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Inspection Items 1


  • 1. There is a clear Food Safety policy that is cascaded and implemented to all employees including executives, managers, supervisors, rank and file, and on-call employees.

  • 2. Organization has a documented Food Safety Management System


  • 3. Commissary is located away from farms and/or fish ponds.

  • 4. Commissary is located away from any chemical or hazardous material source facility.

  • 5. Commissary is located away from sewage or garbage management area.

  • 6. Commissary is located in a flood-free area.

Personnel Hygiene

  • 7. All food handlers, both regular and on-call employees, have their respective health certificates issued by the local health authority.

  • 8. Health condition of all employees are checked before they are deployed to their respective areas.

  • 9. Personal grooming and cleanliness of all employees are checked before operations.

  • 10. Suitable PPE is provided and properly used by everyone in the kitchen.

  • 11. There is a clear policy on immediate reporting of injury and/or illness.

  • 12. Food handlers are not eating, drinking, chewing gum or candy, smoking, vaping inside and/or near preparation areas.

  • 13. Food handlers practice proper handwashing in between tasks. (Observe)

  • 14. There is a clear policy on visitors and non-F&B employees in preparation areas.

Infrastructure and Equipment

  • 15. There are designated changing rooms for the employees. It is clean, well-maintained, and free from any putrid odor.

  • 16. Restrooms are located away from food preparation areas. It is clean, well-maintained, and free from any putrid odor.

  • 17. Handwashing facilities are accessible and clean, and free of utensils and food.

  • 18. Handwashing stations include hand soap, hand sanitizer, drying amenity, and trash bin.

  • 19. Floors are made with impervious materials and free from any form of damage.

  • 20. Walls are made from impervious materials and free from any form of damage.

  • 21. Walls and partitions are constructed to an appropriate height.

  • 22. Ceiling is made from impervious materials and free from any form of damage.

  • 23. There are no signs of a clogged drainage.

  • 24. The facility have separate rooms for processing raw materials and cooked food items.

  • 25. Adequate lighting inside preparation areas. (540 lux)

  • 26. Light fixtures are enclosed in an intact diffuser cover. It is clean, and free from any dead insects.

  • 27. Availability of sufficient hot potable water for the operations.

  • 28. Doors are tightly fixed and free from any rust or damage.

  • 29. Windows are tightly fixed and constructed with insect-proof screens.

  • 30. Use of stainless steel food-contact surfaces.

  • 31. Adequate ventilation is provided in food preparation and storage areas. Air temperature is kept between 16-21°C.

  • 32. Indoor air quality follows the minimum standards set by the US EPA.

  • 33. All equipment are free of non-flaking, non-corrosive, and non-reacting materials.

  • 34. All equipment are cleaned and sanitized in between uses.

  • 35. Preventive maintenance of equipment facilites are done regularly.

  • All equipment parts are intact and free from rust and/or molds.

Inspection Items 2


  • 37. Freezer units are holding food at ≤-18°C.

  • 38. Chiller units are holding food ar ≤4°C..

  • 39. Doors of storage units are clean and well-fitted.

  • 40. All glass breakages (including ceramics) are recorded.

  • 41. Dry storage areas are free from leaks or spills.

  • 42. Chemicals are stored away from food handling area.

  • 43. Dry goods are stored away from the floors, walls, and ceiling.

  • 44. There is an established procedure on inventory management that applies FIFO method.

  • 45. Cleaning schedule of all storage areas are being followed.

  • 46. There is sufficient control to prevent physical/chemical contamination.

  • 47. Stored goods are tightly covered and properly labeled.

Food Preparation

  • 48. Raw materials are prepared away from fresh produce and cooked food products.

  • 49. Ready-to-eat raw materials are washed and sanitized (i.e. fruits, vegetables, garnishes)

  • 50. Thawing is done inside chillers, or defrosting cabinets. Defrosted items are not refrozen.

Time and Temperature Control

  • 50. Temperature of food items is documented in all processes - receiving, storing, preparation, cooking, cooling, dispatch, transportation, and serving.

  • 51. Set of temperature monitoring equipment are calibrated on an annual basis.

Cleaning and Sanitation

  • 52. There is an established cleaning and sanitation program that is being followed.

  • 53. Cleaning of cleaning tools is done every after use.

  • 54. Cleaning and sanitation is performed to an acceptable standard. Monitoring is done by a competent supervisor.

  • 55. Facilities are free from flying insects.

  • 56. Facility is free from any pest activity (e.g. no droppings, insect bodies, fur, feathers, product damage, gnaw marks)

  • 57. No sign of pest-entry points in all areas.

  • 58. No live animals within the vicinity of the commissary.

  • 59. There is an established pest control program that is cascaded to all employees.

  • 60. Garbage bins are covered and are placed away from food preparation areas.

  • 61. External wasting holding area is clean and organized.

  • 62. Garbage bins are properly labeled.

  • 63. Commissary has a functional materials recovery facility (MRF).

  • 64. Organization has a documented Waste Management Plan. It is cascaded, implemented, and verified on regular basis.

  • 65. There is a clear procedure on handling food waste. It is not distributed nor donated for animal feed purposes.

  • 66. There is a clear procedure on handling hazardous materials.

Inspection Items 3


  • 67. Refrigerated transport is capable of maintaining product temperature within specification under maximum load.

  • 68. All food items are pre-cooled prior to loading in the delivery truck.

  • 69. Food items are protected from external contamination during transportation.

  • 70. Cleaning of vehicle is done every after use.

  • 71. Vehicle maintenance is done regularly.

  • 72. Delivery vehicle interior is intact, free from any damage, and has no signs of pest infestation.

Allergen Control

  • 73. There is an established procedure on handling food items with allergens. It is cascaded to all stakeholders.


  • 74. All employees, both regular and on-call, are appropriately trained on the Food Safety Management System of the organization.

  • 75. All new employees receive food safety induction training.

Other Food Safety-Related Concerns

  • 76. Retention samples are collected and stored for validation purposes.

  • 77. There is an existing traceability procedure and mock recalls are being done to verify effectiveness.

  • 78. There is an executed action plan for every food-related incident.

Supplier Management

  • 80. There is an existing supplier management program where regular audits are being done.

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.