PCS Number
Origin of call
Is this an after hours complaint
Attended on
Inspecting Officer
A person must not light a fire in the open air on any land within
the municipality.
Clause 3.10(a) does not apply to:
a barbecue, pizza oven or other properly constructed
appliance while it is being used for cooking food;
a fire in a chimenea while it is being used for heating;
a tool of trade while being used for the purpose for which it
was designed;
a fire lit during the course of duty by a member of a fire and
emergency services agency; or
a fire where the Council has granted a permit because it
considers that the specific circumstances of the case justify
it enabling open air burning to the case.
Extinguishing Fires
A person who has lit or allowed a fire to remain alight contrary to
the provisions of 3.10 or any condition contained in a permit
must extinguish the fire immediately on being directed to do so
by an Authorised Officer.
What is the fire being used for ?
What type of materials are being burnt?
What Is the size of the property ?
Does the property abut a Natural Reserve?
Is the Property in a high fire risk area ?
Is there a water supply within 20 Meters of the burn pile
Is there a minimum 3 Meter fire break around the burn pile?
What is the likelihood of the fire getting of of control?
- Certain
- likely
- possible
- unlikely
- very unlikely
- Will Not
How close is the nearest building to the burn pile?
What size is the current burn pile?
- 1 Cubic Meter
- 2 Cubic Meters
- 3 Cubic Meters
- 4 Cubic Meters
- 5 Cubic Meters
- More than 5 Cubic Meters
- No Burn Pile Yet
Is the smoke impacting neighbours?
Take Picture of the fire
Is the applicant aware of Local Law 7 Section 3.10 (CFA Act 1958 during the FDP) ?
Is the resident eligible for a open air burning permit?
What was the residents reason for burning off ?
Legal Ramifications / Outcome
Residents Date of Birth
Residents Identification Details. ( Licence, Medicare, pension)
Did CFA attend
Did Police Attend
Final Outcome
Officer Notes: