Title Page

  • Campsite

  • Campsite location

  • Conducted on

  • Name of officer

  • Person(s) spoken to

Stewarding/Security (police licensing to score)

  • Are there appropriate Licences or TEN's for any late night refreshment, sale/supply of alcohol and regulated entertainment?

  • If stewards are performing Licensable activity under the PSIA, are they appropriately licensed for the activity performed eg Manned guards, Door Supervisors*

  • *Stewards carrying out manned guarding duties need to be licensed under the Private Security Industry Act 2001. If they are performing licensable activity where there is a license/TEN in place, they must be Door Supervisors

  • Are Stewards easily identifiable to the public? E.g. displaying their licence, wearing fluorescent tabards*

  • *Stewards carrying out manned guarding or door supervision must display their SIA License at all times

Platinum Criteria

Licensing (if applicable) (police licensing to score)

  • Has the campsite failed any test purchase for underage sales of alcohol in the last 12 months?

  • Are bar staff training records on underage and selling to persons under the influence of alcohol available for inspection?

  • Is there a 'Challenge 21/25' Policy on site?

  • Are 'Challenge 21/25' posters clearly displayed where alcohol is retailed?

  • Platinum Standard Achieved for Licensing (3 out of 4 required)

Crime Prevention (police licensing to score)

  • Are crime prevention posters displayed at the point of entry and other key locations around the site?

  • Where bordering roads, are perimeter fences/hedgerows secure?

  • An incident book is kept up to date with any crimes or incidents that occur and details any action taken. This book is for any incident and not just crime prevention.

  • Are secure safety deposit boxes provided?

  • Are there site security patrols while the site is open to the public?

  • Where CCTV is installed, is it maintained and fully functional with images recorded and retained for 28 days?

  • When campers pre-book, are they warned about not bringing unnecessary valuable items to the campsite?

  • Platinum Standard Achieved for Crime Prevention (6 out of 7 required)


  • Requirements/Recommendations

  • Improvements made during event

  • Any other comments/outstanding requirements

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.