Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
TRA located on the job and its location known
TRA signed by the employees before the task was started
Employees involved in the development of the TRA
TRA signed onto (today) by the employees doing the task
Has the TRA been reviewed weekly by the supervisor?<br>Signed, dated, reviewed and registered
TRA task steps consistent with the activity being carried out & applicable for the area? Ask person to explain the task.
Does the TRA identify task specific requirements including: Personnel, Equipment, Tools, Process Controls, Permits, PPE, etc.
Hazards identified in the TRA consistent with the task and area?
Hazard controls identified, adequate & implemented?
Are responsibilities clearly identified?
Are chemical hazardous substances being used on site listed on the TRA?
Had a take 5 been completed for the task?
Specific means of communication been identified?
Do the employees carrying out the work hold the appropriate certification/qualification?
Is the mobile plant nominated correct, in good working order, with daily inspection records available?
General comments: