Contact Details
Date of survey
Survey conducted by
- Ashley Golder
- Bradley Prior
- Graham Scott
- Ian Crockford
- Joe Hardy
- Mark Cokayne
- Martin Fox
- Mat Bundy
- Mick Stephens
- Nick Crosby
- Nick Swindells
- Nick Taylor
- Paul Leather
- Scott Richardson
- Terry Moss
- Tim Clogg
- Other
Enter name of assessor
End user Company name
Site address
Who are we working for?
Please give details of who we are working for if it's not the End User?
Contact name
Contact email address
Contact telephone number
General Access
Security, Deliveries, General Plant Equipment and Storage.
Does the "Contact name" in the previous section organise access permissions for Data Techniques personnel?
Please give details for the person that would arrange access.
Telephone number
Email address
How much notice is required for site access?
- 0 hours
- 1 hour
- 2 hours
- 3 hours
- 4 hours
- 5 hours
- 6 hours
- 7 hours
- 8 hours
- 9 hours
- 10 hours
- 11 hours
- 12 hours
- 13 hours
- 14 hours
- 15 hours
- 16 hours
- 17 hours
- 18 hours
- 19 hours
- 20 hours
- 21 hours
- 22 hours
- 23 hours
- 1 day
- 2 days
- 3 days
- 4 days
- 5 days
- 6 days
- 7 days
- Other
Please give details in regards to site access notice.
Are there Site Access procedures i.e. Signing In/Out?
Please detail Site Access procedures
Are there Security requirements e.g. Security cleared, Scottish Disclosure or any other site specific security clearance
Please detail Security requirements
How much notice is required for deliveries?
- 0 hours
- 1 hour
- 2 hours
- 3 hours
- 4 hours
- 5 hours
- 6 hours
- 7 hours
- 8 hours
- 9 hours
- 10 hours
- 11 hours
- 12 hours
- 13 hours
- 14 hours
- 15 hours
- 16 hours
- 17 hours
- 18 hours
- 19 hours
- 20 hours
- 21 hours
- 22 hours
- 23 hours
- 1 day
- 2 days
- 3 days
- 4 days
- 5 days
- 6 days
- 7 days
- Other
Please give details in regards to delivery notice.
Are there any special instructions for deliveries?
Please detail special instructions for deliveries
Is there sufficient on site parking for Data Techniques engineers?
Please detail what other parking is available?
Are there lifts to the work area?
Is there suitable stair access to the work area?
Please detail how it is proposed to access the work area?
Are you able / allowed to take photographs of the lift area?
Please take photographs of the lift area
Is there a requirement for hoist equipment?
What equipment do we need to lift and to which floor?
What are the specific requirements to enable use of this equipment?
Are we able to store materials on site?
Would the customer be prepared to reconsider as this will impact the speed of delivery and the project cost?
Please give details of size of storage facility and any access restrictions?
Are we able / allowed to take photographs of the storage facility?
Please take photographs of the storage facility
Induction and Customer SSI's
Are CSCS cards required on site?
Is an induction required?
Select which personal are required to be inducted, you can select multiple options.
- Engineers
- Project Managers
- Account Managers
- Any other staff
How often are site inductions held?
What time of day do inductions start?
How long does the induction last.
- 30 mins
- 1 hr
- 1 hr 30 mins
- 2 hrs
- 2 hrs 30 mins
- 3 hrs
- 3hrs 30 mins
- 4 hrs
- 4 hrs 30 mins
- 5 hrs
- 5 hrs 30 mins
- 6 hrs
- 6 hrs 30 mins
- 7 hrs
- 7 hrs 30 mins
- 8 hrs
- Other
As you selected "Other" please give details in regards to how long the induction lasts?
Must the induction be retaken if you are not on site regularly?
After how many days does the induction expire?
- 1 day
- 2 days
- 3 days
- 4 days
- 5 days
- 6 days
- 7 days
- 8 days
- 9 days
- 10 days
- 11 days
- 12 days
- 13 days
- 14 days
- Over 14 days
Indicate how many days as greater than 14
How much notice is required for booking an induction?
- 0 hrs
- 1 hr
- 2 hrs
- 3 hrs
- 4 hrs
- 5 hrs
- 6 hrs
- 7 hrs
- 8 hrs
- 9 hrs
- 10 hrs
- 11hrs
- 12 hrs
- 12 - 23 hrs
- 1 day
- 2 days
- 3 days
- 4 days
- 5 days
- 6 days
- 7 days
- Other
As you selected "Other" please give details on how much notice is required for booking an induction?
Customer SSI's
Are there any Customer SSI's (site rules) which we need to incorporate into our RAMS?
Are ladders allowed?
