Title Page

  • Event Name

  • Location
  • Conducted on:

  • Time of Arrival:

  • Persons Seen/Spoken to:

  • Officer:

  • Time of Departure:

Event Visit Form

Observations on Arrival

  • Any signs of site congestion?

  • Other observations

Event Control

  • • Who is in charge overall of the event?

  • • Who is responsible for making key decisions such as when to stop the event or call the emergency services?

  • • Means of communication across the site? (radios, who has them, etc, is public address system working and is it adequate).


  • Are security/stewards obvious as you walk around. Do they appear vigilant?

  • • How many security are there on site?

  • • How do they record who is on site and licensed? (should be a log that includes details of SIA registration)

  • • How do they record incidents – have they had any yet?

  • • How do they allocate security?

Fire Safety

  • Any obvious fire risks

  • Can you see fire blankets/extinguishers?

  • • Are there any issues that may prevent the emergency services

  • • Any issues that are likely to cause a problem should emergency services need to attend?

  • ASK – Have the fire brigade visited? Are they on site?

First aid arrangements

  • Can you find them easily?

  • Speak to Paramedics and First Aiders – Have had any issues or have any concerns?

  • Record numbers (compare with EMP)

Lost children point

  • Visit lost children point.

  • Is it obvious to members of the public?

  • Check arrangements as per EMP.

  • Look out for any unaccompanied children whilst walking around.

Toilet provision

  • Is the location obvious?

  • Is provision for disabled guests?

  • Are there adequate provisions?

Waste provision

  • Check bins are sufficient, not overflowing and no obvious signs of excess litter.


  • • Are there obvious risks e.g. unguarded cooking facilities/hot services that could be reached by guests, particularly children?

  • Check fire fighting is available. Are they in test date? (will usually say in the label when next service is due, and pressure gauges should be in the green if they have one, and pins in place)

Rides and Entertainment

  • Any obvious hazards? Any concerns?

Animal Activities

  • Were any animal exhibits present

  • Was the Licence present? Which authority is it issued by? What is the Licence number?

  • Was a risk assessment available for the event upon request?

  • Are there emergency procedures in place?

  • Was a transport log available? How far have they travelled?

  • Are animals handled by members of the public? What control measures in place? E.g. Are there signs, hand washing, supervision?

  • Any animal welfare concerns?

  • Are barriers secure?

  • Enough water within reach/adequate cover etc?

  • Are information signs on display?

  • What types of animals were there?


  • Any signs of drunkenness/disorderly conduct/underage drinking?

  • Check refusals book in place – any there any entries?

  • Is challenge 25 notices displayed?

  • Can you locate the DPS and do they have their personal licence?

  • Check mandatory measures available eg half pints, 125ml measures of wine and 25/35 ml of main spirits


  • undefined

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.