Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • PHRA Number

  • Business Name

  • Location
  • Manager/Proprietor

  • Contact Email

  • Contact Phone Number

  • Personnel Spoken to

  • Officer

  • Date and Time


  • 1. Are client records kept? (name, address, phone, procedure, date)

  • 2. Are there written procedures for operators conducting piercing/tattooing?

  • 3. Is after-care information provided to client?

  • Operators have sound knowledge of relevant legislation and guidelines for the particular risk activity?

  • 5. Operators performing skin penetration are immunized for Hepatitis B?

  • 6. Contaminated re-usable ‘sharps’ stored in clearly labelled puncture proof container

  • 7. All ‘sharps’ stored appropriately when not in use?

Personal Hygiene

  • 8. Are hands washed before and after each client?

  • 9. Are new disposable gloves used for each client?

  • 10. Are wounds/sores on operator covered with a clean waterproof dressing?


  • 11. Are premises kept in a clean and tidy condition?

  • 12. Are clean towels and linen used for each client?

  • 13. Are benches/chairs covered with disposable material for each client?

  • 14. Are surfaces cleaned after each client? What cleaning solution is used:

  • 15. Are infectious waste disposal procedures adequate?

  • 16. Are hand washing facilities appropriate? (Liquid soap/paper towel, hand-basin with single outlet hands free tap, hot and cold water)


  • 17. Is an autoclave used to sterilise equipment?

  • 18. Are records of autoclave service and usage kept?

  • 19. Is all equipment coming into contact with blood/mucous sterilised in autoclave?

  • 20. Is sterile pack opened in front of client?

  • 21. Is infectious waste bin easily accessible?

  • 22. Is a ‘sharps’ container available for disposable instruments and needles?

Ear Piercing

  • 23. Piercing gun cleaned and disinfected between clients?

  • 24. Studs, clasps, retainers and adapters sterile before use?

  • 25. Ear piercing gun only used on the external ear


  • 26. Are ointments/dyes in single use disposable containers, or applied with disposable applicators?

  • 27. Are sterile dressings used to cover tattoos / reduce bleeding?

  • 28. Is a disposable razor used for shaving?

  • 29. Are stencils/patterns or templates disposable (single use)?

  • 30. Is needle and bar autoclaved after soldering, and opened in front of client?

  • 31. Are tattoo ‘washing’ spray bottles protected from contamination (i.e. wrapped in plastic bag - new bag for each client)?

  • 32. Are the nozzle, needle bar and needle cleaned after each client and sterilised?

  • 33. Is the electrical hand piece wiped with 70% ethyl or isopropyl alcohol after each use?

Body Piercing

  • 34. Are needles for body piercing single use / disposable?

  • 35. Are needles disposed of in ‘sharps’ container?

  • 36. Is jewellery sterilised before use or in pre-sterilised individual packages?

  • 37. Is area of skin cleaned with 70% isopropyl alcohol or 70% ethyl alcohol before piercing?

  • 38. Are sterile articles opened in front of client?

Public Health Activity Registration

  • Is the business currently registered under the Public Health Act 1997?

  • Business must submit an application form and pay the prescribed fee.

  • Are all operators licenced under the Public Health Act 1997

  • All operators must submit an application form and pay the prescribed fee.

Other Comments

  • undefined

Further Action Required

I have read this report and understand its contects.

  • Personnel Signature

  • Officer Signature

  • This Assessment contains finding from the date/time of the inspection only.

  • For further information please visit these website:

    The Department of Health:

    Burnie City Council:

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.