Details about type of ladders that are able to be used.
Are there any lone working procedures?
Details about lone working
Are there any isolation procedures?
Details in regards to isolation procedures
Are there any restrictions in regards to removing / raised floor tiles?
Details in regards to ceiling / floor tiles
Are there any other site rules not covered above that we need to be aware of?
Please add any other additional site rules not covered above.
Site Rule
What type of environment is the work taking place within?<br>Note: For multiple environments please complete one survey then duplicate and edit.
Photographs of the environment
Is there a goods-in area?
Are we able / allowed to take photographs of the goods in area?
Please take photos of the goods in area
Describe the goods in area
Are we able / allowed to take photographs in the area where the work is to be carried out?
Please take photographs of the area where the works are to be carried out
Please describe the are where the works are to be carried out
Are we able / allowed to take photographs of the areas where cabling is to be supported <br>e.g. under floor, above ceiling, above racks
Please take photographs of the areas where cabling is to be supported
Describe the areas where cabling is to be supported (under floor, above ceiling, above racks)
Are there cable risers?
Are we able / allowed to take photographs of the cable risers?
Please take photographs of the cable risers
Please describe cable risers
Is any part of the existing infrastructure to be replicated?<br>e.g. existing pathways, cable looking, labelling system
Are we able / allowed to take photographs of the existing infrastructure that is to be replicated?
Please take photographs of the existing infrastructure to be replicated
Describe any parts of the existing infrastructure to be replicated
Installation Details
What are the site working days with start and end times?
- Monday
- Tuesday
- Wednesday
- Thursday
- Friday
- Saturday
- Sunday
Monday start time
Monday end time
Tuesday start time
Tuesday end time
Wednesday start time
Wednesday end time
Thursday start time
Thursday end time
Friday start time
Friday end time
Saturday start time
Saturday end time
Sunday start time
Sunday end time
When does our element of the project start?
When does our element of the project end?
Is the work continuous or phased
What is the duration of the phase?
What is the duration of each phase?
Quote return date
What service does the client require from Data Techniques with respect to Design and Estimating?
As you have selected "Design and Estimating", is there a switching design and other relevant details to enable Data Techniques to design the SCS?
Will the customer send this information to us so we are able to respond in the required timescale?
As you have selected "Design only", is there a switching design and other relevant details to enable Data Techniques to design the SCS?
Will the customer send this information to us so we are able to respond in the required timescale?
As you have selected "Estimating only", would they be willing to supply the SCS information (if applicable) as detailed on our Excel "Connectivity Table" (below) which details information including, source, Destination, U Positions, Quantity, Termination and Link Type etc?
Will all the information detailed in the Connectivity table be provided to us in another format?
It may not be possible to provide fixed pricing without the required information shown in the "Connectivity table", is the customer happy to proceed on this basis?
What format will it be provided in?
As you selected "Other" please indicate what format it will be supplied in?
Structured Cabling Components
Is a Copper SCS required?
Select Manufacturer specified?
- Brand Rex
- CommScope - Systimax
- CommScope - Uniprise
- Excel
- Huber & Suhner
- Panduit - PanNet (MiniCom)
- Other
- No Manufacturer Specified
There is a large cost difference between Manufacturers. Is the customer prepared to share their budget with us to help make the most appropriate selection on SCS?
Please indicate the budget in GBP Pound Sterling
As you have selected "Other" please specify Manufacturer?
Have you selected more than one Manufacturer?
Please indicate the order of preference for the SCS selected and provide any other relevant details
Category / Class required
- Category 5e / Class D
- Category 6 / Class E
- Category 6a / Class Ea
- Category 7 / Class F
- Category 7a / Class Fa
- Category 8 / Class I or II
General notes box for Category / Class
Testing Requirements
Are there any custom procedures required?
Please indicate what the custom procedures are.
Which Networking Protocols are required to be supported now and in the future? e.g. 1000BASE-T, 10GBASE-T etc
Termination method
Patch panel requirements
- Flat
- Angled
- 1RU / 24 Port
- 1RU / 48 Port
- 1RU / 12 cassette
- 4RU / 48 cassette
Have you selected more than one Patch Panel choice?
As you have selected more than one Patch Panel please indicate the sub system location?
Are these Front or Rear-mounted?
Any other details / comments e.g. coloured jacks / labels etc
Please select the relevant Office SCS sub system from list using the "Response" button.<br>Please see below picture examples to assist.
Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3
Figure 4
Please select the relevant Data Centre SCS sub system from list using the "Response" button.<br>Please see below picture examples to assist.
Figure 6
Figure 7
Figure 8
Figure 9
Figure 10
Have you completed the "Connectivity Table" spreadsheet to capture the cabling requirements ?
Please provide an overview description of the cabling requirements
Is a Fibre SCS required?
Select Manufacturer specified?
- Brand Rex
- CommScope - Systimax
- CommScope - Uniprise
- Excel
- Huber & Suhner
- Panduit
- Siemon
- No Manufacturer specified
There is a large cost difference between Manufacturers. Is the customer prepared to share their budget with us to help make the most appropriate selection on SCS?
Please indicate the budget in GBP Pound Sterling
Have you selected more than one Manufacturer?
Please indicate the order of preference for the SCS selected and provide any other relevant details
Optical Fibre Cable type
- OM1 (only advised for compatibility with existing OM1)
- OM2 (should be replaced with OM3)
- OM3
- OM4
- OS1
- OS2
General notes box for Category / Class
Testing Requirements
What are the Custom Test Limits? e.g. 0.5dB connector
Which Networking Protocols are required to be supported now and in the future? e.g. 1000BASE-SR, 10GBASE-SR, 40GBASE-SR4 etc
Termination method
Patch panel requirements
- Flat
- Angled
- 1RU / 24 Port
- 1RU / 48 Port
- 1RU / 12 cassette
- 4RU / 48 cassette
Have you selected more than one Patch Panel type?
As more than one Patch Panel requirement has been selected please note sub system location
Are these Front or Rear-mounted?
Any other details / comments e.g. coloured jacks / labels etc
Please select the relevant Office SCS - Floor Distribution from list using the "Response" button.<br>Please see below picture examples to assist.
Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3
Figure 4
Please select the Data Centre SCS sub system from list using the "Response" button.<br>Please see below picture example to assist.
Figure 6
Figure 7
Figure 8
Figure 9
Figure 10
Please select the Office SCS - Building Distribution from list using the "Response" button.<br>Please see below picture example to assist.
Building Distribution
Please select the Office SCS - Campus Distribution from list using the "Response" button.<br>Please see below picture example to assist.
Campus Distribution
Have you completed the "Connectivity Table" spreadsheet to capture the cabling requirements ?
Please provide an overview description of the cabling requirements
Are new Racks required?
Are the existing racks suitable to support the new hardware / SCS required?
Has the customer been advised that the existing racks are not suitable to support the new hardware?
Are there sufficient free U positions?
Has the customer been advised that there are insufficient free U positions?
Is the existing cable entry large enough to support the new cables?
Is it possible to form a new cable opening?
Has the customer been advised of the situation in regards to the cable issues?
What type of racks are required?
- Cabinets
- Ladders
- Podiums
- Racks
Are lifts suitably sized and able to support the weight of equipment?
Please indicate the height of the lift access
Please indicate the width of the lift access
Please indicate the weight loading of the lift
Is any specialist plant required? (e.g. Stair walkers / cabinet lifters)
What specialist planet is required?
Are Ladders or Podiums required?
Please select which are required
- Ladders
- Podiums
As you have selected "Podiums" please provide the following details
Enter detail including width, height, stabilisers?
What are the working hours? e.g. Monday - Friday 8am-4pm etc
Do you have a preferred Manufacturer / Brand?
Please indicate name of Manufacturer / Brand and Product Group / Part Number
Is there a specification detailing any parts of the work required?
Do we have a copy of the specification?
Have you requested a copy of the specification?
What type of rack? (e.g. cabinet, frame)
- Cabinets
- Open Frames with VCM's
Are the cabinets to be used in conjunction with any air containment?
Select air containment from list
How are the racks to be fitted into position?
Description of works including the number of racks and the layout
Is a new Copper Pathway required?
Is the existing Copper Pathway suitable to support the additional cabling required?
Has the customer been advised that the existing Copper Pathway is not suitable to support the additional cabling required?
Once the additional cabling has been added will the capacity exceed 60% which is considered full?
Has the customer been advised about the capacity issue?
Do the existing Copper and Fibre pathways support diverse routing?
Has the customer been advised about the diverse routing issue?
Is any specialist plant required including MEWPS?
Enter details for specialist plant required including width, height, fuel and wheel covers
Are Ladders or Podiums required?
Please select which are required
- Ladders
- Podiums
As you have selected "Podiums" please provide the following details
Enter detail including width, height, stabilisers?
What are the working hours? e.g. Monday - Friday 8am-4pm etc
Do you have a preferred Manufacturer / Brand?
Please indicate name of Manufacturer / Brand
Is there a specification detailing any parts of the work required?
Do we have a copy of the specification?
Have you requested a copy of the specification?
Overhead or Underfloor pathways?
- Overhead
- Underfloor
As you have selected "Overhead", how is this to be supported?
- Top of racks
- Ceiling
- Existing pathways
Below Finished Floor Level / Above Finished Floor Level
How many tiers are required?
