Title Page

  • Premises Name

  • Location
  • Premise Licence Holder

  • Licence Number

  • Conducted on

  • Officer name

  • Licensable Activities (At time of inspection)

External Management

  • Are outside drinking and smoking areas adequately managed/supervised?

  • Are queuing/entry management arrangements adequate for the premises?

  • Are outside areas free of empty glasses, cigarette butts and other litter?

Internal Management

  • Name of the DPS:

  • Is the DPS present?

  • If no DPS is present, is there a personal licence holder on the premises?<br>(this is not a legal requirement) (Personal Licence Holders must produce licence on request)

  • If no personal licence holder on the premises, is there a written consent delegating authority to sell alcohol?<br>(verbal authority is allowed, but written authority is better – preferably a list of authorised persons)

  • Member of staff spoken to during check (Premise Licence Holder/DPS/name of other):

  • Name of person spoken to

  • Is a summary of the premises licence (‘Part B’) displayed prominently, with each page visible?

  • Is there a custody of Premises Licence notice (“Section 57”displayed prominently?<br>(Only required if the premises licence holder is not on the premises)

  • Is the current Premises Licence available for inspection?

  • Is there compliance with premises licence conditions?

  • Specify which conditions are not being complied with

  • Is there an age verification policy advertised to customers?<br>(Challenge 21, Think 25, or similar)

  • Is there evidence of adequate staff licensing training available?<br>(eg responsible alcohol sales, underage prevention, H&S, fire safety, incident reporting)

  • Are all means of escape clearly identifiable, unobstructed and immediately available?

  • Is the premises free of obvious safety equipment defects?<br>(Fire alarm faults, emergency lighting faults, FF equipment missing/out of place/out of date, fire doors closed)

  • Are empty glasses being collected?

  • Is the floor clear of slip and trip hazards?

  • Additional comments

Security Measures

  • Are there door staff on duty?

  • Are the door staff Licensed by SIA?

  • SIA badges on display?

  • Is there an up to date log of door supervisors employed at the premises? (Including full name, full badge number, expiry date and dates and times worked).

  • Are security incident logs maintained?

  • Is CCTV present, operational, with correct date and time?

  • Staff able to work CCTV?<br>(can they demonstrate?)

  • Is there in a system in place to record regular checks and maintenance?

  • Are CCTV warning signs displayed?

  • Is the premises free of unattended property?

  • Are toilets regularly checked and free of signs of illegal drug use?

  • Additional comments


  • Number of customers on premises (approx.)

  • Capacity of premises

  • Are customer numbers adequately monitored?

  • Anyone seen leaving the premises with glasses or bottles?

  • Any obvious signs of intoxication?

  • Any suspected under-aged drinkers?

  • Refusals book in use and available for inspection?

  • Additional comments

Entertainment and Noise

  • Is there excessive music noise emanating from the premises?

  • Is there excessive noise, not caused by music, emanating from the premises?

  • Additional comments

Visit outcome

  • Visit outcome

  • Referral required?

  • Recommended licensing risk rating

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.