
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Catering Supplier

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Contact Personnel

Food Safety

Food Safety Management System

  • Is there a documented food safety management system based on HACCP principles?

  • Is the Catering Unit HACCP certified?

  • Certification Body & the validity

  • Image of the HACCP Certificate

  • Is there a verification Programme for the HACCP system?

  • Is corrective action taken when necessary and recorded ?

  • Training: is there a job-related food safety training program for employees and management? <br>( Induction and refresher training, tests are included and training records are available for each member of the staff)

  • Is there a documented procedure for effective receipt, recording and management of food safety related complaints? <br>- Investigations are carried out and recorded.<br>- Action to prevent recurrence is taken and recorded

Product Recall Procedure

  • Is there a documented product recall procedure in place?

  • Is the Procedure tested to ensure preparedness and effectiveness? <br>

  • When was last tested?

Personal Hygiene

  • Are uniforms suitable,clean and correctly worn?

  • Is there a company rule regarding jewelry based on risk assessment?

  • Are toilets and changing rooms clean and well maintained?

  • Whenever possible, are tools(including gloves) used for portioning of food to minimize direct food contact?

  • When worn, are disposable gloves changed after being used for unclean handling processes?

  • Are there First Aid Boxes available in the working areas?

Supplier Approval

  • Is there an effective approval process for high risk, ready to eat food suppliers?

Food Handling

  • CCP 1: Are food deliveries checked on receipt from suppliers,to include temperature, expiry date,packaging & quality checks? <br>( All checks should be documented, including batch numbers as applicable)

  • Are raw & processed food separated throughout the process(delivery,storage,thawing,cooking,cooling, handling & dispatch)? <br>( This includes using of separate equipment for raw & cooked food - scales, cleaning cloths,chopping boards,slicing machines)

  • CCP 2: Is there a food temperature control system for safe storage of potentially hazardous foods? <br>(Chilled food: Surface temperature 5C / 41F) <br>Are records kept and corrective action taken, when critical limit is not met?

  • Are foods covered to protect from contamination?

  • Is there a robust control system to ensure that food is consumed within its shelf-life? <br>Are foods date -marked or color coded and correctly rotated (no out-of-date foods)?<br>Are food containers labelled with product names?

  • Is there a process,which controls in-house freezing of products?

  • Is thawing performed in such a way, that prevents the growth of pathogens and cross-contamination (e.g. Under refrigeration)? <br>- Product is in sealed packaging if thawed in water.<br>- Product surface temperature is monitored and recorded when thawed outside of refrigeration.<br>- Product surface temperature: Target 8C/46F

  • Is there a documented process for Fruit & Vegetable washing and sanitizing? <br>- Each batch of raw vegetables & fruits are washed in clean and potable water or suitable alternative, with records kept.<br>- Where permitted, sanitizer with correct concentration is used with records kept.<br>- Appropriate segregation of washed and unwashed products.

  • CCP 3: Are foods cooked to safe core temperature with records kept? <br>- Refer to CCP 2 of WFSG for minimum cook core temperature requirements.

  • CCP 4: Are foods cooled safely? Food core temperature is reduced from <br>- 60 C/140 F to 10 C / 50 F in 4 hours OR 60 C/ 140F to 5 C/ 41F in 6 hours, provided it reaches 21C / 70 F in 2 hours.<br>- Records must be kept and corrective action should be taken, when critical limits are not met.

  • CCP 5: is the ambient temperature less than or equal to 5 C/41F during dishing, handling, preparation or trays being set up and are records kept & corrective action taken, when necessary? <br>

  • Are outer packaging material minimized in the production areas to prevent contamination of food? Is decanting carried out,prior to to entering production areas?


  • Are food preparation equipment and food contact surfaces made from food grade and non-porous material?<br>Are the equipment and food contact surfaces clean and in good condition?

  • Are measuring equipment used to monitor CCPs and SOPs Identified and calibrated minimum annually with records kept?

  • Are the temperatures of refrigerators marinated to maximum 5C and monitoring procedures in place?

  • Are Refrigerators clean and neat?

  • Are the temperatures of freezers maintained to maximum -18C and monitoring procedures in place ? <br>Is corrective actions recorded and implemented, when required?

  • Are freezers kept clean and organized?

  • Are ice machines and scoops clean and well maintained ? <br>( Scoops should not be left inside the ice machine)

Cleaning and Sanitizing

  • Is there a documented cleaning and sanitizing program for food contact and non-food contact surfaces in place?

  • Are there food grade detergents and sanitizers available in all work areas ?<br>Is there a separate store for chemicals with chemicals correctly labelled ?

  • Pot Wash / Dishwash <br>Thermal Sanitizing: Do equipment washing machines achieve surface temperature of 71C/160F or final rinse temperature of 82C/180F? <br>Is final rinse temperature monitored and recorded at the beginning of each shift by reading temperature display or by using thermo label ? <br>

  • Chemical Sanitizing: Does manual washing procedure include a disinfection step?<br>Is chemical concentration monitored and recorded?

  • Are washed equipment visually clean?

  • Are clean equipment and utensils stored in a way which ensures quick drying and prevents cross contamination ? <br>(Where possible, racking should be used)

Premises - Catering Unit Structure, Size, Layout and Design

  • Does the unit size and layout permit effective segregation between clean and unclean materials and processes?

  • Does the building design permit effective cleaning and tidiness?

  • Are the floors, walls and ceilings have smooth and washable surfaces ?

  • Are floors, walls and ceilings clean and well maintained ?

  • Are floor drains open, clean and with grates?

  • Are all areas in the unit well lit?

  • Is ventilation adequate to prevent excessive rises in air temperature ?

  • Are all areas in the unit clean and tidy, no visible dirt and debris?

  • Hand wash facilities: are there hand wash facilities in each area with hot water, filled soap dispenser and single use towels ?

  • Are signs for hand washing suitably placed ?

  • Are hand washing facilities correctly used ?

  • Are there adequate chiller and freezer space available?

  • How much space available?

Pest Control

  • Is there an effective And documented pest management program?

  • Is the building properly proofed to prevent access of flying and crawling pests?

  • Is there a unit plan indicating bait locations, list and type of eradication devices, list of approved insecticides/pesticides and material safety data available

Waste Disposal

  • Are waste bins well maintained,emptied and cleaned when necessary ?

  • Are lidded waste bins foot operated ?

  • Is waste collection area clean and well maintained ?

  • Is the waste collection area covered and/or enclosed to deter pest activity?

Control of Physical contamination

  • Is there a documented , risk assessment based control measures to prevent physical contamination eg. Glass breakage ?

Halal Compliance

Source and Import of Raw Material

  • Are the countries that food products are exported from, accredited by local Islamic Authority?

  • Is the Catering Supplier Halal certified? <br>

  • Are Halal products transported or shipped in Halal/hygienic manner?

Raw Material Handling Upon receipt

  • Are there proper signage and coding to control contamination?

  • Are sensitive items adhering to Halal requirement?

  • Is the goods receiving area clean and safe?

Storage of Raw Material

  • Are the food items stored above the floor level?

  • Are the frozen/chilled items stored at correct temperature? <br>( -18C / +5C )

  • Are non halal, toxic and intoxicating materials stored separately?

  • Is FIFO in place and being practiced?

Processing, Packing and Setting

  • Are the production areas clean and safe?

  • Is there a consistent control in Halal processing procedure?

  • Are food processed under Halal compliance ?

  • Is the packaging area clean, safe and Halal compliant?

  • Is the labeling of meal carts & ovens with Flight Number & Date carried out, before storage in final holding room?

  • Are the food production machines and equipment clean and sanitized?

Washing of Dirty Equipment

  • Is the Pot wash area clean and safe?

  • Is there a segregation of equipment according to the airline?



  • Are there digital scales available at the Production stage to ensure recipe accuracy and at assembly/portioning stage?

  • Are the scales calibrated internally on monthly basis with records and corrective actions kept? <br>Are they formally calibrated on a yearly basis with documentation available ?

  • Are food specifications available to use at all food production stage, including any recent revisions?

  • Do staff understand and adhere to the food specifications at each production stage?

  • Is there a color coding / date coding in operation to ensure no out of date food products used in production ?

  • Are temperature controls in place in all areas where food is in ready to eat or reheat stage, including tray set up?

  • Are specifications available and adhered by the staff at Tray Set up?

  • Is there adequate space in the Production areas? (Hot kitchen, cold kitchen, dishing)

  • Is there adequate space in the Tray set up area?

Supply Chain

Inventory Management

  • Is there a clear process in place to identify customer airline equipment in all areas in the Catering Unit? <br>( Airline owned equipment are segregated from each other, and not mixed up)

  • Is there a secure storage space available to store Emirates stocks in safely & securely?

  • What's capacity allocated to Emirates? How many pallets?

  • Is there adequate storage space for cabin cleaning/dressing items, if required?

  • Is there a established Stock Recording system in place?

  • Is the Stock Recording System up to date & accurate? <br>( Must record movement of receipts, issues with date of transaction, opening & closing balances consistently )

  • What system is in place? ( Automated/Bin Cards)

  • Are customer airline equipment stored in designated areas, which is clean, pest free, secure and lockable ?

  • Is the airline bulk stores/warehouse appear organized?

  • Are there evidence to ensure compliance of inventory management system/control ?<br>( No stock build ups)

  • Are there evidence to ensure that customer airline stocks are reported timely & accurately to the Airline HQ? <br>( Check evidence for taking stock counts and submission of Monthly Stock Returns timely & accurately)

  • Is there a procedure /process in place to ensure "FIRST IN FIRST OUT' ?

  • Is there a process in place to ensure equal exchange of equipment is carried out on customer airlines? <br>(Any short loading must be reported promptly to the relevant station )

  • Is there a process in place to ensure any excess stocks are returned to the airline HQ?

  • Physical Stock Verification: Does the the physical stocks verified, tally the recorded balance in the stock control system?

  • Items checked & Findings

  • What documentation is required to receive shipments and store Emirates good in the warehouse?