- Basket
- Boxed
- Ladder
- Tray
- Other
As you have selected "Other", please provide details?
- Other size
- FibreRunner 4x4 - Black
- FibreRunner 6x4 - Black
- FibreRunner 12x4 - Black
- FibreRunner 24x4 - Black
- FibreRunner 4x4 - Yellow
- FibreRunner 6x4 - Yellow
- FibreRunner 12x4 - Yellow
- FibreRunner 24x4 - Yellow
- 50mm x 50mm
- 50mm x 100mm
- 50mm x 150mm
- 50mm x 200mm
- 50mm x 250mm
- 50mm x 300mm
- 50mm x 350mm
- 50mm x 400mm
- 50mm x 450mm
- 50mm x 500mm
- 50mm x 550mm
- 50mm x 600mm
- 100mm x 50mm
- 100mm x 100mm
- 100mm x 150mm
- 100mm x 200mm
- 100mm x 250mm
- 100mm x 300mm
- 100mm x 350mm
- 100mm x 400mm
- 100mm x 450mm
- 100mm x 500mm
- 100mm x 550mm
- 100mm x 600mm
- 150mm x 50mm
- 150mm x 100mm
- 150mm x 150mm
- 150mm x 200mm
- 150mm x 250mm
- 150mm x 300mm
- 150mm x 350mm
- 150mm x 400mm
- 150mm x 450mm
- 150mm x 500mm
- 150mm x 600mm
As you have selected "Other" please give size details?
Spill-out type?
- Bottom
- Side
- Other
As you have selected "Other" please provide details for spill-out type?
Have you selected more than one spill out type?
Please note position of each type of spill out.
Description of works
Is a new Fibre Pathway required?
Is the existing Fibre Pathway suitable to support the additional cabling required?
Has the customer been advised that the existing Fibre Pathway is not suitable to support the additional cabling required?
Once the additional cabling has been added will the capacity exceed 60% which is considered full?
Has the customer been advised about the capacity issue?
Do the existing Copper and Fibre pathways support diverse routing?
Has the customer been advised about the diverse routing issue?
Is any specialist plant required including MEWPS?
Enter details for specialist plant required including width, height, fuel and wheel covers
Are Ladders or Podiums required?
Please select which are required
- Ladders
- Podiums
As you have selected "Podiums" please provide the following details
Enter detail including width, height, stabilisers?
What are the working hours? e.g. Monday - Friday 8am-4pm etc
Do you have a preferred Manufacturer / Brand?
Please indicate name of Manufacturer / Brand (e.g. Panduit Fibrerunner)
Is there a specification detailing any parts of the work required?
Do we have a copy of the specification?
Have you requested a copy of the specification?
Overhead or Underfloor pathways?
- Overhead
- Underfloor
As you have selected "Overhead", how is this to be supported?
- Top of racks
- Ceiling
- Existing pathways
Below Finished Floor Level / Above Finished Floor Level
How many tiers are required?
- Basket
- Boxed
- Fibre duct
- Ladder
- Tray
- Other
As you have selected "Other", please provide details?
- Other size
- FibreRunner 4x4 - Black
- FibreRunner 6x4 - Black
- FibreRunner 12x4 - Black
- FibreRunner 24x4 - Black
- FibreRunner 4x4 - Yellow
- FibreRunner 6x4 - Yellow
- FibreRunner 12x4 - Yellow
- FibreRunner 24x4 - Yellow
- 50mm x 50mm
- 50mm x 100mm
- 50mm x 150mm
- 50mm x 200mm
- 50mm x 250mm
- 50mm x 300mm
- 50mm x 350mm
- 50mm x 400mm
- 50mm x 450mm
- 50mm x 500mm
- 50mm x 550mm
- 50mm x 600mm
- 100mm x 50mm
- 100mm x 100mm
- 100mm x 150mm
- 100mm x 200mm
- 100mm x 250mm
- 100mm x 300mm
- 100mm x 350mm
- 100mm x 400mm
- 100mm x 450mm
- 100mm x 500mm
- 100mm x 550mm
- 100mm x 600mm
- 150mm x 50mm
- 150mm x 100mm
- 150mm x 150mm
- 150mm x 200mm
- 150mm x 250mm
- 150mm x 300mm
- 150mm x 350mm
- 150mm x 400mm
- 150mm x 450mm
- 150mm x 500mm
- 150mm x 600mm
As you have selected "Other" please give size details?
Spill-out type?
- Side exit
- Spill-over
- Vertical Tee
- Other
Have you selected more than one spill out type?
Please note position of each type of spill out
As you have selected "Other" please provide details for spill-out type?
Description of works