Document No.
School Name
Date assessed
Name of the person conducting the assessment.
Classroom and teaching staff details - on the day of the assessment
Staff details of other staff members who where involved in the assessment process.
Quality Area 1 - Educational program and practice
Standard 1.1 An approved learning framework informs the development of the curriculum that enchanters each child's learning and development
Element 1.1 <br>Curriculum decision making contributes to each child's learning and development outcomes in relation to their identity, connection with community, well being, confidence as learners and effectiveness as communicators.
Element 1.1.2 <br>Each child's current knowledge, ideas, culture, abilities and interests are the foundations of the program.
Element 1.1.3 <br>The program, including routines, is organised in ways that maximise opportunities or each child's learning.
Element 1.1.4<br>The documentation about each child's program and progress is available to families
Element 1.1.5<br>Every child is supported to participate in the program.
Element 1.1.6<br>Each child's agency is promoted, enabling them to make choices and decisions and to influence events and their world.
Standard 1.2 Educators and co-ordinators are focused, active and reflective in designing and delivering the program for each child.
Element 1.2.1<br>Each child's learning and development is assessed as part of an ongoing cycle of planning, documentation and evaluation.
Element 1.2.2<br>Educators respond to children's ideas and play and use intentional teaching to scaffold and extend each child's learning
Element 1.2.3<br>Critical
Element 1.2.4