP
- computer records
- list of dry-off dates of batches of cows
- NA - no DCT used
- no permanent records kept
Do records include name of DCT and WHP (both pre- and post calving)?
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13. Traceability
How are stock identified?
- NLIS buttons or electronic collars
- individual management tags
- freeze-brands
- brass tags or tattoos
- photos of cows
- no identification
What is the PIC for this farm?
Is a NVD form received for all stock purchases, and is PIC transferred to new owners?
In what form is a stock register maintained?
- stock register book
- computer records
- wall charts
- other
- no stock register kept
Do all stock for sale (and those taken off-farm for agistment) have NLIS tags?
14. Animal Health
BJD management - 3 point calf-rearing program.
How soon are newborn calves taken from cow?
Are calves reared in an sheltered area, free of exposure to effluent of adult cows?
How long are calves reared on pasture that has not been used by adult cows for 12 months?
- less than 6 months
- 6 to 12 months
- 12 months or more
15. Purchased stock feeds
Are CVDs available for any purchases of stock feeds e.g. pellets, crushed grain
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Are CVDs available for any purchases of hay or silage?
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16. Pest Control
What methods are used to control flies around the dairy?
- no control methods required
- fans
- misters
- chemical treatment of cows
- chemical treatment of dairy walls
What methods are used to control rats and mice around the dairy?
Are records kept of pesticide use (Manual. p.28)?
Are chemicals or baits used for pest control added to the chemical register?
17. Effluent Management
Describe you effluent system.
How is effluent dispersed on farm?
- travelling irrigator
- slurry spreader (contractor)
- slurry spreader (own)
- hard hose with sprinkler
- open hose
- added to irrigation system
- added to channel water
- direct application daily
- pipe and riser system
Is effluent contained on farm?
Does pond ever overflow, become crusted or never need emptying?
Are stock restricted from grazing effluent-treated paddocks for at least 14 days after application?
How are records kept of effluent dispersal (paddocks treated and 14 day WHP)?
Is effluent spread over at least 10% of farm to prevent nutrient overload?
18. Cooling Towers
Do you use a cooling tower?
is it registered with the Victorian Dept. of Health?
Non-Victorian farms - have you contacted your local regulatory body to identify any requirements?
19. Internal Audit
Have you carried out an annual internal audit?
Farm Audit Compliance Summary
MAJOR NON-CONFORMANCES (to be rectified within 30 days)
MINOR NON-CONFORMANCES ( to be rectified by next audit)
Result of Audit
Signature of Auditee
Signature of Auditor