  • Who does the clearance of the airline catering equipment?

  • What is the lead time for shipment clearance?

  • Does the Catering Supplier accept shipments bulk loaded in the sea container ( not on pallets ) ?

Equipment Handling & Packing

  • Can the Catering Supplier allocate dedicated area in the working float,that will be used to store and pack Emirates flights?

  • How much space, will be allocated?

  • Is there adequate space in the working float area and well organized?

  • Are the customer packing specifications available, up to date, understood & followed? <br>( Checks to be done on a selection of carts) <br>

  • Are the airline equipment handle safely with care? <br>( carts, containers & drawers)

  • Are the packed carts & containers clearly labelled?

  • Are the deadheading procedures consistently followed?

  • Glassware: Cleanliness & condition of Glassware up to acceptable standard?

  • Chinaware: Cleanliness & condition of Chinaware up to acceptable standard ?

  • Cutlery: Cleanliness & condition of Cutlery up to acceptable standards?

  • Carts/Containers/ Drawers/Oven Racks: are cleanliness maintained ?

  • Equipment storage area: are clean equipment segregated from dirty/used equipment ?

  • Are the clean equipment storage above the floor level (25cm)?

  • Is the Cutlery packing carried out in-house?

  • If subcontracted , what controls are in place to ensure, stock given out, is received back in full?

  • Is laundry of airline linen carried out in-house?

  • If subcontracted, what controls are in place to ensure, quantities given out,is received back in full?

Bonded Store

  • Is there a customs approved Bond?

  • Can the Catering Supplier provide a dedicated area for Emirates Dry Stores/Bar packing?

  • Are customer packing specifications available, up to date, understood & followed?

  • Are records consistently maintained for stock movements?

  • Is inventory regularly performed and records maintained ?

  • Are carts & containers clearly labelled?

  • Are inbound checks carried out and documented ?

  • Is Bonded Store clean & well maintained?

  • Is the storage of bonded items above the floor level?

  • Are there facilities to chill Bar Trolleys before dispatch?

  • Is the Beverage Chiller temperature maintained to +7C /+45F?


Dispatch, Transportation & Loading

  • Is there a established Ramp Safety Procedure in place? <br>( Documented, available & up to date)!

  • Is Airbus A380 Upper Deck Catering Truck operations included in the Ramp Safety Procedures?

  • Has there been good Ramp Safety Performance for last 2 years?

  • No of Aircraft accidents/safety incidents (if any).

  • Is there an effective Ramp Safety Program in place for Transportation staff?

  • Is there an Annual re-training maintained and recorded?

  • Are the Galley Diagrams/ Loading Lists available to Loading staff and up to date?

  • Is there a formal crew handover checklist/documentation?

  • Briefly explain the Process

  • Is there a product check carried out by a catering supervisor and crew on board to ensure all products are loaded to the specification and in correct quantities?

  • Are Galley Diagrams/Loading Lists/Labels correlating ?

  • Are there adequate Catering Trucks available to service scheduled Emirates flights?

  • Are there adequate Catering Trucks available to service any off scheduled flights with MGT?

  • Total Number of Trucks

  • Are Catering trucks/vehicles clean, in good condition & well maintained?

  • What is the average age of Catering Trucks?

  • Is there a preventive maintenance program in place for Catering Trucks and records maintained?

  • Are carts & containers stored safely and orderly inside the Catering Trucks?

  • Is the outbound ramp area clean and well maintained?

  • How many outbound loading bays in operation?

  • Is the inbound ramp area clean and well maintained?

  • How many inbound off-loading bays in operation?

  • Has there been a good On Time Performance of loading for last 2 years ?

  • No of delays due to catering / delay minutes

  • Is the Warewash area clean and organized?

  • How many Dishwash machines are available & operational?

Meal Order Processing

  • How long in advance meal orders should be placed & preferred more of communication?

  • How many meal top ups can you supply at STD Minus 60 minutes, without a flight delay?

A380 Upper Deck Catering Trucks

  • Are there any Upper Deck catering trucks in the fleet?

  • Catering Truck manufacturer/ supplier?

  • Are Upper Deck Catering Trucks meet IATA AHMED 926 functional specifications?

  • Are the Upper Deck Catering Trucks meet most essential safety features, that are required to prevent any accidents, involving van body? <br>( Handover a copy and Discuss A380 Upper Deck Catering Truck specific audit requirements document)

  • Do the A380 Upper Deck Catering Hi Loaders compliant to the requirement that, they SHOULD NOT drop to lower than 700cm at any stage, when in the forward loading position?


Security & Unit Access

  • Is perimeter entry controlled into the Catering Unit to include verification of visitors and deliveries, prior to obtaining access?

  • Is there 24 hours external door security in place?

  • Is there a door entry procedure in place for staff,visitors and deliveries into the Catering unit buildings and adhered to?

  • Are catering carts and containers security checked, prior to dispatch?

  • Who carries out the security checks?

  • Are the carts and containers sealed, after security check and prior to dispatch?

  • Is the seal numbers recorded?

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